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Congratulations by Potix
Fandoms: Star Wars Original Trilogy, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)
12 Jul 2020
“You know what makes me so angry, Erso?” he asked her, and Jyn was tempted to answer honestly “The fact that the woman you’ve fallen in love with, despite you usually spend most of the time you’re sober denying it, is spending three quarters of her day, every damn day, talking to, and laughing with, and touching the man I’ve fallen in love with?” , but she wasn’t ready (or simply drunk enough) to say it aloud, so she decided to snort a simple “What, Solo?”, that she hoped sounded disinterested enough to make him finally stop.
Unfortunately, the smuggler seemed to be in a really sharing mood that day, because he sighed, before saying “The fact that they look so perfect together… Just look at them, Erso, and try to deny it”.