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Pain - It's a Mental Game

Chapter 3: Confusion

Chapter Text

2249 - USS Shenzhou NCC-1227: Ready Room




Twisted thoughts twining throughout.


You have got to be kidding me. Was the first thought Philippa had to Sarek’s confession. She had heard of Eldest Mothers but had never had the pleasure or displeasure going by Sarek’s demeaner of meeting one.

“Sarek, when it puts one of my crew members at risk I do not appreciate information being withheld from me. Now I want you to explain to me why Michael’s heritage was withheld, I have Sigma 9 clearance so talk.”

Philippa was extremely peeved and Sarek could see that. He swallowed again in a very Human like reaction that could be likened to a child who was about to get punished by a parent.

“It began with a Human Organisation called Terra Prime and how Michael’s mother came to be.” Sarek began. “Elizabeth Tucker was created as a binary clone of Charles Tucker the Third and T’Pol of Vulcan. It was only when they brought Elizabeth back from where Terra Prime had created her that they discovered that there were genetic flaws and that they were deliberate. It was released to the public that the child had died, Elizabeth did not in fact die instead she was placed in stasis with her Parents’ permission. Forty years it took Dr Phlox to correct the genetic flaws.”

Philippa was amazed, she had learned about this in Federation History but to hear the full story simply astounded her.

“What happened next? I mean why the secrecy?”

Sarek thought for a moment before replying.

“Terra Prime and others had threatened non-humans lives at the time and even committed acts of violence against them, so it was felt that keeping the fact that the first Vulcan Human Hybrid had not in fact died classified to the highest levels was safer and this also applied to Elizabeth’s then future children. To protect Elizabeth and in turn Michael cosmetic surgery was done. On Elizabeth her ears and eyebrows were permanently shaped to the human norm, while Michael only had her ears reshaped as she had inherited her father’s human eyebrows.”

Philippa had had enough of the history lesson as fascinating as it was and brought the conversation back to the purpose of her call.

“Does Michael have the telepathic abilities of the Vulcan race?”

“Why do you ask Captain?”

“I heard her voice in my head Sarek, she was begging me for help.”

“Michael’s telepathy like most Vulcans is limited to touch-telepathy, her skills as an empath however rival some of the strongest Betazoid’s. If she was begging you for help Captain that may mean that her mental shields have failed, and she is headed towards neural shock, though how this could happen is beyond me her shields have always withstood any test.”

“Has she ever spent any length of time with three hundred plus psi-nulls before?”

Sarek stared at the Captain, looked down at his computer tapped a few buttons.

“A Vulcan Medical Cruiser is en route to the Shenzhou’s position and will be there in two days.”

“Thank you Sarek, Doctor Nambue has Michael sedated now, I presume that this would be safest for her?”

“Yes, keep Michael sedated until she can be seen by a Mind Healer who can teach her better shielding technique’s. Live Long and Prosper Philippa.”

The connection cut leaving Philippa Georgiou to muse upon what she had learned about one of the most famous incidence’s in Federation History and how connected to it one Ensign Michael Burnham was to it all.