Work Text:
I have a huge love of videogame background music, and I feel like any game-related experience is better when the BGM is involved. As such, I've got a "plain" version of the podfic with only a little music as an intro and outro, but I've also got a shinier BGM version that has tracks from the game itself underlaid within the body of the work. Please do drop me a comment if you find that the BGM adds (or subtracts) from your enjoyment c:
Fic: The Ragged Edge by icarus_chained (Length: 26:14)
Click to stream, or right click to download:
2) Shiny ( BGM)
Intro and Outro Music: Nature Boy by Nat King Cole
BGM is a mix of: Wandering, The Blasted Forest; Wandering, The City; Lone Wandering; In This Together; The Commonwealth