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i am not there (deleted scenes and other bits)

Chapter 4: In Which You Know About Wagons


(But the writer most certainly doesn't)


Follows from chapter four of "i am not there." Takes place while Barry's fixing Lila's wagon and chatting with her husband.

Chapter Text

He keeps you company while you work. Lila had errands to run in town, and had roped her husband into coming with her down from the local temple. You ask him who he worships. The Raven Queen, he says. The Lady of Memories and Ruler of Necromancers. You think you look confused, because he continues.
“Really?” he says. “You’ve truly never heard of her?” You shrug from your place under the wagon. [How the fuck do wagons work].

“She sounds familiar-” you pause to tighten a bolt- “but nothing I can remember.” That’s not quite true. You have some memory associated with the name- falling rocks, yellow-green poison, and exploding pocket lint.

… You’re pretty sure that last one is just an artifact of whatever it was that screwed up your head, though.

The guy continues talking, oblivious to your thoughts.
“Strange, that,” he says. “Most people I meet out here at least have heard of her. Death’s a common thing out here.” Something in you shudders at that.

“Don’t have to tell me twice,” you mutter before clambering out from under the wagon and testing the wheel. This time, it stays in place as you spin it, and you cautiously lower the wagon back onto the ground. It moves easily now.

You relax and grin at the priest. “That should hold it for awhile.”

He gives you a grateful smile. “Thank you. Is there anything I can do to repay you?” You hesitate. Even if it never comes to anything, information about the gods and goddesses in a new plane is never something you want to turn down. (A new plane? Where did that thought come from?)

You nod at him. “Do you have any like… books or things on the Raven Queen?” His expression brightens tenfold, and he immediately starts rummaging in his backpack.