Collections including A Marriage of Convienance
3 Collections
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One of subcollections from Anime Manga Wonderland by mrszala.
This collection is about Naruto fanfiction stories that i like.
for which pairing? just enter and see ~
i hope you can enjoy it too! XD(Open, Moderated)
Magic is might. At least in fanon. Generally Hermione-Centric stories. Might include a healthy dose of Weasley/Dumbledore bashing. Last but not least, stories where the grey faction shine, where the House of Slytherin is redeemable.
Pairings might include almost everyone (DM, SS, TMR|LV, LM, AD, TR, TN, RB, RL); generally Slytherins though, definitely no Ron pairing.
Completed. Might include crossovers.
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