Work Text:
Ned’s life is sad for a number of reasons. He keeps a spreadsheet.
T1ld3, Jetsonastro24, ClingingBlossoms, Misscantfindagoodname, einsteinapproved, Gryffinknight, ironiseas, Mau_Iren, octopusvibes, oleandxr, ArgentumCor, AnankePerforce, starwingtrue, CheerfullyMorbid, Dragon_Book_Addict2, starbreeze, Sarcastic_crane, Aoire7, EMLD148, hazelnuttzero, Toriwayne, ThatPurpleDragon, TheFeralGeode, LemonOfDestiny, blueinkpearls, soft_feather, Arastas, caveglow, CatS1863, LegendaryGab0, Bl8wf1sh, Rodri11421, CatsRTheBest, suspiriumcrescent, paintchipblue, steampoweredgirafarig, 8procyon8, VHYB, Westbrook, meciums, NiDusty, Zocario, George_Gordon, Lilydragon0, Fae_queen2910, onyx001119, Aragmorkagorka, alias2335, Juliet_Capulet, jt6164, and 557 more users as well as 208 guests left kudos on this work!