Collections including Written in the Stars
10 Collections
List of Collections
A collection of works from my favourite fandoms through the years that I very much enjoyed reading the first time, and want to collect in one place to revisit and enjoy again.
I will never hide this, so please don’t worry about your stories if you accept the invitation.(Open, Moderated)
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My attempt at tracking all of the Fics I read in 2020
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Fics I'll Keep Re-Reading Even In The Afterlife (littlepunkwolfsfaves) by littlepunkwolf
06 Oct 2021
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Alanna's favorite mate and soulmate fanfiction!
Sometimes there are colors or strings or names or drawings or smells or pulls or psychic links. Sometimes it's romantic, a few times platonic, but yearning and some angst are pretty par for the course. Whatever the case, it makes me happy.
Individual stories are listed under "Works" and series, incomplete works, and works authors just haven't wanted a collection label for yet are listed under "Bookmarked Items". Highly suggest you read them all!
Check out my other collections!
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A collection of works that have special significance for me. Maybe they’re the fics that made me fall hard for a ship or were exactly what I needed at a particular moment in time. Or perhaps they’re ones that influenced fandom, or magnificently execute a favored trope, or are a pure, guilty pleasure.
Mostly Star Wars, Teen Wolf, and Harry Potter (for now) ❤️
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