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Hello There

Chapter Text

Empty. Nobody on the streets. No one saw the women covered with a bundle in her arms running to the motel and knocking on one of the rooms.



A man opens the door, looking at the women and seeing the baby in front of his room's door before he has the chance to speak the baby is shoved into his arms and the women begins to speak in a fast manner.

"I can't keep him so he is in your care, please I'm dying and our son deserves to know his father and be raised by him. Our son's name is Josiah Winchester,don't let me fade talk about me to Josiah. I want him to remember me and how I fought till the end of my time with all I had."

Kissing the baby's forehead that was laying in his father's arms, she looked up into the tear-filled green eyes of the hunter Dean Winchester who she had loved since that first night in Portland where they made love till 3am before he left on a hunt.

"Don't cry. I'm not worth it Dean and you know it, I was gone the moment I was bitten by the werewolf."the women spoke with tears running down her face " I love you all my heart Dean Winchester don't seek revenge, let me go and concentrate on our son. Give him the love that you craved as a child and remember to have fun raising him don't forget that."

The couple smiles and looks down at the sleeping baby, jealous of how unaware he is of what is going on.Dean leans into kiss his love one last time whispering "I will miss you and love you. I will raise our son the best I can and will remind him of his mother all time."

The women walks away from the rundown motel and plays the scene in her head over and over again making sure this will be her last memory.