Chapter Text
Thank you so much for your support of this story! I loved writing it, and their story isn"t over yet.
The sequel has been started, and the first chapter is up now.
Thank you so much for your support of this story! I loved writing it, and their story isn"t over yet.
The sequel has been started, and the first chapter is up now.
soft_and_shiny, Phani4250DR, H2Oblivious, Solarrrr_2, SoaringWithTheClouds, seemangelic_1920, Yanyeet, Sparkysparkybo0mman, Silver99, Twilight1985, Lilylove10, Daisy_Lea, lavender_00haze, CastielDeanAng, snacky233, SerStolas, Iorhaelle, MysticDino24, superheroalterego, lemmoniesixx, Digimonss, DestielDespair, Angrycow, JWalston17, ThePottergirl234, xMoodyNuggetx, mcurran304, MPFitzsimmons, 2yummylazy, YumiAkira, mvriaaguilar, ElseNomNom, MissCrimsonFlame, Coffeencats3, megexpress, Aminaviv, Nellipusen, 23dbqls1, Carolikins, Bluecharlie0, DarthLordDory, Taebear_1730, Sevv, ambroserollinsgirl, Mira_27, xxDestielFTWxx, Wyldeturtle, justawishaway, anihilic, Destiellover74, and 816 more users as well as 1071 guests left kudos on this work!