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It's the night before the last day of Laver cup 2019. The last moments before Rafa has to go and marry someone else, even though his heart belongs to a specific swiss man. It's not exactly a goodbye, but it hurts like one.
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Roger and Rafa have long standing affair, are in love. Trying to control themselves during laver cup 19, have to be careful... not supposed to sleep together but do on last night. Roger very anxious he's losing rafa--he's about to get married. Both privately regretting not being brave enough to commit to each other--rafa telling roger in spanish that he wishes he was marrying him, loves him the most, is sorry they were too afraid; roger realizing that there is no life he wants more than one with rafa and wishes he had told him not to get married before it was too late... but they don't keep this to themselves, nothing changes, LC ends, rafa goes home to get married.