Collections including Timely Arrival
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Crossroads writings (Minionswritings) by timepiece, Jilly James (Jilly), keiramarcos
22 Jan 2023
A collection of fic written by people on the Crossroads and Just Write Discord servers run by Keira Marcos (or anyone associated with any of Keira's communities, not just Discord), conveniently gathered in one place. Started with everything in The Little Black Dress Collection, the Rough Trade Collection, the Rough Trade Workshop Challenge Responses collection, the Quantum Bang collection, the Just Write! Fluff Bingo collection, and other works by those authors, and now has any work by any of Keira's people. You know who you are.
If you know you fit here, add your stuff - it's unmoderated. I don't recognize everyone's name, and I didn't add all the other works of everyone in those collections, just because the time involved was getting lengthy. But anyone who knows what I'm talking about is welcome to add any of their own works, whether from the above challenges or not.
We also have members who do not post to Ao3, and (some of) their sites have been added as bookmarks, as well as the main challenges the community posts in.
(Open, Unmoderated)
(Closed, Moderated)
The Big Short Challenge is hosted on the Rough Trade's forum, the Workshop.
(Open, Unmoderated)