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Return to Katolis

Chapter 7: The Festival (part two)


And this brings us to the end of our story! I can't thank everyone enough for all the support. Thank you for reading, thank you for leaving kudos and thank you for writing comments. You are all so spectacular and you've made writing this fic such a fun experience.

I've got one last surprise in store for all of you, so don't forget to check out my note at the end of the chapter ;-)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Dusk was definitely upon them as they walked out of the grove, and the crowd around them had all begun meandering toward the Winter’s Day tree in the square. 

It was time for Ezran to make his grand, kingly speech for the festival, and he was dreading it. His dad never liked public speaking either. He could remember the way he’d fiddle with the cuffs of his tunic before addressing his people, or spending countless sleepless nights writing and rewriting his chosen words.

Ezran went over his talking points again and again in his head as they crunched their way through the snow.

“You’re gonna do great,” Callum said as they approached the small stage in the town square. He and Rayla each gave him a pat on the back before standing off to the side.

“I hope so,” Ezran said quietly to himself as he began to climb the stairs. Opeli and a few other council members were already waiting on top.

They bowed respectfully and Opeli gave him an encouraging nod as he took a deep breath.

When he turned to face the crowd, he squared his shoulders and held himself as tall as he could manage. When the square fell silent, he began to speak. 

“People of Katolis, I want to thank you all for your hard work in creating another wonderful Winter Festival,” Ezran said, hoping his voice was projecting far enough into the crowd.

People cheered and a few noisemakers went off before Ezran signaled for them to quiet back down.

“Many of you already know, but this year’s festival is also a historic one. For the first time ever, elves have joined us in Katolis to celebrate our holiday in the name of peace.” Ezran gestured to Rayla, Janai and the group of students who had all congregated at the bottom of the stairs. 

The crowd became a mix of cheers, murmurs and a few jeers at the mention of the elves among them. 

“I know things are different,” Ezran said, trying to bring their attention back to him. “We all know the pain and anger war can cause, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Six months ago, we all fought side-by-side to put an end to the cycle of death and destruction. Both elves and humans were heroes that day,” he said. 

“Which is why, for this Winter Festival, I am presenting my gift to those heroes,” he paused for a moment to take a calming breath. “A monument will be erected in the Cove of Remembrance in honor of every human and elf who looked past their hatred, who stood up for what they knew was right and fought for peace.” 

The same rumble of mixed reactions started to wash over the crowd. Pleased murmurs mixed with sounds of confusion and discontent. 

Ezran knew the monument would draw mixed reactions, as would his decision to place it so close to his mother’s own statue. But he knew he wanted to honor the people who had risked or given their lives like she had. 

The rulers of Neolandia, Del Bar and Evenere probably won’t be pleased about it either. After all, their armies had been very nearly decimated in the fray. But he hoped Katolis and Duren could lead by example and show them that they could all overcome their pasts and move forward,

He held his hands out to once again quiet the crowd when he’d given then a moment to process the announcement. 

“I know my mother and father were both great leaders, and I know that I’m still new at being king. But I will learn from them and work hard to make all our homes a better place,” he said, his heart pounding in his ears just a little. 

“So, uh, everyone please enjoy the rest of the festival and here’s to a prosperous year,” Ezran fumbled a little bit at his conclusion, his nerves beginning to get the best of him. But for the most part, he thought his speech went about as well as it could have.

He shuffled off the stage as a group of musicians with fiddles and lutes took his place, bowing as they crossed his path. 

Suddenly his anxieties were interrupted by a ferocious hug from his aunt who once again lifted him from the ground and swung him around. 

“That was beautiful, Ezran,” Rayla said, coming up to pat him on the head once Amaya released him. 

“Thanks,” he said panting a little. “You don’t think people will be too upset?”

It was Callum’s turn to pull him into a hug, if not a much less constricting one, “I think it’s perfect,” he said. “And I think mom would love it.”

That did the trick, clearing out some of the remaining nerves in Ezran’s system. 

“I hoped she would,” he replied quietly. 

Janai cleared her throat, getting his attention before she bowed deeply before him, “It was an honor to fight at your side and it is an honor to accept your gift. Thank you, King Ezran,” she said formally before offering a hand for him to shake. 

Ezran chuckled. 

“If you hadn’t noticed, my family hugs,” he said before wrapping his arms around her briefly. “Thank you for all you and your people have done.”

Janai stood stiff in shocked silence for a moment before returning his embrace, “Your aunt is also very...fond of hugs,” she said.

Ezran laughed, “Yeah, I know,” he said. 

Behind them, the musicians began to play a lively tune and a few townsfolk began to dance while others returned to milling about the town and partaking in other festivities.

For the next several minutes, Ezran walked around the square fielding questions, comments and concerns from townspeople about his gift. Many applauded his bravery, a fair number expressed discomfort at having a permanent display of their allegiance with elves on display and a couple of people aggressively asked where the funds would come from to build such a monument.

At the end of it all, Ezran was exhausted. It was getting late and all he really wanted was to get his hands on the biggest sweet cake he could find and curl up with it in front of a fire. 

However, a commotion back near the musicians caught his attention before he could search for Barius’ stall. A small ring of people had gathered in front of the stage, clapping along to the cheery music as a few couples danced in the middle.  

Callum and Rayla were among them, and just as Callum had led Rayla with confidence while they were out on the ice, she now led him as they danced on the cobblestones. Ezran had no idea Rayla could dance; it had never really come up while they were on their life-changing and perilous journey. But she could, and she was good at it.

She kept pace with the music as it dipped and swelled, spinning and clapping along with the other dancers. When the beat brought her and Callum together, she took his hands and gently helped him fumble his own way through the steps. He was by no means as skilled as she was, but Ezran recognized the concentration in his brother’s eyes as he gave it his best shot. 

Rayla smiled and occasionally tapped his chin with her finger to keep him looking at her instead of his feet. Or she would lean in close and whisper something in his ear and Callum would nod and make a slight shift in his arms or stance. It definitely looked like they’d danced together before.

Ezran wasn’t surprised. 

What did surprise him, however, was when the verse turned over and the dancing couples all switched partners. For a moment he held his breath as Rayla changed places and danced with a man he recognized as a blacksmith’s son. Ezran had met him a handful of times and he was a nice enough man, but he had no idea how he would react to an elf joining in with a traditional human dance.

But he didn’t miss a beat, hooking arms with Rayla and spinning around like he would with any other partner. Then, so did the woman who danced with her next, and the next two partners after that. The song continued until all of the dancers cycled back to their original partners, and Rayla looked positively giddy by the time she returned to spin in Callum’s arms with the final crescendo of the music.  

Ezran applauded along with the rest of the crowd, catching sight of Amaya and Janai on the other side of the square as he did so. He meandered his way over to them as the musicians struck up another song with a much slower tempo. 

They were leaning against the side of a stall selling persimmon candies, Amaya holding a large bag of the sweets between the two of them. He took a few when she offered him the bag and leaned against the wood next to her.

“Your people truly are surprising,” Janai said as she kept her eyes on the dancers in front of them and popped another candy into her mouth. “I would have never believed that a human kingdom could accept that their prince had fallen in love with an elf.”

She paused for a moment before continuing, “I never would have believed that a human and an elf could  fall in love to begin with.”

Ezran glanced over and saw the tiniest hint of blush on her cheeks as she determinedly kept her eyes forward, even when Amaya glanced slyly over at her. Only when Amaya shoved the bag of candies into her hands and began to sign did Janai look over at her. 

Ezran wasn’t as good as Callum at translating sign language, but he caught most of what his aunt said and took the lead when he caught sight of Janai’s slightly overwhelmed expression.

“She said ‘love is a language everyone can understand,’” Ezran said with a smile. 

Janai’s blush intensified, but she merely cleared her throat and set her gaze forward once more.

“I suppose you are right,” she said, her voice wavering just a little. “They will still have a difficult road ahead of them.”

Ezran followed her gaze back over to Callum and Rayla, who had settled into each other's arms as they swayed in little circles. Callum stumbled on his feet only a few times as Rayla led him through the steps but neither let the smiles slip from their faces. 

They took no notice of the dozens of eyes that were on them as they danced. Some looks were kind, some were shocked and some even appeared disgusted, but all of the people behind the expressions remained silent, allowing them to love each other in peace for the moment. 

“They’ll be fine,” Ezran said confidently, Amaya nodding beside him.

The song eventually came to an end and the three of them watched Callum take Rayla by the hand as they walked out of the square in the direction of the castle. 

“We should be getting back too,” Amaya signed. “It’s late.” She handed Ezran the rest of the persimmon candy with a wink before motioning for Janai to follow her. Ezran waved goodbye as they walked out of the square and disappeared from sight. 

Ezran took the opportunity to admire the scene of the festival one last time. The crowds had begun to thin, candles in windows were gradually extinguished as everyone trudged home with full bellies. The lights of the Winter’s Day tree still sparkled jovially, casting a dim light on those who were determined to celebrate just a little bit longer as a light snow fell around them.

All in all, he felt proud of how the day had gone. Even though they had lost their king, even though their standing with the other kingdoms was now unclear and even though there was no telling what other challenges lay before them, the people of Katolis seemed to enjoy the holiday. When he looked around, he still saw the same smiling faces of children who’d spent their day playing and eating sweets. He still saw the same adults who looked just a little more relaxed than they did on a normal day. They were the same faces he could remember seeing after every Winter Festival. They were still here. 

Corvus made his way over to him, his arms laden with a heaping pile of little packages wrapped with paper and tied with colorful bows. 

“Do a little shopping?” Ezran asked, not bothering to hide the amusement in his voice.

“They’re for you, My King,” Corvus said, pausing momentarily to adjust one of the more perilously-perched packages in his arms. “Barius got a little carried away.”

“I love when he gets carried away,” Ezran replied, moving forward to scoop up some of the packages.

“Shall we go home?” Corvus said, his expression grateful now that his arms were significantly less overburdened. 

Ezran looked around once more, taking a deep breath of the cold crisp air before nodding and following Corvus up the road. 

He slept much better that night.

Amaya, Gren, Janai and the sunfire elf students departed for the border two days later. They extended an open invitation to Ezran Callum and Rayla to visit Lux Aurea whenever they wished, with a promise to also return to Katolis for next year’s Winter Festival. 

Amaya hugged Ezran tight before promising that she’d be back for another visit before the spring thaw. 

“I’m so proud of you,” she signed, kneeling down in front of him. “You have already become a strong and courageous king.” 

His heart glowed, “Thanks, Aunt Amaya,” he said, pulling her back into one more hug. 

The students each gave Soren a large hug as they prepared to mount their horses. They proudly noted that they’d all filled two journals during their visit and thanked all of them for their valuable information. 

“If you and Miss Rayla ever decide to have children, please let us know,” one of the students said brightly to Callum as they were preparing to depart. “We’d be fascinated to learn about the gestation of a halfling child.”

Callum had to bring Rayla’s serving of dinner to his wardrobe that night. 

Another day later, it was their turn to leave for Xadia. 

Ezran woke that morning with a lump in his stomach and tears already gathering in his eyes. Bait clambered across the mattress and tucked himself beneath his arm and grumbled when he refused to get out of bed. 

“I know, Bait,” he said, sniffing. “I’m just going to miss them so much.”

Bait gave a low warble as his color shifted to a steely grey. 

“Yeah, me too,” Ezran whispered, snuggling the glow toad tighter and letting himself cry for a moment. 

When he joined them down in the courtyard a short time later, he saw that their eyes were red and raw too. They didn’t say anything, just pulled him to them and held him tight as they all shared their tears. Soren arrived to escort them to the city gates, wordlessly joining their embrace as well.

Rayla was the first to pull away, wiping her eyes on the sleeve of her coat.

“We’ll be back again soon,” she said, her voice firm but also thicker than usual. “And we’ll keep writing as often as we can.”

Callum pulled back a little and nodded, he opened his mouth a couple times, seeming to struggle to find the right words. 

Ezran gave him a teary smile, “Draw me lots of pictures of the places you explore, okay?” 

Callum chuckled a little, tears still falling from his eyes, “Yeah, Ez. I promise.” 

Just then, Callum’s eyes shot open wide as he pulled away completely. 

“I almost forgot,” he said, hastily pulling his pack in front of him and rifling through it. “I made something for you.” 

After coming up empty, Callum pulled his bag and sketchbook from his shoulders and handed them to Soren before also yanking off his jacket to hand to Rayla. 

“I think I left it in our room,” he said. “I’ll be right back.” 

He activated his mage wings before another word could be said and swiftly took off, the wind from his wings turning the freshly-fallen snow into a swirling vortex around them. 

“Man, I will never get used to seeing him fly,” Soren said, watching with fascination as Callum soared around the towers and toward the window of his room. 

It didn’t take long for Callum to retrieve the thing he was looking for. He reappeared within view in moments and gracefully landed beside them. Dispelling the wings, he reached inside his shirt and recovered a piece of paper and handed it to Ezran. 

Callum had always been a fantastic artist and Ezran was always fond of his sketches, but the picture he handed him was one of the most breathtaking he’d ever seen. It was a scene from the morning of the festival, when they’d all settled into the den to play games and drink warm cider. 

He’d captured Soren’s exuberant expression as he told the sunfire elves about his workout regiment as a member of the crown guard while Gren laughed, Amaya and Janai sitting by the fire and smiling at each other when they thought no one was looking, Rayla curled on a sofa and fighting the desire to doze off against Callum’s shoulder with a fluffy blanket draped on her lap. Then there was Ezran, sitting in the middle of it all looking relaxed and content with Bait snoozing on his lap. 

More tears spilled from Ezran’s eyes and he quickly moved away to avoid dripping them on the picture. 

“It’s perfect, Callum,” he said. “Thank you.”

Callum’s face filled with pride at his reaction, “Even when we’re not here, we always love you and we’re always thinking about you.” 

“I know,” Ezran said, wiping his nose on his sleeve. “Me too.” 

“We’d better get you guys on the road if you want to get to the Banther Lodge before sundown,” Soren said, sounding genuinely remorseful. They’d be spending the night there before heading back to the moon nexus where Pyrrha would collect them and take them back to the Storm Spire.

Callum nodded before taking his jacket back from Rayla and hurriedly yanking it back on over his arms, not at all noticing when a small box jumped from his pocket and onto the snow. 

Ezran saw it, however, his eyes going wide as he moved to scoop up the tiny object before Rayla saw it. 

“Callum, you dropped something.”

Oh boy.

Rayla bent down to pick up the box, turning it around in her hand a few times as she looked quizzically at it, “What’s this?” She asked as Callum turned around to look at her.

Ezran watched as the color drained from his brother’s face, his mouth going slack and hanging open wordlessly. It was only when Rayla’s fingers twitched in preparation to flick the box open that he moved. 

“Oh! That, that’s-psh-that’s nothing,” he said, scrambling over to snatch it from her hand and stuff it back in his pocket. “It’s just a present-um, I mean, not really a present...more of a souvenir?” 

Rayla arched an eyebrow at him, “Uh huh…What kind of souvenir is it then?”

Callum looked to Ezran, pleading silently for help.

“It’s for Zym!” he chimed in, smiling widely. “I asked Callum if he could give it to him for me.” 

“Yep, yep, yep that’s right!” Callum said, fumbling as he grabbed his bag  and sketchbook from Soren and throwing them over his shoulders. “It’s for Zym, that’s all. Just a souvenir-present from Ezran to Zym.” 

Rayla stared at both of them for a moment, her arms crossed and her eyes narrowed, before hefting her own pack up and turning away from them and following Soren toward town. “Whatever you say,” she said over her shoulder.

Callum exhaled heavily once she was out of earshot, sinking to the ground and placing both hands on Ezran’s shoulders.

“I owe you big time ,” he said seriously. 

“Yes you do,” Ezran said. 

They made their way through town quicker than Ezran would have liked and before he knew it, the gates came into view.

“So,” Rayla whispered casually to him as they walked, the crunch of the snow under their feet preventing  Callum and Soren from hearing as they walked ahead of them. “What did you get for Zym?”

Ezran felt the breath suddenly escape from his lungs and all thoughts vanish from his brain.

“’s,” he searched his mind for something, anything to say. “Persimmon candy!”

He was an idiot.

Rayla’s eyebrow cocked, “Persimmon candy?” She asked skeptically.

“Yep!” He said, his voice coming out way too loud.

She looked far from convinced, “You put persimmon candy in that fancy, little box...for a baby dragon?”

“Yep…?” He said again, far less confidently.

Rayla frowned at him, “Ezran,” she said in a voice that had a frightening resemblance to Opeli. “It’s not for Zym, is it?”

Ezran winced, “No,” he said back quietly. “But promise you won’t say anything? It’s something special, like when you kissed Callum during the full moon the other night.”

Her eyes widened at that. 

“How do you know-” she stopped, waving her hands in front of her face exasperatedly. “You know what? I don’t even want to know.” 

“But promise you won’t say anything?” He asked again. “It’s really important to him.”

“I promise,” she said, reaching down to tousle his hair and receiving several aggravated chirps from the adoraburrs.

When they finally stopped at the edge of town, Rayla bent down to kiss Ezran softly on the forehead and give him one last massive hug, “You be a good king while we’re gone, alright?”

“I will,” he said, trying and failing to fight the tears that once again appeared in his eyes. “Keep each other safe.” Bait croaked sadly in his arms.

“We will,” she said with a warm smile, scratching Bait affectionately under the chin before turning to say goodbye to Soren. 

Ezran took the opportunity to throw himself at his brother, colliding roughly with him and almost sending them both backward into the snow. 

“I love you, Callum,” he said, an awkward little sob escaping from his lips. 

“I love you too, Ez,” Callum said as he held him, his voice also shaking. “We’ll see you again soon, I promise.”

“I know,” Ezran said, squeezing his eyes shut. “But that doesn’t make it hurt less right now.” 

Callum nodded and Ezran felt his brother’s tears beginning to dampen the fabric on his shoulder, “I know,” he whispered back. “But I am so proud of you. I will always be proud of you. And I can’t wait to hear about all the other amazing stuff you’re going to do as king.”

Eventually they both ran out of tears, caught their breaths and let go of each other. Callum stepped away, taking Rayla’s proffered hand as well as a few deep breaths. 

It was time to go. 

They slowly started taking a few steps backwards but not yet able to turn around. 

“We’ll write you as soon as we make it to the nexus,” Rayla said. “And when we get back to the spire.”

Ezran nodded, trying to wipe his eyes again and finding his sleeve almost entirely damp. 

“Be safe, you guys, and come back soon,” Soren said, placing a comforting hand on Ezran’s shoulder.

They each waved as their steps got a little larger and they moved to turn around toward the trail ahead. 

“I love you guys,” Ezran called out to them, his voice breaking as he did so.

They stopped and smiled through their own tears, “We love you too, Ez,” Callum called back. They waved once more before turning and beginning their journey back to Xadia in earnest. 

Ezran watched them until they disappeared behind tree cover. Soren squeezed his shoulder and silently tilted his head back in the direction of the castle. He followed silently, sniffing and dragging his feet a little in the snow. 

All the while he could feel Soren’s eyes glancing back at forth at him with concern. 

“So…” he said finally. “Your brother asked me for a favor before he left.”

Ezran perked up a little at that, sniffing loudly once more before looking up at him, “Yeah?” He asked, curious as to what it could be.

Soren smiled at his interest, “Yeah! He asked me to have Opeli have a talk with you about...sandwiches? I don’t know what he meant, but I know I love sandwiches, so it’ll probably be a fun talk.”

Ezran’s brow furrowed in confusion. Sandwiches? Why in the world would Callum want Opeli to talk with him about…

Wait a minute.


Don't forget the end-credits scene...