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The way it was supposed to be

Chapter 9: Epilogue

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Sebastian stood at the edge of his balcony, watching the sun reflect off the water. The sound of the waterfall always soothed the edges of his mind. Though now nothing could center him. By all accounts Lydia had defeated Corypheus. He could not stop thinking of her, the night they’d shared, the way they’d parted, the promises they could not make. His place was in Starkhaven, hers was in Skyhold. 

Still, he’d heard from her in letters. He’d missed her teasing and the way she always made him feel promised for greatness. Despite her differences with Elthina, she had given the woman some credit for the way he’d turned out. But Lydia’s friendship had shaped him too, provided a warm place to lay out his concerns, his doubts. He never told her he loved her for fear of overstepping. She was a Chantry Sister, and he had no right to expect anything more. It had been a revelation; she thought him hung up on Hawke. A “young buck” chasing Hawke across Kirkwall. In hindsight he had been taken in by the appeal of it, lured by the promise of action, enabling him to delay the inevitable.  

Sebastian sighed, turning back to his room. It may be some time before he held her again. Every passing day meant one day less apart, and he knew deep in his heart they were meant to find their way to one another. He thanked Andraste as often as he could.  

There was a knock against his door. Likely Granger with an urgent task. He pushed back the melancholic thoughts and crossed the room, opening the heavy door with a touch more strength than necessary. 

Lydia stood outside, pack over her shoulder, a glint in her eyes. Relief flooded his veins and he picked her up in a flash, spinning Lydia around the room with delight. 

“Sebastian!” she laughed, voice lifting his spirits. He set her down, but was not willing to let her go. “Are you surprised?” she asked, breathlessly.

He chuckled, brushing hair back from her face. “You cannot tell?”

Lydia kissed him, eager and urgent, and he kissed her back just as desperately. This was the way it was supposed to be.