Work Text:
QaF characters as the cast of Buffy.
Casting is as follows:
Justin Taylor as........................... Buffy
Michael Novotny as................... Xander
Ted Schmidt as.......................... Willow
Emmett Honeycutt as.................. Anya
James Hunter Montgomery as...... Dawn
Brian Kinney as.......................... Spike
Debbie Novotny as...................... GilesVidder: Wendy
Originally released in 2004
I made this in that special time when I was transitioning from Buffy fandom to QaF fandom.
This is probably funnier if you first watch the Buffy Season 5 opening credits that it's based on. :)
cutting_capers, Allison42, 1Brenna_nah_Kerridwen1, mander3_swish, LilyK, HollieH, Erbear4474, tinkerbell72, and AmyDCB33 as well as 5 guests left kudos on this work!