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Fandoms: House M.D., Torchwood, Doctor Who, Doctor Who (2005), Doctor Who (1963), Discworld - Terry Pratchett, Pirates of the Caribbean (Movies), Verbotene Liebe, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
02 Nov 2017
The second arc of the epic crossover story Eram quod es, eris quod sum.
Following the events of the Conspiracy Theories finale, two different doctors must each lead a crew of squabbling misfits on a quest to find the mysterious race of aliens called the Chula. They are the only race in the galaxy with the medical expertise to cure Gwen of her terminal illness, after all.
In the meantime there is something much more sinister brewing, with possibly fatal implications for the entire universe.
And, of course, since the TARDIS is involved, the intrepid explorers might not exactly get where they are trying to go. And the Doctor has that bad habit of accidentally collecting people....
(Knowledge of all involved fandoms is not strictly necessary.)
- Part 5 of Eram quod es, eris quod sum