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Ficlet Requests

Chapter 21: [Christmas 6] Lanque <3< MSPA Reader


tw for alcohol

Chapter Text

Elwurd watched in vague concern as you tossed back a fifth glass of eggnog. Eggnog was definitely what you got closest with for food at your party- trolls had their own eggs, sugar, and milk, and you had whipped up some cream, and by tossing in some generic troll liquor, you had successfully spiked your own eggnog bowl. You have her a thumbs up and she whooped.

“you can hoLd your drinks, dude” she remarked and you nodded eagerly.

“I’m going to go talk to Lanque.”

“wait, what? no you don’t taLk to your bLackrom crush whiLe drunk”

You were already gone. You shoved your drink in her hand and left, wandering around the busy party and shouting hello to the people you passed. You could tell you were drunk, which was a good sign you were drunk, but you knew you could handle Lanque. Pretty sure you could. If you could stand him sober, you could stand him drunk, right?

“Laaanque,” you slurred, grabbing onto him and swaying a bit. He didn’t bother trying to catch you, just looking at you, and you could quickly tell he was just as drunk as you were. A green flush covered his cheeks and he actually smiled widely when he saw you.

“Hello there~”

“No, no, you’re not supposed to be happy to see me.” You shoved him off, stumbling a bit. “You’re supposed to be angry that I’m here! Because I look so good.”

“You do look good,” he agreed, bobbing his head.

“Angry!” You waved your hands at him and he just laughed, tossing back his head. You blustered, shoulders hackling, and he patted the top of your head condescendingly.

“You look so good I could eat you,” Lanque purred. Those words made you warm and you giggled, then you shook your head and shoved him away again.

“No, no, you said I was baaad, you can’t want me again that easily!” You shook your head. “You’re supposed to beg for me because I look so good.”

“I am, loVely, I am.”

“But I’m not tryyying yet!”

“You don’t need to try.” Lanque winked and you huffed. Okay, maybe getting drunk wasn’t the best decision here.