Chapter Text
Not nsfw or a comic, just a glitradora cuddles request that turned out MAD cute so I thought it belonged here :^)
SeleneRose, booklover0316, Nordic_Witch_of_the_Books, Velociraptrix, supersumo45, a_poetic_sheep, StarsSwirling, Virge_of_Panic, 1maddierose1, FarAndLow, AlexandraH, Koopa_Queen, Jay_in_Shades, DrImpossible, i_car_us, StarryPinguinho, LackadaisicalCat, SG3SoulInk, ChenLanYin, RiptideOfTime, flungs_flattling_flor_flominance, han80, blueunifish, brotherrrr4, Wonderful_Watergrove, emily4683, Pr2357im, Fish_tyrone, Ribarel, avulle, DarthPrime89, Nicos_Bleps, lil_hobbit, Galeas_the_Knight, marvelqueer, ATIO123, raindropbanana, canadian_pineapples, Canibalistic_Brownie, Yamiai44, Dori_Le_Fishy, Winter_0523, crosxerx, fortunatelypurpletrickster, babygirlbodyguard, PhoebeFireworks, im_taller_than_you, Lyssandia, Zarok, Diamond_Dynamo, and 411 more users as well as 621 guests left kudos on this work!