Collections including Tales of the Battle

1 Collection


List of Collections

  • Summary

    This collection preserves fanfiction works from the Harry Potter archive, The Quidditch Pitch, which was an all-pairing, all-era Harry Potter archive for fanfiction, fanart, podfic, and meta. Its hosting plan expired during a time when the mod, Annie, was not able to renew it, and the original archive was deleted by the hosting provider. Using a backup of the archive, Annie worked together with the OTW Open Doors committee to import its works to the Archive of Our Own.

    This collection is closed to works that were not part of the original TQP archive.

    The import of this archive to the AO3 was approved by the OTW Open Doors Committee in July 2016, and will begin importing after October 2016. The import was completed in May 2017.

    (Closed, Moderated)

    Bookmarked Items: