Chapter Text
So this fic is definitely finished and I’m not adding any more chapters but I commissioned artwork of the prom scene from a friend (bevanmulholland on tumblr) and I just had to share it here because I’m losing my shit over it
So this fic is definitely finished and I’m not adding any more chapters but I commissioned artwork of the prom scene from a friend (bevanmulholland on tumblr) and I just had to share it here because I’m losing my shit over it
HonestlyClearVoid, bunnyjpeg, Raph_100, Altairah, dolldevil, GreasyLocks, Norella27, BlueHaru7, akiirameta, TheDokster, EdenAlix, allisterain, MasenTickless, TreeWithADayJob, almathepalma, StrikeShark636, Mentis50, equallyinvalid, jeongshaven, Susmumriken, PrixSean, netherwart, snowfallinspring, bubuchuu, ph7soy, Presagiador, Nyxpheus, dredredre, hannahrose_med, Bryce97, pirzlikesreading, ChopStyle, Lilykillco, thats_rosegold, xTheJackalx, Aeternam_Deo, DarthFangirl, Joonie1209, ezolenta, WolfBro, coriallia, AndrewJohnston, Jupiterlore05, BewitchingNotes, singing_sunflowers, ShawnRust, Chara, Butterscotch_Tears, Haven_Lights, gaywriterbitch, and 157 more users as well as 237 guests left kudos on this work!