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Metal Bound, Skin Born

Chapter 4: Can this be fixed?


Megatron and Jack meet again, and a particular dragon appears.

Chapter Text

Jack was in some sort of plane, everything was dark and, gold? Small golden glowing spheres were flying around when one passed by it was Issah speaking. They were memories. A lotus flower tree was a little ways away, so Jack began to walk towards it.

Once closer to the tree, Jack saw Megatron, in his organic form. No armor, only flesh. He was grasping his head and shaking violently. Jack only kneeled in front of him, his mere presence was enough to calm the raging beast. Panting, Megatron then kneeled as well, a memory flew past them and Ballas' voice spoke.

"We had created monsters we couldn't control. We drugged them, tortured them, eviscerated them... We brutalized their minds... but it did not work. Until they came." Megatron and Jack had aligned, soothing the beast.

"And it was not their force of will - not their Void devilry - not their alien darkness... it was something else. It was that somehow, from within the derelict-horror, they had learned a way to see inside an ugly, broken thing--" Jack now was one with Megatron.

 "And take away its pain." Ballas ended and silence fell until..... "We are one, we will accept this memory and move beyond its control. The emptiness will fuel our wrath."

The new Megatron Umbra stood, grabbing his sword and turned at just the right moment to slash across Predaking's leaving a gash down his snout. The predacon reared back, Megatron was in control and Predaking had to warn Shockwave. With a final roar, the predacon flew away.