Collections including whisper, writings, warmth.
3 Collections
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Eatbook's Cherished and wanting more All Fandoms (Cherished_and_wanting_more_All_Fandoms) by Eatbook_Hoshi_Sora
28 Jul 2022
Fics from all fandoms I've read. Those that I'd want to reread later on, those that I'm awaiting an update for, and those that left me hungry for more like them.
It's also a way to stop wondering if I've read this very good fic with thousands of kudos already or not, it drives me crazy sometimes to not be sure and think something is familiar, but maybe it's just similar.
Most of these fics are quality fics. At least a handful of these blew my mind, be it with the character development, world building, or something else.
Others made me forget I was even simply reading in the first place.
A dozen of these changed my life. What I experienced through them turned my world upside down a couple times.Is this like a love letter to all their authors? Maybe. A platonic love at least.
To those that write: never stop.
To those that read: keep doing it.
And to the ones that do both: words are powerful.(Open, Moderated)
A place to put and organize all the fanfics that I like!
(Closed, Unmoderated)
Why...(°ロ°) ! (pages and pages of google docs links)░(°◡°)░ (Whynotearlier) by AlicedaHatter
27 Feb 2023
(Open, Moderated)