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Name: Amamiya Ren
Location: Cafe Leblanc
Keyword: Theatre"Welcome to the Phantom's Theatre."
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LO CH 13
anther nodded along, following Mona’s train of thought. “So we need to be keep in mind which people Ren hangs out with.” Mona smiled giddily. “Correct Lady Ann, any of them could pose a future roadblock here.”
Skull sighed, all this Metaverse talk flying over his head. He idly looked back at the theatre door, but paused when he realised something strange. “For real?”
Fox looked in the same direction, curious what caught his compatriot’s attention. “Oh… That’s odd.” After the two’s exclamation, the rest of the group stopped and looked back as well.
“Where did the theatre go?” Noir asked, surprised by the complete disappearance of the Temperance theatre. Both the doors and even the plaque on the wall had vanished, almost as if it disappeared the moment they turned their backs.
Panther looked to Mona, questioning. “What does this mean for Re-”
She was cut short by the sharp sound of gunshots. The group were quick to shift into battle positions as two bullets punctured a nearby armchair, one of its pillow bursting in an explosion of feathers.
“I think we’ve been spotted! Get to the safe room!” Queen yelled, taking steps towards the end of the hallway opposite the bullets’ origin, revolver at the ready.
The thieves immediately started running, their steps followed by more gunshots, the bullets either just flying past them or embedding in random furniture. Queen sent back return fire, covering her compatriots’ escape.
Once the group turned the corner, Queen peered down the hallway once last time, trying to identify the shooter, before giving up and joining the retreat.
Moments passed before a set of footsteps, hushed by the carpet, sounded down the far end of the hallway. Stopping where the Temperance theatre’s entrance once stood, the Shadow of Joker glared at the wall before turning his gleaming yellow eyes down the hallway to where the Phantom Thieves fled.
“Another loss.” He murmured, as he stored away his pistol.
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