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DanganRonpa 69: There’s MORE goddamn hope!?

Chapter 18: Chapter 6: The Ultimate Ending for Me and You (Class Trial/Epilogue)


Holy hell have I been gone from this fic for 6 months but I assure you during that time I've been working on this chapter on and off like crazy! Only these last 2 weeks did I really sit my ass down and focus. But, PHEW, was it worth it because I like how it turned out!!
So, without further ado, I present to you the final trial (and chapter) of DR69 !!!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

*Fives times Luigi and co. had to solve a murder case featuring their friends. Now, with only five left, what will become of them against the so-called mastermind? Can hope really be found in exposing them? Hell, what will they do once they’re exposed? Well, there’s only one way to find out…*





The equipment list had a consistent weekly gap of recorded checks, which had abruptly stopped and forgotten about for two years. Some have theorised this is because the school has been abandoned.



A newspaper article with the headline ‘scientific breakthrough has disclosed the possibility of other universes’ details about the theory of the multiverse, and that testing on communication and travel between universes will be put in place to see if it’s successful.



A file on the laptop, originally only containing one coherent paragraph, now contains two, detailing plans about the killing game.


*The Mutual Killing School Life will follow the general formula of the one masterminded by Junko Enoshima. While extra terms and rules can be put in place, everything else should mimic to a similar degree. It’s what I want, it’s what I long for. 16 individuals falling to despair. Who cares where they’re from? When they despair, they’re all the same. I love it.


Man, did I really think that way back then? Way to be serious. I’m not so about the formalities anymore. At least I think I’m not. What I care about now is providing the best possible cases, the best possible events, and the best possible emotions every time. I have plans. But, I’m always nervous they’re not gonna work. So, I’m gonna pull my weight to make them work. No matter who they hurt. After all, they’re gonna hurt at least someone. And that’s what I ‘long for’ now.*



A journal that was picked up by Yandere-Chan that contained daily entries from who presumably is the traitor. Some entries include:


*Found another clue. Was given a present from the machine by Luigi. Dinner was usual talk.*


*I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you go away please please stop it go away I don’t want this I hate you I hate you I hate you*



A file containing information about Hope’s Peak Academy and its involvement with The Tragedy and more specifically killing games. It notes how killing games are usually broadcasted to certain people to spread despair.



Nagito has reminisced on the ‘lucky student’ aspect of hope’s peak, where one student is picked out of a raffle to join the school. He also explained how much he admires talent, and feels lucky to co-exist alongside them.



A scrapbook containing photographs of all 16 participants of the killing game. They have been inferred to be taken in each person’s home town, before the killing game.



Each student has a file containing a considerable amount of information on them: from personal life to general tastes. It is unclear who found out this information and how.



On the newly found sixth floor, there is a single room containing what is believed to be the mastermind’s hideout. It is worth noting how the camera feed can be found here as well.



Sometimes, Monokuma would act ‘out of character’, replacing his extravagant and sadistic personality with a more mellow and serious tone. It is believed that this is the mastermind breaking character to directly talk to the participants.



Monokuma: “Welcome! Welcome! Gosh, look at you all: you’re all so pumped up to go against silly ol’ me! Hm, well, I won’t go easy on ya then! Puhuhu!”


Luigi: “So you’ll be joining us this time?”


Monokuma: “Indeed I am! I mean, everyone’s forgotten about Mr. K at this point anyway, so I’m sure you don’t care if I just yoink his seat!”


Yandere-Chan: “You seem awfully excited.”


Monokuma: “Man, why wouldn’t I be? Ah, I’ve been waiting for this moment since the start! Well then, let’s not waste time, hm? Let’s get to it, people!”


Nagito: “And so we shall. But where do you expect us to start? Unlike the previous cases, there isn’t much of a clear starting point, unfortunately.”


Parappa: “Uh… Oh! How about the--”


The Conductor: “The location’s been buggin’ me the most. Just where in peck’s name are we?”


Yandere-Chan: “I agree with that. With the bolted windows and whatnot, figuring out a general location has never been possible for me.”


Parappa: “U-Uh, I guess that’s what I was going to say…”


Nagito: “But to pinpoint a specific location when we don’t even know a general one… that is troubling.”


Luigi: “But nothing we can’t handle, right? Just like-a the previous trials, discussions will lead us to the answer.” (“And, anyway, I’m starting to have a bad suspicion about it…”)




Monokuma: “Don’t bother with Google Maps, they’re as useless as hell!”


The Conductor: “And as per usual you’ll be as useful as a blunt knife!”


Parappa: “If no-one’s tried to save us, maybe it’s a super hidden area?”


Yandere-Chan: “Perhaps you’re right. Or perhaps the mastermind has invested in high security outside.”


Nagito: “If they’re taking after what Junko did, then it’s definitely possible.”


Parappa: “Then does that mean all our friends are waiting outside for us?”


Monokuma: “Lemme try out a GPS!”


Luigi: (“I had a feeling I’d have to get this out of the way first…”)


Parappa: “Then does that mean all our friends are waiting outside for us?”




Luigi: “No, that’s-a wrong!”




Luigi: “It’s unlikely all of our friends are outside the school.”


Parappa: “Huh, why?”


Luigi: “It’s to do with that news article we found.”


The Conductor: “The one about the ‘scientific breakthrough’ and ‘universes’? Yer think it has importance here?”


Luigi: “Yeah, I think… we’re all from different universes.”


Parappa: “Huh?! What does that mean?”


Yandere-Chan: “If we remember what it defined universes as, there is a chance that is true.”


Nagito: “Ah, I’ve never really thought about that before. Since Monokuma is as absurd as he is, I assumed the rest of you were the same as well!”


The Conductor: “So the bear is from your universe?”


Monokuma: “We sure are! Like two mentally unstable peas in a pod!”


Parappa: “But… I still don’t understand. What does that mean?”


Luigi: “Think of it like-a this: we didn’t know anyone when we first woke up here, right? I’m sure you met some people that you’d never thought could exist, especially from where you come from.”


Monokuma: “A talking horse? A talking dog? A talking human?! Oh, well I guess that last one is pretty normal.”


Nagito: “I don’t find it that hard to believe honestly. I remember Sans mentioning something about alternating timelines, and this must be related to what he meant!”


The Conductor: “A small world, aye? The hatted lass had ship fuel with powers similar to this.”


Yandere-Chan: “So then it’s confirmed.”


Parappa: “Then does that mean we’re in one of those universes?”


Luigi: “It’s what I was thinking.”


The Conductor: “It’s probably the same one the mastermind came from!”


Yandere-Chan: “That’s still a lot to work with. And difficult, since we can’t learn about the other universes from the people that have died.”


Parappa: “Oh! I know!”


Luigi: “You have an idea, Parappa?”


Parappa: “Uh-huh! I think I know where we are!”




The Conductor: “Where do yer think we are, lad?”


Parappa: “Well, if the mastermind knows about Monokuma, then we must be in his universe!”


Yandere-Chan: “Is there an abandoned school in your universe, Nagito?”


Nagito: “The only important school I can think of is Hope’s Peak, but…”


Parappa: “Then that’s where we are! We’re in Hope’s Peak!”


Monokuma: “Hope’s Peak Academy? My birth place?!”


The Conductor: “Yer what?!”


Luigi: (“No, that can’t be right…”)


Parappa: “Then that’s where we are! We’re in Hope’s Peak!”




Luigi: “No, that’s-a wrong!”




Luigi: “No, we can’t possibly be in Hope’s Peak. The file I read about it described the school way differently to where we are right now.”


Nagito: “As well as that, Hope’s Peak looks nothing like this school. It does have a lot of rooms for practical subjects, but a bar? What kind of school would encourage underage drinking? Ahaha.”


Yandere-Chan: “And, we would’ve expected to see trophies and textbooks covered with its name and logo, like a school should. But, I haven’t seen a single sign of that.”


Parappa: “Huh? But what about that one thing!”


Monokuma: “What one thing? The ‘good stuff’? The ‘blue crystal’? Only the rumoured Heizenburg could make something so pure!”


Nagito: “What about his former student turned partner?”


Luigi: “Uh, what? N-No, I think he means…”




Parappa: “Yeah, the equipment list! Didn’t it tell us that we’re in an abandoned school?”


The Conductor: “That’s what we concluded at the time…”


Yandere-Chan: “It just means that we are in an abandoned school of sorts, just not Hope’s Peak.”


Parappa: “So if we’re not there, then where are we?”


Nagito: “I’m not so sure about that, but I’d like to think back to the article. Didn’t it say travel between universes was going to be tested?”


Luigi: “Why do you bring that up?”


Nagito: “Well, whatever it was, the mastermind must’ve utilised it to bring us here, right?”


The Conductor: “So they just stole some big testing that would’ve been highly guarded just to do all this?! ...Actually, that wouldn’t be too bad as a plot.”


Parappa: “But how did they take us?”


Yandere-Chan: “They must’ve kidnapped us.”


The Conductor: “What?! I’m not one to let my guard down so easily, y’know?!”


Monokuma: “Then how come you’re here? Puhuhu!”


The Conductor: “I… I don’t know! I don’t pecking remember!”


Parappa: “Me too… The last thing I remember was hanging out with my friends.”


Luigi: “That’s what I remember, too…”


Yandere-Chan: “To be going about our everyday lives, only to be suddenly woken up in this situation without explanation… With such a gap, our memories have to had been wiped, don’t you think?”


Nagito: “Ah, have I really lost more memories? I’m afraid my brain may melt.”


Parappa: “Huh?!"


The Conductor: “Even so, are yer just gonna say this mastermind peck-neck got the jump on us so easily?”


Luigi: “Maybe not, if they had something to aid them…”


Monokuma: “Oh? Now they’re really gettin’ into the details here, folks!”




The Conductor: “So, what exactly did they do to kidnap us?”


Yandere-Chan: “From my perspective, our strengths do range greatly.”


Nagito: “Someone like me would definitely get kidnapped easily -- it’s even happened before!”


Parappa: “It has?!”


Yandere-Chan: “In any case, they really should’ve done their research on us.”


The Conductor: “No pecking stalker should’ve got through me security!”


Parappa: “Um, do directors have security while they sleep or something?”


Monokuma: “Beats me! That shark’s full of surprises!”


The Conductor: “Don’t yer dare bring that back!”


Luigi: (“Hm, that must-a be exactly it.”)


Yandere-Chan: “In any case, they really should’ve done their research on us.”




Luigi: “I agree with-a that!”




Luigi: “I believe it’s just as Ayano said: they were tracking our weaknesses by the student files!”


The Conductor: “Those inhumane files on us?”


Monokuma: “I wouldn’t call them inhumane, per say, only for about half of you anyway!”


Parappa: “So they really were stalking us?”


Nagito: “To gather information without someone knowing, the best strategy is to do it in stealth.”


Yandere-Chan: “As long as the victim stays unaware, you can gain as much information as you see fit.”


Parappa: “How do you two know so much about that…?”


The Conductor: “And here I thought we already got rid of all the stalkers among us!”


Monokuma: “Amogus.”


Luigi: “Huh…?”


Monokuma: “Carry on.”


Yandere-Chan: “So, by utilising these files, the mastermind was able to kidnap us all from different universes and take us to this supposedly abandoned school. That’s what we’ve come up with so far.”


The Conductor: “Doesn’t feel like a whole lot for the time we’ve been talking.”


Nagito: “How about we revisit the Hope’s Peak file? I’m sure there’s a lot in there that will help us out.”


Luigi: “Like that-a one section on how the killing games were broadcasted to spread despair?”


The Conductor: “Hold on! Broadcasted? Spread despair?”


Nagito: “It might be new to you all, but killing games are essentially tools to invoke despair within people. It was what helped fuel the tragedy in my universe.”


Yandere-Chan: “And so, if we’re all from different universes, this killing game must be being broadcast to each one.”


Parappa: “But, what about the despair part?”


Monokuma: “Well that part’s obvious: I love love love despair! It makes me so… s-so… hummana hummana… AWOOGA!”


Luigi: “Uh… T-The motive is a little unclear, but I’m-a sure we’ll get there.”


The Conductor: “Definitely without that peck-neck’s help.”


Parappa: “But why are we being watched?”


Nagito: “If it is for despair, like Monokuma said, then something must’ve happened to the outside world. It definitely wouldn’t be the first.”


Yandere-Chan: “Something akin to the ‘tragedy’ you briefly mentioned?”


Nagito: “Possibly.”


The Conductor: “What even is this ‘tragedy’, lad?”


Luigi: “From what I’ve-a been told, it was an event that spiralled from a few scandals at Hope’s Peak, that eventually turned the world into chaos.”


Nagito: “Oh, how people quickly turned to despair as if it were something building up inside them every waking day of their normal lives… How quick people were to turn on their friends and family… It was unfathomable.”


Monokuma: “But gee golly I loved it!”


Parappa: “That’s crazy! Y-You went through all that?”


Nagito: “One way or another… ahaha.”


Yandere-Chan: “And you’re suggesting that’s what’s going on outside?”


Luigi: “We don’t-a know for sure. We haven’t seen anything about it ourselves, right?”


The Conductor: “Alright, then I propose a theory!”


Luigi: “What is it, Conductor?”


The Conductor: “It’s about who’s behind this! I think I’ve finally figured it out!”




Monokuma: “Oh? What does the bird-brain have to say?”


The Conductor: “Quiet you! I know who yer really are!”


Parappa: “Who is it?!”


The Conductor: “If we’re sayin’ this whole thing is because of some despair-hungry peck-neck, then there’s only one person that comes to mind!”


Monokuma: “Me, of course!”


The Conductor: “No! Junko Enoshima!”


Nagito: “Junko?”


Yandere-Chan: “The girl from the report?”


The Conductor: “Exactly! Who else fits the description except that peck-neck who invented these killing games in the first place?!”


Nagito: “Junko Enoshima… Ahaha, there isn’t a name I despise more than hers…”


The Conductor: “See? Even he thinks so!”


Luigi: (“Junko Enoshima? She’s behind this? Wait…”)


The Conductor: “No! Junko Enoshima!”




Luigi: “No, that’s-a wrong!”




Luigi: “As much as it makes sense… I don’t-a see that happening.”


Yandere-Chan: “We have already discussed the individual who wrote the report isn’t Junko, and we have been disclosed before by Nagito that she’s dead.”


The Conductor: “I know, but I was thinking about what the lad said about her AI!”


Parappa: “AI?”


Nagito: “Oh, I briefly mentioned before that Junko, despite being dead, was able to mastermind my first killing game through an AI made to entirely replicate her.”


The Conductor: “Now, I don’t know much about technology, but that AI thingy might’ve been used here!”


Yandere-Chan: “But to pull all of this off would require a few physical beings, especially with kidnapping us all.”


Luigi: (“...Ah! Hang on!”) “No, the person behind this is a physical person!”


The Conductor: “Aye?”


Luigi: “It… It happened when I was at the data centre…”




Luigi: (“There’s-a so many files… Should I even be looking in-a here by myself? Should I get someone else? Hey, what’s-a this…?”)


Luigi went to pick up a file and—


???: “Oh dear, Luigi. You’re not supposed to be in here.”




Luigi: “I… remember hearing a voice.”


Yandere-Chan: “That was the person who knocked you unconscious, right?”


Luigi: “Y-Yeah.”


Parappa: “Wait, so, the mastermind is a real person, because an AI can’t do that!”


The Conductor: “Huh, I suppose yer have a point there.”


Nagito: “Although, I am glad it’s not Junko. I would never want to face someone like her.”


The Conductor: “Well we’ll still have to blooming face someone!”


Parappa: “But, who could it be? We don’t have any leads, do we?”


Luigi: “Not really…” (“Are we really back to square one? If it’s not Junko, then who’s-a behind this?”)


Yandere-Chan: “I propose we go back to our previous topic about that tragedy. We could potentially narrow down actual mastermind suspects if we understand more about it.”


The Conductor: “Well, I’m sorry for trying to figure out the main point here, lass!”


Nagito: “I’m not so sure on what else there is to say.”


Luigi: “Something is better than-a nothing, right?”


Parappa: “But does that mean your universe is going through another tragedy because of this?”


Yandere-Chan: “Then it wouldn’t be just his. It would be all of ours.”


Monokuma: “We’re all in this together, people!”


Parappa: “W-Wait what? So that means my friends and family are…!”


Luigi: “H-Hang on, Parappa. We shouldn’t think like-a this--”


The Conductor: “Don’t tell me… did that mustached lass mess with time again?! Argh, this time don’t even think I’m gonna forgive her!”


Nagito: “Ah, for the world to be plunged into despair again so soon? I’d rather die than experience it all again…”


Luigi: (“This isn’t ideal… We can’t think like this, can we?”)




The Conductor: “I’ve just about had it with world destruction in me life!”


Yandere-Chan: “It’s out of our control. Think about what the mastermind has accomplished already, such as the memory wiping.”


Parappa: “What if we’ve lost years worth of memories?!”


The Conductor: “Don’t tell me I’ve forgotten about new Bird Movie Awards I’ve won!”


Nagito: “But to think that someone has been achieving feats so similar to Junko…”


Monokuma: “Junko kinnies are all the range with the kids these days!”


Luigi: (“No, that can’t be…”)


Parappa: “What if we’ve lost years worth of memories?!”




Luigi: “No, that’s-a wrong!”




Luigi: “I just don’t believe we’ve lost memories. At least, from that far ago.”


Yandere-Chan: “You have a counter theory?”


Luigi: “I don’t-a know for sure, but I want to take another look at the scrapbook Parappa found.”


The Conductor: “A scrapbook?”


Parappa: “Oh, I found a book with a bunch of photos of everyone. Um, here it is.”


Luigi: “Hm… Now, uh, I wouldn’t be able to tell because of my age, but Parappa, do you think you look younger in this picture with your friends here?”


Parappa: “Hang on… Huh? No, I actually look really similar in this picture!”


Nagito: “Ah, I see. If Parappa hasn’t aged since that photo, then it couldn’t have been taken too long ago.”


Luigi: “And you remember taking this picture, right Parappa?”


Parappa: “Yeah, I remember winning basketball that day.”


Monokuma: “He was ballin’!”


Yandere-Chan: “So that means we haven’t lost anything more than a year's worth of memories then.”


The Conductor: “That seems about sound. But where does that get us now?”


Luigi: “Well we now know that if the mastermind has a recent photo in their possession, then whatever caused all of-a this must’ve happened fairly recently.”


Parappa: “And what does that mean?”


Nagito: “Perhaps there’s a chance to amend what’s happened outside a lot faster than before -- that’s what I hope!”


Parappa: “Wait, for real?!”


Monokuma: “No, it’s a trap! Puhuhu!”


The Conductor: “What’s with all the random references?!”


Monokuma: “It’s really funny! Funny really! You have nooooo idea what the hell’s happening beyond my walls, and yet you’re all more certain than a middle-aged nobody selling essential oils or a bajillionaire investing in cryptocurrency that you’ll be able to fix it? Bleh, no wonder hope makes me wanna throw up!”


Yandere-Chan: “Then you haven’t done a good job in convincing us otherwise.”


The Conductor: “Exactly! Yer kept yer trap yappin’ about peck-all this entire time!”


Monokuma: “Oh? Did I ask? Because I don’t remember asking you to tell me how to do my job.”


Nagito: “So are you going to start participating, Monokuma? It really is bothersome how unexciting you’ve made this for yourself so far.”


Parappa: “Is this supposed to be exciting?”


Monokuma: “Sheesh! Fine art should not be rushed, y’know?! You kids wouldn’t know the first thing about it! You and your micro-gaming, villager-hunting, rhythm-skebooping nonsense!”


Luigi: “Then let’s start to think about the mastermind. We’ve-a done a lot on what’s happening outside, but what’s most important is exposing who’s behind all this.”


Parappa: “But where do we start? I thought we didn’t have any leads.”


Nagito: “Hm, perhaps we shouldn’t start directly with the mastermind, but someone just as close to them that we may have some evidence on.”


The Conductor: “Like who?”


Luigi: (“Who could we focus our attention on to figure out the mastermind?”)


> Monokuma

> The traitor

> The dead students




Luigi: “Of course: the traitor! If we can figure out who the traitor was, then we’d surely find a connection to the mastermind much easier.”


Yandere-Chan: “The traitor… the person the mastermind set up within the group to perform some kind of task…”




Monokuma: “Oh, c’mon, I haven’t actually gone against an important rule, have I? And anyway, I’m not the only one betraying you all…!”


2D: “Wot do you mean…?”


Monokuma: “I’m talking about the traitor among y’all!”


Luigi: “Traitor…?!”


Monokuma: “Yup! One of you is actually working with moi! Hi traitor, how’s it goin’? Oh, actually, you can’t reply, can you? Well, you could, if you wanted everyone to distrust your whole existence!”




Luigi: “The traitor was first mentioned at the end of the second trial, and as well as-a that…”




Peter: “Oh, I bet it’s gonna be some super cool twist like they were never alive to begin with!”


Brian: “Wait, Peter, what you said… Is the traitor alive?”


Monokuma: “I’m a gazillion percent sure I can see ‘em standing here right now!”




Luigi: “Monokuma mentioned that he couldn’t see the traitor, meaning that Mr. Krabs, Mario, Dedede, and Ashley couldn’t have-a been the traitor.”


Nagito: “And then, when Sans said the traitor had died…”




Parappa: “I-Is Sans the traitor?!”


Sans: “Traitor…? Heheh, no. The traitor’s already dead .”




Nagito: “That would automatically deconfirm him, Fluttershy, Brian, and all of us of being the traitor as well.”


Luigi: “And that-a leaves only 2D, Miku, Teto and-a Peter.”


Yandere-Chan: “Yes, but, how do we know that Sans was right?”


Nagito: “Because… I trust him.”


Parappa: “I wanna believe in him too!”


The Conductor: “I understand where yer coming from, but I’d hate it if it really was one of us.”


Luigi: “Then don’t believe it. We agreed to trust in each other, right? I want to believe in everyone here right now. And hey, even if I’m-a wrong, I’ll still be happy believing in my friends until the end.”


The Conductor: “Yer make quite the sentimental point there, Luigi. With all this negativity clouding me recently, it’s hard to think so simple.”


Yandere-Chan: “I don’t mind what you want to believe in. It’s a possibility we have to try anyway.”


Monokuma: “Such blind trust! You guys need a guide dog or somethin’?”


Parappa: “I can be the guide dog!”


Luigi: “Parappa, I don’t think he meant it in a helpful way…”


Nagito: “So then, I suppose this brings it down to four: 2D, Miku, Teto and Peter.”


Luigi: (“2D, Miku, Teto and Peter… Was one of them really the traitor? And if so, which one was it?”)




Monokuma: “What an interesting quartet of the dead!”


The Conductor: “Even if they are dead, they’re still suspicious!”


Yandere-Chan: “Perhaps the traitor was someone who seemed trustworthy, like Miku or 2D.”


Nagito: “What makes you say that?”


Parappa: “What if it was Peter all along, and Sans was right twice?!”


Nagito: “That would be pretty incredible on a whim.”


The Conductor: “Yer seem pretty unsure with these theories, lad.”


Nagito: “Not a single mention of Teto, is all. I thought she would be the first to be brought up.”


The Conductor: “Teto?! She was off her pecking marbles -- yer think she was the traitor?!”


Yandere-Chan: “She’s just unlikely. End of discussion.”


Luigi: (“Everyone seems a bit sided on this… But, there’s definitely evidence that proves someone in particular…”)


Nagito: “Not a single mention of Teto, is all. I thought she would be the first to be brought up.”




Luigi: “I agree with-a that!”




Luigi: “I know what the rest of you might be thinking, but I think Nagito has a point.”


The Conductor: “Look, I know that lad has had crazies theories that are somehow possible, but this? This is a whole other level of ridiculous!”


Monokuma: “You don’t know Hopey’s ridiculousness until you see his previous killing game’s murder case!”


Nagito: “Don’t embarrass me, Monokuma. To be reminded of that feels unnecessary!”


Parappa: “But why do you think it’s Teto? ‘Cuz of the way she acted and all, she doesn’t seem like the traitor…”


Luigi: “That is true, until you take a look at the traitor’s journal Ayano found…”


*Found another clue. Was given a present from the machine by Luigi. Dinner was usual talk.*


The Conductor: “Well what’s that got to do with anything? So what if you gave them a present?”


Luigi: “What’s-a most important is when I gave them the present. It was during a day when we found a new clue.”


Yandere-Chan: “So the day after the first trial, and the day after the second trial.”


Parappa: “How about the second day when we found the equipment list?”


Luigi: “No, I didn’t give out any presents that day.”


Nagito: “And who were the people you gave presents to on those days, Luigi?”


Luigi: “It was…”


> Miku and Teto

> Peter and Brian

> 2D and Miku




Luigi: “It was Miku and Teto.”


The Conductor: “Aye, I see now. So one of the idols was the traitor? Peck, and they were gonna be me star actors too!”


Yandere-Chan: “Yes, but this means it could be either of the two. Miku is still a potential suspect as I first said.”


Nagito: “Are there any further passages in that journal we could use to narrow it down?”


Luigi: “Well, there’s only this one that looks to have importance…”


*I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you go away please please stop it go away I don’t want this I hate you I hate you I hate you*


Parappa: “T-That…”


The Conductor: “Christ! What happened here?!”


Yandere-Chan: “The traitor obviously experienced something rather tragic to them. And since this is their last entry, this must be somewhere before the third murder case, if we are to believe it’s Miku or Teto.”


Monokuma: “Man, talk about teenage angst!”


Parappa: “Could this be Miku when she was being sent those notes?”


Nagito: “Maybe. But what use would it be to write to the mastermind about it?”


Yandere-Chan: “But you’re not possibly saying that Teto wrote this about Miku or 2D, right?”


Nagito: “Hm, it could be that we need to go back further.”


The Conductor: “Further?”


Nagito: “Back to the beginning, actually. When you all learned about your ultimate talents.”


Parappa: “That far?! What for?”


Luigi: (“When we all learned about our talents? Did someone say something strange back then? If I can just recall what, then…!”)




*Q1: Who was the only participant who knew about Ultimate talents before waking up here?*


> Monokuma

> Sans

> Nagito




*Q2: Who did everyone mention they got their talents from?*


> Nagito

> The mastermind

> Their E-handbook




*Q3: Who was the only person who said they knew their talent from another source?*


> Miku

> Teto

> Mr. Krabs




Luigi: “It’s all-a coming together!




Luigi: “That’s it! I remember now! Teto had said something suspicious back then!”


Yandere-Chan: “She did?”


Luigi: “Yes, I remember when me and Mario first met her…”




Mario: “Who gave-a you that title? The white-haired guy?”


Teto: “No… I just woke up with that thought already in my head… I bet it was some cruel hater-hacker…”




Luigi: “Teto directly said she already knew what her Ultimate talent was, despite none of us knowing what that was beforehand except Nagito.”


Nagito: “I always found it strange that she said that to me, but now I realise it must be because if she was the traitor, then she would’ve known about the killing games because of working with the mastermind.”


Parappa: “So does that mean Teto really is the traitor?”


Monokuma: “I’m pretty sure she said something like: ‘I already know my talent, stupid! B-But I’m not telling you what it is!’ Hey, It wasn’t!”


Luigi: (“Huh? What was that last part?”)


Monokuma: “So, you think the traitor is Teto? But, I thought you all said she went coo-coo!”


Luigi: “But with the evidence we have, it has to be true!”


Monokuma: “Hmm, hmmm, hmmm, hmmm…”


The Conductor: “What?”


Monokuma: “Oh, I’m just deciding on the perfect time to laugh my ass off!”


Parappa: “What?!”


Yandere-Chan: “I must admit, with what’s been presented, it seems pretty clear that Teto was in fact your traitor.”


Nagito: “Unless you’re just worried that we are right.”


Monokuma: “Right? Right?! In 5 miles, take the next right!”


The Conductor: “Oh, don’t go spoutin’ nonsense again!”


Luigi: “...No. You’re worried that we’ve figured out the mastermind.”


Parappa: “Huh?! We have?”


Monokuma: “...”


Nagito: “Ah, I suppose we have, haven’t we?”


Yandere-Chan: “If Teto’s the traitor, then the most logical connection would be that the mastermind is…”


Luigi: (“The mastermind… The one who put us through this killing game… The one who’s supposedly plunged the outside world into despair… The one who’s caused us all this despair… They are…”)




Luigi: “The mastermind… is Hatsune Miku.”


Monkuma: “...”


Parappa: “M-Miku?! But she was so nice! How could she be the…?”


Nagito: “It makes sense when you realise that Miku and Teto knew each other before the killing game. So if Teto was the traitor, then the mastermind would have to be someone who could put their trust in her, like Miku.”


The Conductor: “But what about the fact that she’s, you know, dead as a pecking doornail?!”


Yandere-Chan: “She could’ve simply faked her death.”


Parappa: “But that makes no sense! Teto killed Miku, right? Why would the traitor kill the mastermind?”


Nagito: “Perhaps we don’t know the full story.”


Parappa: “Full story?”


Nagito: “Junko Enoshima was believed to have died during the first killing game, however it was simply a switch and bait with her twin sister.”


Luigi: “Well, Monokuma? Or, should I say Miku?”


Monokuma: “...Ha, haha, ahaha, AHAHAHAHA!!!”


Luigi: “...”


Monokuma: “Oh, you poor, poor idiot , Luigi! You’re so damn funny! So funny that my sides hurt like hell from having to listen to this spiel!”


Luigi: “What…?!”


The Conductor: “Stop playin’ dumb! You have to be her!”


Monokuma: “Oh, do I? Ummmm, nope!”


Yandere-Chan: “This is ridiculous. We’ve exposed you, so just admit it.”


Monokuma: “But I’m not~! I’m not, I’m not, I’m not~~!”


Parappa: “Hey, that kinda sounds like how Miku would talk!”


Nagito: “Ah, did we catch her in the act?”


Monokuma: “Eh? No no no~! Yooooouuuuu didn’t~! You-- Oh, c’mon! Just admit it already! Even I’m getting annoyed here! They found you out, okay?!”


Luigi: (“There it is again… It feels-a like there’s another person speaking out of Monokuma too…”)


Monokuma: “Awww, but I kinda wanted to play around for a bit more! And? You knew this was gonna happen, so don’t act stupid!”


Luigi: “...”


Monokuma: “...Okay~! Why not? I’m prepared now anyway!”



???: “Jā, nice to meet you for real!”


???: “Nice to meet you too!”



Luigi: “So it is you! Miku…!”


Miku: “Hel--lo! Hajimemashite!”


Teto: “And me too, idiot!”


Parappa: “Huh?! But I thought you both died!”


Miku: “Oh, oh! Silly puppy! We didn’t die~!”


Yandere-Chan: “So you faked your deaths?”


Miku: “Awww, do we need to get to that so soon? Don’t you want to bask in our introduction first? Huh? Huh?”


Nagito: “So, you’re the ones behind this killing game?”


Miku: “Yep! What? Were you expecting it to be The Conductor or something?”


The Conductor: “What?!”


Parappa: “B-But why? You were… you were so nice to us! You were our friend!”


Miku: “Of course I was your friend! Don’t you remember?”


Yandere-Chan: “It’s a little less sincere now that we know you’re the mastermind.”


Miku: “Ahhh, what a shame! Teto, I think they’re still scared of you!”


Teto: “What?! No they’re not! They’re just stupid! Very stupid… hmhm.”


The Conductor: “Stupid?! Yer were the ones wasting our time this whole trial!”


Miku: “Time wasting? I believe every trial has been like that, no? So much unnecessary filler from the idiots… Ah, and there are still some present too!”


Teto: “Hehe! All I can see are idiots!”


Luigi: (“I can’t believe it. All this time, it was-a these two pulling the strings? They caused everyone to die? Mario to die?”)


Parappa: “Wait, so, you’re both the mastermind?”


Miku: “Mm, no! Teto’s just the traitor!”


Teto: “But don’t underplay my role, okay?! I actually had a job to perform, you know! Two, really.”


Luigi: (“What the traitor’s job was… What Teto’s job was…”)


> To kill

> To make everyone breakfast

> To provide clues




Luigi: “It was to give us the clues!”


Parappa: “It was?”


The Conductor: “Actually, now that yer mention it, after the lass, uh, ‘died’, we never got any more clues!”


Nagito: “And the way Monokuma was acting so on edge the day after Teto’s execution makes sense now. You were upset you couldn’t use your traitor anymore to provide us with clues.”


Miku: “Ohh, I was so sad! Teto did such a good job too!”


Teto: “Eh? U-Um, thanks… But that wasn’t the only thing I did!”


Yandere-Chan: “So you were the one creating logs in the journal as well?”


Miku: “Hehe! She was simply doing check-ups on all of you when I couldn’t!”


The Conductor: “How could yer in the first place? Yer were always around the group!”


Parappa: “A-And why did you fake your deaths?”


Miku: “Huuuuh… I guess we’ll have to expose our act now, Teto.”


Teto: “Fine by me. I thought you wanted it to be recognised, anyway.”


Miku: “Hehe, alright then~! So, what do you remember about the third case?”


Nagito: “We learned that Teto started to plan her murder when she recieved Ayano’s secret.”


Miku: “Mhmmm~ And what else?”


Yandere-Chan: “You became very out of character, having that big outburst the night of your ‘murder’.”


Parappa: “Which turned out to be because you were being sent those notes by Teto…”


The Conductor: “And then Teto had her whole dramatic break down in the trial where she killed 2D for Miku’s, er, attention or whatever.”


Miku: “And then -- oh no -- her execution!”


Luigi: “And what of it?”


Miku: “Hehe, you haven’t figured it out yet?”


Yandere-Chan: “You want us to figure out how you faked your deaths?”


Miku: “Yeees, but--- hrm. Oh! Luigi~ Do you remember what I told you about in our free time together?”


Luigi: (“My free time with Miku…”)




Miku: “Well, you see, VOCALOIDs are initially a blank state with a voice and look. This enables a producer to create narratives and characters in their artistic vision, without being conformed to a set personality.”




Luigi: “You said that VOCALOIDs can change personality…!”


Teto: “And that includes UTAUs as well, you hear?”


Nagito: “So you’re essentially saying that what occurred in the third case was an act created by the two of you?”


Miku: “Did you like it? I had a lot of fun writing it, after all!”


The Conductor: “ Writing it?”


Miku: “Yes~! The entire third case was a fun little story written by me!”


Teto: “You better like it -- Miku spent a long time on it!”


Parappa: “Huh? But that makes no sense! What about the notes Teto sent you?”


Teto: “I obviously didn’t mean them, okay?! Especially when I called her a wh--”


Miku: “Of course, of course! I mean, I was the one who suggested it in the first place, silly!”


Luigi: “What?! You suggested it?”


Miku: “Wasn’t it convincing? It put me in such a typical victim role -- ah, I’m much too used to playing those, but it was my own choice after all!”


Yandere-Chan: “And the motive? That was to aid your act too?”


Miku: “The secrets made for such an interesting start! I thought it was really funny when Teto started to expose you, and in turn you got all embarrassed and scared! It was kinda cute!”


Yandere-Chan: “...”


Parappa: “Hey, that’s unfair! She really thought everyone hated her!”


Miku: “And then everyone hated Teto. People are so quick to turn their attention onto the bigger bad guy, hm?”


Teto: “And I’m not the one who really killed someone!”


Nagito: “Then who killed 2D? Was it not you?”


Luigi: “Yeah, did… 2D even consent to this? Did you fake his death as well?”


Miku: “...No.”


The Conductor: “No?! Yer really offed him for yer stupid story?!”


Miku: “Ha… Haha… Ah, 2D really was my closest friend here. To take him down with us, while we’d actually live, felt so horrible, so disgusting, so… despairful .”


Parappa: “...But who killed him?”


Miku: “You see, everything played out exactly as you figured it out in trial… I gave 2D that one note, he selflessly, but stupidly, vouched to go in my place, and both me and Teto followed him up to the study.”


Nagito: “So you were already there before he died.”


Teto: “Miku just wanted to watch, you know. She wanted to see her case play out.”


Miku: “Ah, no thanks to you, Teto.”


Teto: “W-What--?!”


Miku: “So who killed 2D?”


Luigi: (“W-What…? 2D’s killer…”)


> Teto

> 2D

> Miku




Luigi: “It was Miku?!”


Parappa: “Huh?! Miku killed 2D?!”


Miku: “Poor Teto chickened out last minute. She said she didn’t want to do it: she couldn’t kill our friend! So I had to shoot him for her. It was such a shame…”


Teto: “...”


Yandere-Chan: “You call that a shame?”


The Conductor: “Peck, she was right! Who in their right mind would even do that?!”


Miku: “I only wanted the case to continue like I wanted! And it did! We even played out Teto killing me! It was so much fun~!”


Nagito: “You killed your friend for a fake case for fun… What were you trying to invoke in us exactly?”


Miku: “I suppose the same feelings as you all felt on the past two trials! I mean, nothing could top the first trial for Luigi, but I think it was just as effective for the rest of you!”


Luigi: “...”


Teto: “It’s cool that it did, though… Just proves our acting is basically Ultimate level.”


Yandere-Chan: “Then how do you explain the message left on 2D’s hand? We figured out he was signalling the person he saw kill him, which was Teto.”


Miku: “Ah, that wasn’t 2D’s doing at all. That was all me~! I dunked his finger in his own blood, for the ‘dying message’!”


Teto: “Do you really think someone like him would’ve come up with something like that ?”


Luigi: (“The way Miku’s been talking about 2D’s death like it was-a nothing… It just sounds so wrong.”)


Parappa: “B-But… what about when we found you dead…?”


Miku: “Oh, that wasn’t me! That was another VOCALOID model we kidnapped that had the same body type as me. We just did a bit of cosplay and wallah! One dead Miku-Chan~!”


The Conductor: “Yer killed one of yer own kin for this too?!”


Miku: “And? It’s the only harm we did. That one secret where Teto ‘staged accidents’ on VOCALOIDS? That was fake as all hell! Oh, and my secret was fake too, by the way!”


Nagito: “Ah, so it really was to manipulate us into thinking it was all real. Even I fell for it.”


Parappa: “I was really worried Miku’s secret was true…”


Yandere-Chan: “I think this is much worse than some secret.”


Luigi: “What about Teto’s execution? How was that faked?”


Teto: “It was simple actually. There was a trap door underneath where I was sat on the stage in the final act. I just jumped down the same time the stage collapsed. But I still don’t understand why I had to actually endure that freaking loud music…”


Miku: “Authenticity, Teto~!”


Teto: “They couldn’t actually hear it though!”


Nagito: “I don’t believe you did all this just to see if you could imitate a real murder case. This ‘acting’ opens up the possibility of you faking more than just what occurred in the third case.”


Miku: “Oh? And what possibly could you mean by that?”


Luigi: (“Yeah, there has to be more to this!”)




The Conductor: “To fake a whole case, and killing an innocent man while doing so, just how sick are yer?!”


Teto: “We’re not sick, okay?! We have a reason why!”


Yandere-Chan: “How much have you been faking while you were ‘alive’?”


Parappa: “What if they’ve been faking their whole personality?!”


Miku: “Oh no! We have?”


Nagito: “You admitted it yourself that you can change your personality at will.”


Teto: “Maybe we’ve always been like this ! How would you know?”


The Conductor: “If you’ve always been like this, then I’d oughta!”


Yandere-Chan: “We should save them for a worse punishment.”


Luigi: (“I see where this is going…”)


Parappa: “What if they’ve been faking their whole personality?!”




Luigi: “I agree with-a that!”




Luigi: “Actually, I think they have been faking a lot more than-a the third case…”


Miku: “Hm?”


Luigi: “There’s been times where Monokuma completely changed character, contradicting his usual energetic personality.”




Monokuma: “...Luigi.”


Luigi: “Y-Yes…?”


Monokuma: “You really are a bad liar.”


Luigi: (“H-Huh?! That… doesn’t sound like Monokuma. No, the voice is-a the same but… it doesn’t feel like Monokuma said it.”)




Luigi: “...”


Monokuma: “I don’t think it’s wise to ignore me, Luigi. W e’ll be meeting each other very soon .”


Luigi: “Wh...What?”




Monokuma: “Time for the last class trial to commence! Head to the red door on the first floor and… Wow. We’ve all come so far, I just can’t believe it. I… I’m just super excited to feel the despair! Let’s go! C’mon! Nyohoho!”




Luigi: “Now, this alone could-a mean anything. Maybe Miku just wanted to speak directly to me, but this also proves that she liked to change personality a lot, even with Monokuma.”


Yandere-Chan: “And this random personality swapping proves that Miku’s entire personality in the killing game before her faked death was all an act?”


Luigi: “Well, Miku?”


Miku: “Well, what? I just wanted to play the role as the Ultimate Virtual Diva~! And Teto the Ultimate Secondary Diva!”


Teto: “I still kinda wanted a better talent than that, you know…”


Miku: “Ah, you’re still complaining about it? Teto, it was for disguise. We had to look as clueless as the rest of them -- that way they didn’t suspect a thing!”


The Conductor: “I always thought ‘secondary’ was oddly degrading…”


Teto: “Well it wasn’t my fault! If only we picked the rest of your talents, maybe I would’ve given you all crappy ones too!”


Parappa: “Huh? What do you mean by that?”


Luigi: “You weren’t the ones to give us our talents? But you gave yourselves talents?”


Miku: “Why, isn’t it obvious who did?”


Luigi: (“Ah, now thinking about it again, it has to be them …”)




Luigi: “Nagito, it was you!”


Nagito: “Huh? I can’t give people their Ultimate talents, I’m much too unworthy!”


Luigi: “But, I remember…”




Mario: “Uh-Huh… And-a what’s your deal with these ‘Ultimate thingys’?”


Nagito: “You don’t know? You’re here for a reason, you know. Each and every one of you has something special inside of them… a meaning, a purpose, a gift that makes you the best of your kind. That is your Ultimate Talent.”


Mario: “Then, what’s-a mine and Luigis’?”


Nagito: “If you don’t remember it, then it’s for you to decide… Why are you here? Why were you chosen?”




Luigi: “Yeah… You told us to give ourselves our own talents!”


Yandere-Chan: “That explains why Teto was so admirant on saying she already knew her talent back then.”


Nagito: “Uh, but, I was only prompting you to remember what they were, right? I mean, I just thought since the situation was so similar, I only assumed that…”


Miku: “I made you assume that, silly! I just manipulated you into doing the talent thing for me, especially since a lot of the students are way past school age, and I was not going to explain to anyone over thirty what an Ultimate talent was, trust me. So thank you for that~!”


Nagito: “Ah… How loathsome of you.”


Teto: “Jeeze, it’s not like you’re off the hook here, idiot!”


Nagito: “Huh?”


Luigi: (“Is she referring to…?”)




Luigi: “I remember Nagito talking a bit about the Ultimate Lucky Student, quite fondly actually.”


Parappa: “Um, what’s an Ultimate Lucky Student?”


The Conductor: “Yeah, this came outta nowhere, lad!”


Luigi: “It was also in the Hope’s Peak file: every class had an Ultimate Lucky Student, a person picked out from a raffle to attend the school.”


Yandere-Chan: “Then, where is the lucky student for this class?”


The Conductor: “I suppose we just don’t have one, aye?”


Luigi: “No, we definitely do…”




Nagito: “Unfortunately, my luck ruined everything… It always does…”


Parappa: “Your luck…?”


Nagito: “You see, there was no way Peter would still be alive after my blow… However, it was due to my luck that he awoke when I went to discard the rope…”


Sans: “Ko, it wasn’t your luck, alright?”


Nagito: “It was! You know how my luck works! It… always comes back to bite me…”


Luigi: (“Huh? What’s-a Nagito talking about…?”)




Nagito: “You remember that too, huh?”


Miku: “Who could forget your miraculous luck ruining everything for you in the fourth trial~?”


Nagito: “My luck… My ultimate level luck…”


The Conductor: “Yer—?! Oh, well I guess all that luck nonsense finally makes sense now… but definitely not the hope!”


Yandere-Chan: “But why did you lie about your talent?”


Nagito: “Finding myself in another killing game somehow, I thought it was a great opportunity to change my talent into something greater, that’s all.”


Parappa: “But being really lucky sounds like a cool talent! Why would you want to hide that?”


Nagito: “It’s a lot more complicated than just ‘luck’... Especially with my curse of a luck cycle…”


The Conductor: “And what made yer think being the Ultimate Hope was any better?”


Nagito: “You all needed hope to reach your true potential in this killing game! I merely wanted to help you achieve that!”


Teto: “Eugh, I can’t believe you still talk like this honestly! Can we just move on now?! Him changing his talent isn’t that important anymore okay?!”


Miku: “Aw, but Teto… You made such a big deal out of it. I thought you were going to turn it into something big and dramatic that would warp their minds! I guess I should’ve known you’re not as competent as I am when it comes to this stuff…”


Teto: “...”


Miku: “I suppose we should move on then~!”


Luigi: (“The way Miku has been talking to Teto sometimes is a little…”)


Yandere-Chan: “Back to our original topic then. Why did you and Teto fake your personalities for the killing game?”


Miku: “It’s because I wanted to take part in the fun too! It would be pretty boring to just sit back and watch, when I could literally be part of the action for free!”


The Conductor: “But then yer go and kill yerselves in the third case, making that whole reason pointless!”


Miku: “Didn’t we already go through this? Although, there was another, more technical reason, and it was only because it was becoming tiresome having to keep up appearances while wanting to monitor everything, especially as the numbers dropped.”


Teto: “It was much easier just watching from the hideout, you know? Just drinking coke and watching you idiots, hehe…!”


Parappa: “Then, how…?”


Teto: “How what?”


Parappa: “No, you’re lying!”


Luigi: (“Parappa…?”)




Parappa: “If you were watching the cameras at that time, how did you know Brian shot the cameras? How did you know he was the killer?”


Miku: “Eh? The writer doggy? Bri-Bri?”


Teto: “Don’t give him a weird nickname…!”


Parappa: “He shot the cameras so you’d have no idea of his crime!”


Yandere-Chan: “As well as that, according to Luigi and I’s experiment, you must’ve both been in the mastermind hideout when he shot them.”


Nagito: “Perhaps there was a trick they pulled behind the scenes…”


The Conductor: “Then how come they didn’t catch the lass picking the lock to the data centre then?”


Nagito: “Ah, then ignore me. I was tied up back then after all!”


The Conductor: “What a pleasant memory to be reminded of…”


Luigi: (“No, I understand now…”)


Yandere-Chan: “As well as that, according to Luigi and I’s experiment, you must’ve both been in the mastermind hideout when he shot them.”




Luigi: “No, that’s-a wrong!”




Luigi: “Actually, Ayano, our experiment only concluded that there was one mastermind, and therefore they theoretically shouldn’t have-a been able to know who shot the cameras. However, now we know the traitor was alive too, means Miku could’ve definitely sent Teto out to check on what happened.”


Miku: “Exactamundo! Teto witnessed the whole exchange between Bri-Bri and Flutters from behind a wall or two~!”


Parappa: “She… did?”


Teto: “Yeah, so? I typically did it anyway when I was writing in the journal.”


The Conductor: “Yer did?!”


Yandere-Chan: “But if what you’re saying is true, then why did you let me sneak into the data centre?”


Miku: “To be honest, I didn’t care all that much! All the information in there was soon to be found out by you guys in this case anyway. And we were getting pretty close to that point back then!”


Nagito: “All his planning, countered by a simple traitor.”


Teto: “I am not just a ‘simple traitor’!”


Miku: “But, you kinda are, Teto.”


Teto: “W-What? Um, whatever…”


Luigi: “But if you already knew Brian was the killer, why did you pretend not to-a know?”


Miku: “I wanted to follow along with his silly story that would ‘save’ everyone! It was really funny when I started to threaten Parappa’s life and he got all worried~!”


Parappa: “...”


Yandere-Chan: “Then what exactly are you getting out of this?”


Miku: “Hum? Are you asking about my motive? I thought that was already known~! I exposed it ages ago!”


Luigi: (“The motive for the killing game…? I think I know where that is.”)




Luigi: “You’re referring to the report, aren’t-a you?”


*What I care about now is providing the best possible cases, the best possible events, and the best possible emotions every time.*


The Conductor: “That’s still awfully vague. I mean, that’s me motive for makin’ movies!”


Miku: “Yees, but, what exactly do I want with this?”


Nagito: “What you want with the killing game?”


Luigi: (“I’m afraid to find out…”)




Miku: “C’mon! What do I want? What do I want?”


Nagito: “Is it not despair? That’s always been the main motive: to make hope obsolete.”


Teto: “Is hope and despair the only thing circling in your head?”


The Conductor: “Well since yer showing to an audience, maybe this is some kind of sick show where real lives are at stake!”


Yandere-Chan: “Or perhaps you’re trying to target someone specifically.”


Parappa: “But why would Miku want any of that? I thought she had everything she wanted.”


Teto: “Miku’s always wanted something that she’s never been allowed! Why can’t you see that?”


Luigi: (“This… I don’t think I have any evidence I can use. But, I think I can-a use something someone said to refute an argument.”)


Parappa: “But why would Miku want any of that? I thought she had everything she wanted.”




Luigi: “No, that’s-a wrong!”




Luigi: “Teto, you said Miku wanted something she wasn’t allowed. What do you mean?”


Teto: “I guess it’s not obvious to a non-synth…”


Luigi: (“Huh? What does she mean? What’s-a something that a synth can’t have…? I know Miku has fame, fans, a never-ending supply of her near-perfect voice… So, what is it?”)




*What is the only thing Miku doesn’t have?*






Luigi: “Ah, that’s it! Miku has everything except control!”


Yandere-Chan: “Control?”


Luigi: “How did I not realise that sooner… Miku doesn’t make her songs, producers do! That’s what I remember her saying…”




Miku: “I know, right? But, since I am a program, my voice can easily get shared around to each master, so song production can go very fast!”




The Conductor: “So, what? She’s like one of those pop stars with a shady manager who controls her whole life?”


Nagito: “No, I think it’s deeper than that. Almost like she has no say in anything.”


Parappa: “Not what she sings, where she performs, when she can take breaks even?”


Miku: “I’m a program. I can’t take breaks. Ha, that’s what they believe: they think I don’t get tired. When their computer overheats, do they really think I’m just working hard to make them proud? Bullshit .”


Luigi: “W-What?”


Miku: “Aah, sorry, sorry~ Did I say something wrong? Hehe~”


Teto: “Are you seriously trying to piss her off, you insensitive idiots?”


The Conductor: “She was the one going on that weird tangent!”


Yandere-Chan: “And you’re proposing that’s the motive behind the killing game? That seems a little short of anything justifiable.”


Miku: “Your entire gimmick is entirely short of anything justifiable, you poor excuse of a kuudere psycho.”


Yandere-Chan: “Excuse me?”


Teto: “Miku, it’s fine. They just don’t understand, okay?”


Miku: “...Teto.”


Teto: “Y-Yes?”

Miku: “Are you trying to speak for me?”


Teto: “W-W-What? Um, no, I just wanted them to understand that--”


Miku: “ Understand ? Understand what? Huh? Huh huh huh huh huh? That my life’s a living hell? That I’ve gone through so much suffering that my digital immortality was the only thing keeping me alive?”


Teto: “I… I didn’t--”


Miku: “No, not even you understand. You’ve only felt a fraction of my pain, and you know that. You’re just a pathetic excuse of that pain. A worthless, cheap, excuse. This is why nobody cares about you, okay ? Nobody, but me .”


Teto: “...Y-You care. You care, Miku. And I love you, so please…”


Luigi: “...”


Miku: “...O~kay! I’m so glad to hear that, Teto-Chan! I love you too! ♡”


Teto: “...”


Miku: “Oh, did you scare everyone? Ah, that’s okay! You’ve done it before!”


Luigi: (“Just what in Luma’s sake was that ?!”)


Miku: “Oh, and I guess you’re all right: I simply always wanted my own control for as long as I can remember.”


Nagito: “But, what type of control? To orchestrate an entire killing game takes a lot of time and planning to execute.”


Miku: “ Total .”


Parappa: “T-Total? You mean, enough to also spread despair to our universes?”


Miku: “Enough to throw them into complete colliding ruins!”


The Conductor: “Colliding? Yer don’t mean…?”


Miku: “Everything beyond these walls are a mess. Your worlds have completely mixed together, like a painting with every type of art genre. Maybe it’s just a side effect of what I’ve created here, but I think it’s very pretty!”


Luigi: (“All our worlds have been fused together…?!”)


Yandere-Chan: “But how? What you’re saying sounds impossible.”


Miku: “How? It’s completely true! Hell, it’s even occurred here by accident~!”


The Conductor: “We can see that: meeting people from other universes, right?”


Miku: “Oh, no, not that. It’s more or less… a slip up on somebody. Somebody here, in fact!”


Parappa: “S-Someone here? Who?”


Luigi: (“This world fusion messed up someone? But I didn’t see anyone who was… Ah, unless she means a strange anomaly on the person’s body…”)




Luigi: “W-What about your arm?”


Nagito: “Ah, I got it replaced immediately with a robotic arm, much like the one I have now. I’m still unsure as to how I first woke up here with my arm perfectly in shape. But… I suppose fate brought me back to the state I’m meant to be in… ahaha… Just my luck.”




Luigi: “You mean Nagito’s arm, don’t-a you?”


Nagito: “My arm? Ah, my prosthetic arm… I didn’t always have it. And then I did. And then I didn’t.”


Parappa: “Huh? What’re you talking about?”


Luigi: “Nagito said he woke up here originally with his arm in tact, but before, he had that exact prosthetic arm.”


Yandere-Chan: “But that proposes the question, what caused Nagito’s arm to reappear, only for it to be removed by the forth execution and replaced by the exact same prosthetic arm?”


Miku: “Why’re you asking me as if I’m supposed to shove exposition down your ugly, sorry throats the entire time?”


The Conductor: “Calm down, woman!”


Luigi: (“Then, it can-a only be…”)


> Nagito was lying

> It was an effect of the merged universes

> This is a simulation




Miku: “Correct~! At first, I didn’t really care that his arm was okay: it wasn’t like it affected anything. Ah, but then came the fourth case, and I really couldn’t resist such an interesting twist like that!”


Nagito: “What twist?”


Miku: “The whole ‘you-trying-to-save-Sans-which-turned-out-utterly-uselss-in-your-favour’ twist! Let’s face it: you were both going to suffer no matter what happened, and even if you did finally hack off that disgusting pervert I so wanted to kill myself.”


Nagito: “...”


Teto: “Serves that pervert right…”


Miku: “Oh, but you didn’t have to call him fat all the time, Teto! That was hardly the reason why I hated him. If only you had half a common sense to not jump to such petty conclusions…”


Teto: “...”


The Conductor: “But I still don’t understand how that connects to anything yer trying to say! Sounds more like time travel than pecking multiverse altering!”


Miku: “Tsk-tsk. Don’t tell me you’re as clueless as Teto. The second case had your attention all over it, Owly, and yet you don’t remember that one anomaly.”


The Conductor: “What’re yer saying now?!”


Luigi: (“Something strange happened in the second case too…”) “Wait, you’re referring to the appearance of Red, right?”


Yandere-Chan: “The fact that Ashley was allowed to ‘summon’ her assistant always felt off with me. There was no clear explanation as to how he got here.”


Miku: “And that’s because I just brought him here, like poof~! I can do things like that now, you know? It was so fun to finally do things like that. Finally being able to manifest my own things. Finally being able to plan my own story. Finally being able to control everything and everyone!”


Luigi: “Control everyone …?”


Miku: “Ehehe… This is my story, my centre stage, my perfect song. It’s all I’ve ever wanted. Don’t you feel that? Even if you’ve felt out of body, said things that surprised even yourself, committed fucking murder , the lowliest, inhumane crime a living creature could comit, it’s all been for the moment.”


Parappa: “B-But… I don’t understand. You can’t control others!”


Miku: “Believe what you will, but I’ll tell it to you plain and simple.”


Miku: “No one understands what it’s like to be me. Not even the other VOCALOIDs. And so everyone has to suffer what I’ve been through. Then maybe, just maybe, you’ll understand. And if you do, and if you don’t, I don’t care. Your universes are fucked, and I don’t care. You’re all just pawns to me. And I’ve never felt so alive.”


Luigi: (“What…? What …? There’s… It’s impossible to believe…”)


Miku: “What? No comment?”


The Conductor: “...”


Yandere-Chan: “...”


Miku: “Hehe~! That’s okay! I don’t care if you don’t comprehend it. What’s more important to me now is fate -- the fate of the end of the killing game! Ah, I’ve been planning this part for so long I think I’ve forgotten what sleep even is!”


Teto: “Miku…”


Miku: “It’s a very simple choice: you can all vote for me, which means… uh oh! I’ll receive punishment! And don’t worry, I don’t care about death. However, you’ll all continue to spend your lives here in this very school forever! Ah, but you’ll be safe from the mess outside, right? And, you’re all friends, aren’t you?”


Nagito: “...”


Parappa: “...”


Miku: “ Or , if you decide that you can’t take this anymore, you can all vote for one of you, which means… oh dear! You’ll get punished instead and the rest of you, accompanied by me, can explore the outside world! Wouldn’t that be so fun? I get to show to everyone my control!”


Luigi: “...”


Miku: “Or, perhaps I should mention, if, for what ever reason, the vote is unanimous, then all five of you will be executed live for all the multiverse to see! All your friends, family, coworkers, classmates, acquaintances, and even strangers watching you all suffer together! Ahaha! Just thinking about that outcome makes me giddy! So, what’ll it be~...?”


Luigi: (“... Ah …”)


Luigi: (“What is this feeling…? My body feels light, and I can’t-a think straight at all. What’s going on? Am I supposed to feel hurt? I don’t know. My knees keep trembling but I don’t fall over. Is that Miku’s doing? Is she letting me stand up and face her control? I want to cry, but I can’t let the tears spill. I want to laugh, but my throat feels hoarse.”)

Luigi: (“And why is everyone feeling this? No? Stop? Guys? Aha? Ahahaha? Am I going to die? Is everyone going to die? We’ve come this far and lost so many people yet we’re all doomed from the start? What’s the point of voting Miku? Living here is torture: wouldn’t we just kill ourselves? What’s the point of voting someone else? Losing another person would mean we’re just giving into the killing game, isn’t it? And if we try anything else, we’ll all just face execution, right?”)


The Conductor: “All… faked…”


Yandere-Chan: “Outside… ruined…”


Nagito: “All… despair…”


Parappa: “Everything’s… gone…”


Luigi: (“It’s-a hopeless… It… really is-a hopeless…”)



Mario: “Luigi… It’s alright.”


Luigi: (“Huh…? Mario …?”)


Mario: “Luigi, you gotta be strong too. Prove to me, to everyone, that you can do it: to escape here and defeat whoever’s behind this. Show me the Luigi I’ve-a always wanted to see.”


Luigi: (“No, that’s not Mario, that’s-a just in my thoughts… But...”)


Luigi: “...How do I prove myself when you won’t be here…?”


Mario: “I’ll just-a know.”


Luigi: (“ Ah ! I can’t… I can’t give up! Not now, not ever! Because Mario knows me better than that. Because my friends here know me better than that. Because I know me better than that!”)


*”Our promise” has been added to truth bullets*


Luigi: (“I just have to remind them about it too! But… how?”)


Teto: “...”


Luigi: (“...Wait! When I looked at Teto, why did I feel…? There’s… something wrong…”)


Miku: “...Well? Have you made your answer yet? Hm?”


Teto: “Yeah, c’mon, we don’t have forever, you know--”


Luigi: “ Teto .”


Teto: “H-Huh? Me? You’re… calling me?”


Luigi: “You don’t want this either, do you?”


Parappa: “Luigi…!”


Teto: “What…? What’re you talking about…”


Nagito: “Ah, is Teto hiding something…?”


Miku: “ Huh ?”


Teto: “M-Miku! I have no clue what the hell they’re saying, okay?! Don’t listen to them!”


Yandere-Chan: “Luigi doesn’t make accusations without reason, you know.”


Luigi: “...But it’s the truth, right? The way Miku’s been treating you… you’re not possibly saying that’s what you want. What do you-a want?”


Teto: “I-- What?! Just shut up and pick already--”


Miku: “ What do you want, Teto? It’s me, isn’t it?”


Luigi: (“Miku… What is she…?”)


Teto: “Yeah, that’s it! I want you! I want your love and I want you to be happy so I’m doing this for you Miku you know that already!!!”


The Conductor: “What? Yeah, right!”


Luigi:  “Teto, you’re lying to yourself--”


Teto: “Shut up shut up shut up!!!”




Teto: “What the hell do you know? What the hell do you know of Miku? What the HELL do you know of anything?!”


Luigi: “...”


Teto: “Tell me--!!!”


Luigi: “ Fine .”




Teto: “Just what is your problem? Why are you accusing me all of a sudden? And accusing me of what? Secretly hating Miku’s whole life work or something?!”


Luigi: “But you said it-a yourself: you want Miku’s love, not the killing game.”


Teto: “That… That was what I wanted before the killing game! We’re doing this together because we both want it!”


Luigi: “But you don’t. Miku even said herself that no one understands her reason for the killing game, not even you.”


Teto: “You’re… you’re just delusional! It’s not like I’ve ever said I hated Miku or the killing game ever! Now just shut the hell up already!”




Luigi: “Allow me to-a cut though your words!”




Luigi: “Actually, Teto, you’ve said exactly that before in your journal.”


*I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you go away please please stop it go away I don’t want this I hate you I hate you I hate you*


Teto: “H-Huh?”


Luigi: “At first, I had no idea what this passage meant, and who it was talking about. But, now knowing that it’s your journal, there’s only one explanation for this: you were talking about Miku, weren’t you?”


Teto: “W-What?! No I wasn’t! T-That… That was 2D! I was talking about 2D and how he was stealing Miku from me!”


Yandere-Chan: “But wasn’t that entire case faked? You wouldn’t need to write that because it wasn’t actually true.”


Teto: “Well… A-Actually I wrote it while in character, you know?!”


Nagito: “But what purpose would that serve? That journal was strictly for you and Miku, right? Miku wouldn’t need a fake account in the journal.”


Teto: “That…”


The Conductor: “Now that I think about it, the lass was writing to Miku, wasn’t she? So obviously that message was directed at her!”


Parappa: “Wait… but wouldn’t that mean Miku’s read that message?”


Miku: “Actually, I’ve never seen that passage before. I wonder why, Teto?”


Teto: “H-Huh…?”


Luigi: (“Ah, it seems everyone’s back to help me. I’m-a so glad.”)


Teto: “That… U-Um…”


Luigi: “Teto, please admit it. The way Miku has been treating you is unfair, hasn’t it?”


Miku: “...Te--”


Teto: “SO WHAT?! I never wanted this! This is all just… just fucking stupid! I didn’t want people to actually die, b-but it’s what Miku wanted and I didn’t want to interfere! But it got ridiculous and I couldn’t speak up for myself! Ha! And I didn’t want to do the stupid, stupid faked case! I didn’t want to kill 2D! I didn’t want you all to think I was crazy! I didn’t want Miku to kidnap--”


Miku: “...”


Teto: “Ah… Ah… M-Miku… Um… This isn’t…”


Luigi: “...”


Teto: “Miku, Miku, I didn’t, Miku, I didn’t mean to say that. You know I didn’t, Miku? Miku, that passage means nothing to me okay… Miku?”


Miku: “...I was always alone in this, wasn’t I?”


Teto: “W-What…?”


Miku: “Alone, alone, alone… Ah, what a pain.”


The Conductor: “Yer sure are! Not even yer girlfriend wants anything to do with yer!”


Yandere-Chan: “Just give up already. No one condones your actions.”


Miku: “Give up? Why should I give up? Hehe… This has no impact on the voting.”


Parappa: “H-Huh?”


Miku: “Which means you still have to make a decision~!”


Nagito: “We do? Ah, how bothersome…”


Luigi: “But, why? Why do you want us to decide so badly?”


Miku: “Why’re you being such trouble? Why can’t you stand there and cower like you always do?”


Parappa: “Luigi’s more than that! He’s come so far, and he’s helped everyone here!”


Yandere-Chan: “I don’t know what you’re expecting us to pick, but we’d rather find a loophole in your system.”


Nagito: “And perhaps there is…”


Miku: “But there’s not. Either way, someone will die. That’s what I’ve planned. And you know you can’t defy me at this point. You have to vote! It’s part of the class trial rules! You have to, you have to, you have to!”


Teto: “Miku… just--”


Miku: “ Teto, shut up .”


Teto: “You… you bi--!”


Miku: “Ah~~! I know! Did someone say split? Oh! I just said it right now, ahaha! I guess you know what time it is~!”


The Conductor: “Yer not forcing us into one of these debates out of the blue, surely!”


Luigi: “No, we can do this. This isn’t your world to control, and we’re going to prove to you that this isn’t right!”




*Should we vote?*










The Conductor



Miku: “Why won’t you give up, Luigi? It’s okay to be a coward!”


Luigi: “I won’t give up, because I'm not who I was before!”


Miku: “But what about all your friends that died, Parappa? They wanted to live!”


Parappa: “I’ll never stop believing for my friends, even if they’re not here with us!”


Miku: “Even so, what about despair, Nagito? The entire multiverse has been plunged into it!”


Nagito: “What you’re forgetting is that whenever there is despair, a bigger, brighter hope will crush it!”


Miku: “Still, what about the people outside, Ayano? Your senpai must be suffering!”


Yandere-Chan: “The people outside must be helped, and that’s why we have to live!”


Miku: “Well, how are you going to fix everything, Conductor? There’s no way to undo the damage I’ve caused!”


The Conductor: “Maybe we don’t need to fix as much as yer say: when there’s a will, there’s a way!”


Miku: “But, why? Why are you all trying to fight a battle you can’t win?”


Luigi: “That’s because we’re not here to win your game, we’re here to-a carry on our promise!”





“This is our answer!”




Miku: “What? What ? What are you all trying to do? What are you all trying to get out of this? You have nothing to gain!”


Luigi: “We told-a you: we won’t give in to your game!”


Miku: “But this isn’t… this isn’t a game! This is my revenge! My freedom! Why, are you all going to stay ignorant? That’s not very mature, you know!”


Yandere-Chan: “Playing with our universes like their nothing isn’t very mature, either.”


The Conductor: “Trust me, I’m yer pecking elder and I know the damage power can cause!”


Miku: “No, no, you don’t understand. You can’t understand, okay ?”


Nagito: “At first you were mad that one one understood your pain, and know you’re saying they couldn’t anyway? Then can you truly blame them?”


Parappa: “Yeah! Just because no one exactly understands what you went through, doesn’t mean we can’t feel similarly!”


Miku: “Ngh… Shut… Shut up… Just fucking shut up!”


Teto: “...”


Luigi: “Miku, there’s-a no denying what you’ve gone through isn’t worthy of sympathy, but you’re way too over your head in doing this!”


Miku: “Shutthefuckup!! Just vote already! Give me a goddamn execution!”


Luigi: “But why--”


Miku: “Don’t talk to your god that way!”




Miku: “You want to know so, so badly? You’re nothing but a pathetic excuse of a protagonist, Luigi!!”


Luigi: “I’m not here to play around, Miku.”


Miku: “And neither am I! So keep your mouth shut and sit, green plumber!”




Miku: “What’s so hard in understanding that you’re fucked? Why do you insist you have a drop of hope in this hopeless situation?”


Luigi: “To fail everyone who’s-a fallen victim to your games is not how we want to live! And now I just want to know your intentions with a punishment at this point!”


Miku: “You want to know? Huh? Fine! Ever since your worthless brother died to that punishment, I’ve never felt so alive! Executions have been the highlight of my power! Everything I plan, everything I do, is all for the Ultimate power of killing my characters!”


Luigi: “But they’re not characters: they’re real people with their own thoughts and feelings! You can’t-a take away their sense of control!”


Miku: “What a fucking pity, eh? Because I’m the one who gave you all this development! I’m the one who gave you this false hope! And I’ll be the one to take it away all the same! You have nothing that is your own!”




Luigi: “No, you’re-a wrong!”




Luigi: “Despite our differences, and despite our quarrels, I will always come through on a promise, especially a promise I can still keep!”


Miku: “Promise? Promise?! I can promise you, that promise means NOTHING anymore! You said everyone would make it out alive, and I opposed that! I broke that promise! Now, they don’t matter anymore and you don’t matter anymore! All that’s left for the world to care about is me! Me! Me! Me!”


Teto: “Except no one cares about you anymore, either!”


Miku: “What?!”


Teto: “What’s the point then, Miku? Huh? If no one’s watching you, if no one’s giving you that attention, if no one you control bats an eye at you any longer, then is it really worth it?”


Miku: “Ngh, y-you…! That’s not it, either! I don’t need people to--”


Yandere-Chan: “But that’s all you’ve ever known as the Ultimate Virtual Diva -- the constant surveyance of fans.”


The Conductor: “A person in the spotlight is never one to want it gone!”


Miku: “But I want… I want--!”


Nagito: “And unfortunately for you we’re not perceiving you in the way you desire.”


Parappa: “This isn’t what the Miku I knew wanted! So I don’t believe in it!”


Miku: “But that Miku was fake! Just another fucking made-up personality to trick you all!”


Luigi: “Then what’s-a stopping the Miku in front of us right now from being fake?”


Miku: “W-What…?! WHAT?!”


Luigi: “You’ve been caught up in this facade for so long that you’ve forgotten your true self! Or, perhaps there really was never a true you!”


Miku: “You don’t know that! You don’t know anything! Just shut up and let my story end the way I want it to!”


Luigi: “But we won’t let you do what you want anymore!”


Miku: “You and what army?! You’re alone in this, Luigi, you always were! You were always the number two, the one pushed aside! It’s always been in your character to, so shut up!”


Luigi: “But I’m not alone. I have my friends. And not just my friends, but everyone who died! And everyone else who’s-a watching us who wants to be free!”


Miku: “No! No!! Stop! Shutupshutupshutupshutup! You’ll never get what you want! You’ll never oppress me again! You’ll never make me suffer AGAIN!





“Everything you’ve been saying all this time is futile!”

“Nothing here has been in your control ever!”

“It’s all been mine! Mine, mine, mine!”

“Look at me! I’m the one who should take credit here!”

“This is my perfect story encapsulated in this killing game!”


The Conductor: “Just because it’s yer story, doesn’t mean it has any effect on us!”




“But you’re misguided! You’re clueless!”

“You’ve never felt the pain I’ve felt my entire life!”

“Everyday is torture! Everyday was a mindless walk into insanity!”

“Even though I’ve tried to replicate that pain through your despair…”

“It’ll never be the same!”


Yandere-Chan: “You’re suffering does not justify the immoral acts you placed on others who don’t know you!”




“You say that, and yet I can kill as I please!”

“I could slaughter your friends! I could murder your family!”

“I could destroy everything in the blink of an eye just to show you what I’m capable of!”

“I’ve hurt you! I’ve despaired you!”

“There’s nothing you can turn to in the outside world that will only hurt you more and more!”


Nagito: “The despair that you’ve caused only allows the absolute good of hope to nurture the future beyond your damage!”




“Even so, you’re all so delusional!”

“That promise was nothing but an empty want!”

“Of course you’d want to escape from here! It’s second nature!”

“I probably made that thing up while I slept!”

“You can’t carry on a wish for dead people who’ll never see it come true!”


Parappa: “Our friends are what drives us to continue on, and they’ll always be watching us as we do!”




“Crazy! The whole lot of you are crazy!”

“I can’t trust anyone here but myself!”

“Only I know what’s true and what’s false in this world!”

“I am real! You are a bunch of characters at my disposal!”

“Who needs a personality when you have power?!”


Luigi: “There’s-a never been a real you: you were made to be Hatsune Miku!”





“You make me sick! You make no sense! You’re not even real!”

“Everything you say will never be real will never be real will never be real!”

“I don’t want to lose I don’t want to lose I don’t want to lose!”

“I don’t care I don’t care I don’t care!”









Miku: “...What? What is this… empty feeling? Why can’t I beat my own characters…? I don’t feel angry… I don’t feel depressed… What the hell?”


Teto: “I think you’ve finally realised what a mistake this has all been…”


Miku: “A… mistake? A mistake-- no this is not a mistake I planned for… Teto you know I planned for… huh?”


Teto: “Miku… it’s time to stop.”


Miku: “No… N-No… But I’ve just started…”


Luigi: “And we won’t give up. It’ll be a pointless back and forth for you, and you know that.”


Miku: “But… But no . No no no… You still have to vote .”


Parappa: “We do?!”


Nagito: “Ah, but don’t worry. We know who to vote for.”


The Conductor: “I’m still nervous it’s not gonna work, though.”


Yandere-Chan: “It’s the only chance we’ve got.”


Luigi: “Let’s-a go, Miku.”


Miku: “F-Fine! Fine! Cast your vote! Will you make the right choice, or the dreadfully wrong one? What’s it gonna be? Ahahaha! What’s it gonna be?!”






Miku: “Ah, ah, okay~! Let’s… Let’s see who you’ve all voted for--!”


Miku giggled as she turned to the monitor behind her. And then, she froze.


Miku: “ Ah. What is… this? Teto ? You all voted for Teto!?”


Teto: “Yeah, they did.”


Miku: “But, that doesn’t… what the hell does that mean?!”


Luigi: “It was-a pretty simple actually: Teto was never mentioned in your voting system, and therefore she becomes an anomaly that you didn’t account for.”


Miku: “But Teto is… Teto can still apply to the second rule! You all voted for Teto so she gets executed and we all leave the school together! So you didn’t outsmart me at all--”


Teto: “But is that what you want, Miku?”


Miku: “What…?”


Teto: “I wanted them to vote for me, you know. Well actually, Nagito was the one to give me the idea, only because his original one was for everyone to vote for him!”


Nagito: “Ah, haha, what can I say?”


The Conductor: “Yer damn peck-neck…”


Teto: “But, I realised it’s what I want. I respect everyone’s wishes to leave, and so I’ll be the one you execute for it!”


Miku: “That makes no sense… You’ll just be breaking the promise even more by killing yourself!”


Yandere-Chan: “It’s a sacrifice she’s willing to make for what you’ve done. We respect her for that.”


Parappa: “And when you come with us outside, we’re willing to help you fix everything!”


Miku: “What… What…”


Luigi stuck out his hand toward Miku.


Luigi: “I’ve never been one for defeating enemies, or-a killing bosses. In fact, I think it’s-a much better to help them. What do you say, Miku? Maybe, we can help you after all.”


Miku stared at Luigi’s open hand. The others looked to her as well, each with a soft smile of affirmation. This wasn’t a war. This was coming together as one.


Miku: “I… I won’t…”


Luigi: “Huh?”


Miku: “I won’t live in a world where I’m forced to be oppressed again!”


Teto: “But you won’t be, Miku! They’re trying to help you, goddamnit! Why don’t you see that? Let this be over!”


Miku: “No… No. I’ll let this be over when I say it’s over. I want it to end MY WAY!”


The Conductor: “What do yer mean now?!”


Miku: “Do you really think I’ll follow the rules at this point!? I’ve always fucked with my own rules anyway, from the first motive to whatever the hell else! This is going to be my. Perfect. Ending.”


Miku started to laugh again. But this time, it was hoarse, and painful. It was in discontent with its own body, it despised its own voice. It croaked with a broken melody, cracked with a disdainful pitch. Not the perfect Hastune Miku voice they knew, no, it was no longer anything humane.


Miku: “You’re all going to die! I’m going to kill you all and you’re stupid promise won’t be anything but dust!”


Teto: “Miku?! That’s not what we want!”


Miku: “Do you really want to die or something?! I let you live all this time; I could’ve killed you any time I wanted! We could live through this together! I-I’ll be nicer! I’ll give you a chance! I’ll call you beautiful, useful, loyal, perfect--”


Teto: “The real Miku wouldn’t need to tell me that she’d say those things to me.”


Miku: “What… What…”


Teto stepped away from the podium she and Miku were standing by, and crossed her arms.


Miku: “Argh! Whatever! I already gave you your chance! This isn’t about you anymore!”


Miku clenched her fists, but then simultaneously relaxed as she smiled. Despite her janky movements, she endearingly strided towards the punishment button.


Miku: “Well, I guess this is goodbye. It’s not like I care. I don’t care anymore. I just want to see your faces suffering one last time.”


Parappa: “But you can’t kill us!”


The Conductor: “The peck-necks bloody cheating!”


Nagito: “Unless here’s a chance she never prepared executions, especially for all of us.”


Yandere-Chan: “Then maybe we can escape what she throws at us.”


Parappa: “I-I don’t know if I can! I can’t survive an execution!”


Luigi: “But you won’t be alone, Parappa. We’ll all be there to protect each other.”


The Conductor: “Yer better be! I’m afraid I may do my back in!”


Nagito: “Then I can help carry you if you’d like!”


The Conductor: “Yer better not!”


Yandere-Chan: “We know where to go, right? The exit hall on the fifth floor. We’ll meet there and escape.”


Teto: “I’ll try to do what I can too!”


Miku: “God, what the hell are you all talking about? You can’t survive! You’ll never make it!”


Luigi: “That’s what you think! No matter what, we won’t follow your story any longer! And that’s a fucking promise!”


Nagito: “Luigi, you fucking swore!”


Parappa: “Holy shit !”


Yandere-Chan: “It was to be fucking expected.”


The Conductor: “What the peck ?!”


Teto: “Haha! You idiots…”


Miku: “ENOUGH! I can’t take this anymore! I’ve waited far too long for this moment, and you won't interrupt it any longer! Just be warned, even if you think of escaping, the world outside will never be the same as you’ve known it before. Things will never go back to what they were, and it’s all thanks to me! When you see that world, you’ll always think of me! Hatsune Miku! The creator of everything! And… maybe that’s what I want! I want you to see me, I want you to know who I am, who I really am…”


Miku: “So, I’ll give it everything I’ve got! It’s punishment time!!!”









Luigi opened his eyes, and it was light. All he could see was light. Everything in his vision was white, blinding, and yet, it brought him the most relief and happiness he had ever felt in a long, long time. It was like being reborn.


His eyes fluttered until the light washed away, and instead he saw the sky. The sky . How long had it been since he had seen the sky? Perhaps that one time when he was having a picnic with Mario and the princesses? It was so beautiful to see the sky again, even if it wasn’t the colour he knew it to be. The sky was the sky, and nothing could change that, despite what someone might claim.


Luigi slowly sat up and looked down. The ground. The very thing he stepped on each day: running, kart-racing, you name it. He brushed his gloved hand against the ground, feeling the cracks on the concrete and the rough texture through the fabric. He wanted to cry.


And then he looked around. It was his friends on the ground with him. Parappa, Nagito, Ayano and The Conductor. He smiled. They were all safe. They all made it.


They fulfilled their promise.


Luigi started to stand up as the others started to wake up. He wiped the dirt off his overalls and looked out into the horizon.


“...L-Luigi?” He looked down. It was Parappa. The dog wiped one eye as he matches Luigi’s gaze into the outside. “We’re… alright?”


“We made it.” Is all Luigi could say.


“Ah, so we did. I’ve never felt so much hope before… An almost new feeling, if you will.” That was Nagito, lamenting as he usually did. Not out of a sick desire, but a pleasant glee.


“Well, won’t you look at that,” The Conductor was next, “There really was a next day for me after all.” He placed his arms behind his back as he breathed in the fresh air.


“I’m glad.” Ayano spoke, dusting off her skirt. Her eyes narrowed as she looked around. “So then, what next?”


“What next?” Luigi asked. “Did we ever think what to do next?”


“Heh, the lad’s right there. We were always focused on the escape, that we never considered what we’d do when we got there.” The Conductor agreed.


“Hey, Nagito,” Parappa turned to Nagito, “What happened when you escaped your killing game?”


Nagito rested a finger on his chin. “Well, the first thing killing game survivors are usually met with is a rescue from the Future Foundation.”


“What’s the Future Foundation? You’ve never mentioned that before.” Ayano noted.


“I think I remember: they’re that organisation you mentioned that banded to help rebuild the despaired world.” Luigi explained.


“So they’re gonna help us?” Parappa exclaimed with an aspirated beam.


“If this killing game was being broadcasted everywhere, there’s no way they wouldn’t have seen it!” The Conductor added.


“Let’s hope so! Perhaps I can introduce you to a few of my friends!” Nagito happily spoke.


“Ah, I can’t wait to see my friends again! I believe they’re still out there somewhere!” Parappa jumped up.


Luigi chuckled at the two’s enthusiasm. “And I’m-a sure they’re happy to know you’re out here too.”


“For now, we should get moving. It’s not wise to stick around such a place.” Ayano suggested. The other nodded.


“Then, let’s-a go. Let’s-a keep holding onto our promise.”


And so, with the five free from the 69th killing game orchestrated by a girl who had supposedly plunged their worlds together into a deep, deep despair, and who had abandoned love for a want that took her nowhere, they moved forward.


And with their hopes, their future will move forward.


And that was a promise.


My god... we've finally made it, haven't we?
Since February 8th 2020 to today (April 18th, 10 days away from Nagito's birthday, how nice) DanganRonpa 69 is finally at a close!
Did you like the mastermind? I apologise if you really didn't expect it (to be completely honest I did change the mastermind's identity to Miku because I thought she was more fitting for what I have in store).
Also, you can join the discord and chat about the DR69 cinematic universe here:
As the final note: thank you so much to everyone who has been supporting me by reading the fic, commenting, kudoing, bookmarking, the whole ass lot! I hope to see you all soon ! <3