Work Text:
My contribution to the WinterHawk Reverse Bang - hope y'all like it
Heheheh - details of associated fic to follow :D
EDIT: Here it is! Any Way You Want It by LoonyLoopyLisa and it's brilliant, yeay!!! :D
My contribution to the WinterHawk Reverse Bang - hope y'all like it
Heheheh - details of associated fic to follow :D
EDIT: Here it is! Any Way You Want It by LoonyLoopyLisa and it's brilliant, yeay!!! :D
lokistrk, EsoxWrites, SilverSunrise, ShelleighM, cinnamonroll_ofdeath, Destiel_67Impala, LostInWonder, Donshin, Irka, Valou34, tmishkin, Snowrockskjj, beautiful_flower254, Blue2215Rosie, Blackshado_wolf5, odetomerlin, JackieChan, Zomifnaf, LightPein, smallsatellite, Nova_Gibbs, xXInsaneWolfXx, Nana_Evans, FeistyEpicurean, stany, Reg001, I_kill_Zombies, CaressaCoffins, SaydriaWolfe, mindovermadness, Col1999, thechickenisnotamused, Serendipitie, EmpressB, Shackadaisical, AliceIsthar, Pochiyaki, LolitaMojita, jujukittychick, jojosflyingcircus, TedraKitty, SterekEverAfter, Luna_Loveless, Syrenslure, MistyDirtyInfiniteRoots, WondersOfPalaven, TalkAboutWhat, supersockie, Trigger_Warning, ScriptorBemi, and 60 more users as well as 47 guests left kudos on this work!