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Chapter 8: Epilogue


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Mommy, where's daddy?”

“He’s meeting us there, sweetheart.”

“But what if he’s busy again? What if he doesn’t show up?”

“Did he promise he would?”


“Then he’ll be there. Your father would never break a promise.”

Sakura smiled at the girl with short pink hair and green eyes. It felt like looking in a mirror of her past self. Her daughter had inherited her looks completely, the only difference being the shade of pink, for the girl’s hair was a bright pink, instead of the pastel pink of her mother. Sakura kept walking with her eleven year old daughter to Charing Cross. She was finally heading to Hogwarts. Sakura knew she’d miss her baby terribly, but a part of her was also relieved. Shiho was as demanding of her attention as her father, and between the two, Sakura barely had any time for herself.

“Mommy, I’m nervous. What if I don’t get sorted into Ravenclaw?”

“Shiho, my best friends aren’t from Ravenclaw. Your father isn’t from Ravenclaw. I’ll love you no matter what house you’re sorted into.”

“But I want to be smart like you mommy. Uncle Naruto is always saying you’re the brightest witch around.”

Sakura laughed. Uzumaki Naruto had recently become Minister of Magic, after Pain had decided that being Minister was too much paperwork. He would frequently consult Sakura in any decisions involving health issues, for she was the Head of St. Mungus. Recently they had been working on a policy that had been originally proposed by Tsunade, to include mandatory health and care lessons as a part of the Hogwarts curriculum. Kakashi, the new headmaster was receptive, and they were in the final stages of implementation.

The two pink-haired females finally reached the train station and headed to platform 9.

“Are you ready?” Sakura asked her daughter, who gulped nervously. They ran towards the barrier that hid the magical train station and quickly crossed over. Sakura watched Shiho admire her surroundings, as she herself had once done. The girl ran her eyes through the crowd and spotted someone.


She ran towards her father, leaving her mother to take care of the abandoned luggage. Sakura pushed the cart towards her husband, watching him scoop his daughter in his arms and spin her around as she loved. She joined the two with a bright smile.

“Sakura! Gaara!”

The family’s happy moment was interrupted by Ino and her family. She was being followed by her lazy husband and her two sons, both just as lazy as their father. Shiho immediately started chatting with the two Nara boys excitedly, while the adults had their own conversation.

“I see Naruto allowed you to come home to see your daughter off.” Shikamaru smirked at Gaara, who huffed.

When Naruto took over the Ministry, he made Gaara the Head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation. He made a wise decision, for Gaara thrived in his new position, but it did force him to travel more than he would have liked to. Shikamaru was working under Naruto as his most trusted adviser, and Ino had her own shop, where she sold all manners of exotic plants.

“Dad! They’re here!”

A blonde boy with blonde hair and striking sky blue eyes joined them. Soon he was followed by his father, the Minister of Magic and his mother.


Just like that, the gang was all together, watching their kids play around all being childhood friends, due to the closeness of their parents.

“You should all board the train, unless it’s going to leave without you!” Naruto scared all the youngsters, who all quickly ran towards the train, waving farewell to their amused parents.

“I’m never going to get used to watching them leave.” Ino mentioned, tears in her eyes.

“Eventually, you do.” Konan joined them, watching her own daughter waving her goodbye.

The adults chatted around for a while longer before splitting off. Gaara and Sakura walked home, living close to the station.

“You took the day off?” he asked his wife.

“Yeah. I wanted to make sure I had time to see Shiho off properly.”

“We should have another brat.”


The happy couple wasted no time in ducking in a nearby alley so they could apparate home. A couple months later, a happy Shiho received a letter from her mother, telling her that she would soon have a baby brother.


This is finally finished!

I'd like to thank everyone for taking the time to read this, and I hope you all got as much enjoyment as I did.

Thank you for reading!


Welcome to my new story! This will follow Sakura's 7 years in Hogwarts, with a few chapters after dedicated to her post-Hogwarts life. It's mostly a slice of life story, about character development, particularly Sakura and Hinata's development. I look forward to having everyone around to watch this progress and evolve.