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Hey! =) I just wanted to inform you all that this work now has a companion piece called "Append: Insurgency" if you're interested. ;)
Hey! =) I just wanted to inform you all that this work now has a companion piece called "Append: Insurgency" if you're interested. ;)
Thea8, CaptainRose, IceCreamBrownie, Jsjdksjdj, 0WwWwW0, Kori_z, greenkittens, LilBil6, Maximumbella, PrettyMuchObsessive, Mmcciigg, queenkatherine, Zelllkka, Lady_of_Ravens, lilmsbeliever, Eddie_SpaghEtti_fucked_y0ur_mum_4O_times, ItsHoodButItsGood, SaLDOS, CrazyCat63, Vecasse, Insert_Very_Creative_Username_Here, molly_malik, VEZ60, a_loaf_of_bread, Chesh1reC4t13, thekillinqjoke, crokksu, Stellaabc6, TardisMom1031, WellThisIsAwkward, Kyozhen, KTLovesLOTR16, Unremarkablecucumber, Louisa_Reader, Bekmo, wingdiringding, Gwen2126, not_mntly_pres, SlHnSa8, lutiaco, liilith_bear, ilbyrainum, Floppypanda75, ZeBaji, CaseyIsHerePeople, Isobel647_789, TastesLikeLime, PayAttentionPlease, FactfulFallacy, TricketerWolf777, and 748 more users as well as 706 guests left kudos on this work!