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Instruments and Evergreens.

Chapter 3: Drunken devils devil no drunks


Shaken fists and laughing fits make no man pale while he drinks his ale.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Ray checked his shopping list making sure that he wasn’t missing anything “Ah, milk! Who forgets milk?” Checking again he determined that the list was done.
“Wallet, check. keys, check.” After making absolutely sure he did in fact have his keys he left for the local hyveeee
There was no need for cars in alder gre as it was quite a small place where everything was well within walking distance and honestly everyone even himself quite liked it here, it was peaceful and everyone was friends with everyone; nobody would settle for giving a man a nod or the tip of a hat.

He gave that thought for a moment wondering about The Dreambender was it here to take a break from its own existence?Or was it here to tear down the lifestyle of Alder gre?
There were many more possibilities but those seemed the most probable... He hoped for the former.
Just then he came upon his destination.The automated door opened and he stepped inside.
Ray had been inside for about 40 minutes when he came upon something that made him involuntarily straighten his back,
The Dreambender was in the dairy isle. Should he leave with what he’s got? Stand and fight? Or- Fuck it.

He began towards the milk he wanted {2%} forcing his back to slouch once again “ Good afternoon Mr.Evergreen” his made point to be as casual as possible but to someone as old as The Dreambender he felt he had to give ‘ Mr’ at the very least.
“Ah hello Mr.Larkson .”it replied
“Excuse me , but i need that milk.” He said
“Ah,sorry.”it apologized....Apologized?The Dreambender apologized to him, a 28 year old human I.P.S. agent. That can’t be right.It must be joking,do demons even joke? Maybe some weird form of mental torture? Could it be unaware of his government ties? Or- his thoughts were interrupted by a thorny “Are you going to get the milk or stand here untill the store closes?”startled he could only nod then get the milk.
Later at home he realized he’d gotten the wrong milk “damn it ,1%.” As much as he wanted to he could not return milk to the market...fuck he needed a drink.
The Alder Glee bar was aptly named everyone inside was always happy they had the world record for least bar fights and even preters and pro-nats seldom fight in its walls. He hoped that the Dreambender was no exception to the rule.

As he entered the bar he was greeted with a belowing laugh and several diffrent versions of hello reminding him of the social diversity in Alder Gre. He smiled and sat in the center most bar stool which creaked in protest. “Oldest stool in the bar that one.”the bartender said with obvious fondness “Was hope’in it would last longer.”A flash of annoyance crossed the bartenders face. “Well I knew it wouldn’t last much longer anyways.”

“So. Same thing as last time son?”The bartender questioned. “Please don’t call me that.”Ray replied callously “Well then what should I call you?” “Just call me Ray.” “Well Ray, I’m -“ the door opened “Drew! I need to get drunk!” The familiar voice signaled the entrance of Tyrone Evergreen the man who Ray had promised to pay for the next time they were both in the bar. Ray got out his wallet at the time as he was pondering a demons ability to get drunk.
Hours later Ray finally had to draw the line at ‘200 from broke and everyone is drunk anyways so they won’t notice ‘ and headed home with much to ponder such as why don’t drunk demons have a temperament or why was nobody scared when it started complaining about cults and ..and.. complaining? A demon that complains about its own cults actions?
‘Hmm... ‘he thought ‘this does encourage further investigation ‘ he also thought about how broke he was.


I may or not have gotten in a rhyming mood.

Series this work belongs to: