Collections including Simon Doesn't Believe In Ghosts
2 Collections
List of Collections
Literally just a one-stop-shop of all of my favorite works regardless of the fandom.
I still sometimes add to this but I have since come to understand and appreciate bookmarks more so idk…(Closed, Unmoderated, Unrevealed)
New Year's Resolutions 2018 (nyr2018) by Morbane, yuletide_archivist, pendrecarc, sarken (AO3_ADT), Isis, zz9pzza
06 Jan 2025
- elynross
- primeideal
- hhertzof
- Llwyden ferch Gyfrinach (Llwyden)
- VelvetMouse
- karanguni
- molybdomantic
- antonomasia09
- NightsMistress
- Doranwen
- Rosencrantz
- Steelneko
- spoke
- Measured_Words
- Nary
- Prinzenhasserin
- tuesday
- Merit
- ambyr
- Karios
- Kitsune_Scribe
- Orockthro
- PerfectlySteadfast
- coaldustcanary
- whetherwoman
- ictus
- Asymptotical
- fencesit
- aninfiniteweirdo
- js_thrill
- C-chan (1001paperboxes)
- FireBatVillain
- Gammarad
- donutsweeper
- spacegandalf
- embraidery
- dizmo
- gaialux
- Reshiel
New Year's Resolutions 2018 is a collection of stories that are based on prompts from past Yuletides.
The full list of all 2017 requests can be found here on AO3, here in a text file (with assistance from Flamebyrd), and here in an app (thanks to karanguni).
The requests of some wonderful pinch hitters who were not signed up for Yuletide can be found on Dreamwidth or LiveJournal. Please consider writing a story for them!
(Closed, Unmoderated)