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lost in the depths of my soul

Chapter 2: fading into darkness


Sorry it’s been so long since I posted, but I have been going through EXTREME writers block and I didn’t know where to go next with this story. Plus I just had finals and it’s been stressful. So I hope it enjoy the new chapter!
(and sorry once again that this chapter is so short...)

Chapter Text

Soon after Hunk’s departure from the room, Lance climbed out of his hiding place and shed his fox form. Lance slowly made his way to the door of the room, attempting to keep his footsteps as quiet as possible.


By the time he made it out of his room, he could guarantee the rest of the team had already made it to the training deck. Lance always attended training exercises, but he never stayed for the pack activities. He knew that if he stayed that long, the team would shed their human forms and convert into their wolf ones.


The wolf forms of an alpha or beta increase their senses, and Lance didn’t want to stick around and find out what they’d do if they smelled his omega. Lance ran through the halls, bursting into his room and equipping his armor. While he was turning on his communicator, Lance heard Allura’s voice over the coms.


“Why must he always be late to these meetings. They are very important to the strength and bonding of Voltron.” Allura claimed, her voice loud and demanding as she waiting for the Blue Paladins arrival.


“Sorry princess,” Lance replies, putting on his best mock flirting tone. “don’t mean to keep you waiting. You know how much I need my beauty sleep.” Once Lance had finished his opening act, he could practically hear the eye rolls of his teammates.


Lance quickly ran out of his room and sprinted to the training deck, his omega begun to show through. No no no... Lance thought as he heard himself whimper and cry. I guess my days of being a beta are up. Lance sighed, trying to conceal his omega as he stepped into the training deck. Once he joined his team, Allura spoke again.


“Alright, now that Lance has decided to join us, it is time we begin training.” Allura states, raising her arm as a signal to Coran. Almost immediately, six training bots fell from the ceiling, landing in a defensive stance. Each training bot charged for one of the paladins, gaining a blue glint in their eyes. Lance quickly summoned his bayard and it shifted to the old Altean Broadsword, as Allura has recalled. Lance charged back at the bot, landing a hit on the upper abdomen with the sword creating a dent.


The training bot stumbled backward but regained its balance with ease. The Altean robot charged at Lance once again and summoned its own Altean sword, jabbing it at Lance who quickly evaded it. Suddenly, the training bot halted its movements and stood straight, looking Lance in the eye as the blue eye of the training bot shifted purple. The bot charged at Lance for a third time , shifting its sword for a Galra blasted. Lances eyes widened as the blaster was aimed towards him. He glanced at his other team members, who were still engaged in combat with their bots. Lance looked back at his bot and stepped back when he saw that it had vanished.


Lance looked around, his head whipping around like a tire on an axel. He heard a gun reload and his eyes began to tear up when he felt the all to familiar cold barrel of a gun against his neck. Just when lance thought things couldn’t get any worse, Lance heard a deep gravelly voice whisper in his ear.


“Goodnight, omega.” The figure whispered, firing his weapon. Lance screamed in agony, his sight blurring as his world tilted. The figure picked Lance up, his bloodied helmet dropping to the floor as he was thrown lazily in their shoulder. Lance could barely hear his teams cries before his world faded black.







Pidge has just punched the light out on the bot’s head when she heard it. A gunshot, followed by Lance’s scream. Her eyes widened as she turned around, her blood going cold at the sight. Lance falling to his side, his neck mangled and bloodied from the gun shot wound. Before lance could hit the ground, the figure behind him caught him and threw him over their shoulder.


“LANCE!” Pidge cried as she saw the figure turn around and run out the door, Lance in tow. Pidge turned around, looking to see if her teammates has just seen what she had. Her teammates had stopped in their tracks at the noise just as she had, but were looking nowhere near as shocked and she was.


Pidge turned back to the door and bolted without another word. No way was she going to let her space brother be taken just like Matt and her father had. She would make sure if it.