Chapter Text
From Enjolras"s folder of confidential files, accidentally left out at 3 am after a very long day of work. Found pinned to the wall behind the desk the next morning with an addition in purple ink.
Transcription for the visually challenged, internet-speed-challenged, or tinypic-took-the-image-down-challenged:
[A picture of a sheet of paper, slightly crumpled, containing Enjolras"s second Five Year Plan:
Five year plan 01.01.2013 – 31.12.2018
05/2013: Start applying for nonprofit jobs
31.08.2013: Pass bar exam
09/2013: Start job at non-profit
2014: Work at least 100 hours of pro bono cases
17.05.2014: Two year anniversary. Propose to Grantaire
2015: Get more established in local politics
- Organize march on the Place de la Nation
- Hold graduation speech at the Sorbonne
- Step up campaign for LGBT rights
05/2015: Begin campaign for National assembly election 2016
17.05.2015: Three year anniversary. Propose to Grantaire (alternative date)
01/2016: Organize voter registration drive
03.02.2016: Get elected to National Assembly
04/2016: Propose bill on education reform
The item "Propose to Grantaire on two year anniversary" has been struck through, with an arrow pointing at a list of pros and cons:
- Between campaign years, more room in schedule
- Might stabilize relationship
(- Emotional reasons)
Early. Greater chance of refusal?
In a different color, "Emotional reasons" has been put in brackets and "Greater chance of refusal" has been underlined. In the same color Enjolras has added:
"Impatience is insufficient reason to risk refusal!"
The item "Propose to Grantaire on three year anniversary (alternate date)" has been underlined, with an arrow pointing at another list of pros and cons:
- Longer waiting period demonstrates commitment
- Three year anniv. more romantic?
Might look like publicity stunt/interfere with campaign
- Greater risk of relationship failing in meantime?
Above it all, in large letters, purple ink, and a different handwriting, someone has scrawled the words "YES, you fucking loon."