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Snapshots of Life

Chapter 14: Questions in Brazil


And we are back with another chapter. A huge thank you to everyone who has read, commented, and added kudos to this story. It means a lot to me and I'm glad to see this story is still getting a lot of love even with my sporadic updating. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Brazilian GP Weekend: Mid October 2009

                Christian was busy checking a message that had come in on his phone as he crossed the lobby of the hotel. The team had packed up and moved on the travelling circus to Brazil for the Brazilian Grand Prix. Christian knew it was a critical race. While it was still an outside chance that they could win the Constructor's Championship, and the Drivers’ Championship with their protégé Sebastian Vettel, it was still a chance. There was pressure from higher ups is Red Bull to make it happen. Coming second wasn't an option, it was the win or nothing. As he crossed the lobby towards the lifts with the intention of going up to his room to collect his track bag, he came across Britta, Babs, and Kate coming down. Babs was shocked as she looked at Kate and Britta who were both laughing.

"You're kidding me?! You're absolutely kidding me?! No way did he do that!" Babs gasped as the trio exited the lift. Their track bags with them, ladened down with everything they needed for the day.

"I swear he did, it was an absolute nightmare." Kate groaned as she tried desperately to forget the memory.

"She's telling the truth Babs. Honestly be grateful you joined the team after DC left. At least you don't have to deal with his drunken antics." Britta giggled a little as she recalled the story Kate had just told.

"Oh says you!" Kate gasped and looked at Britta. "You know, I've still not forgiven you for what you did in Germany in 07." She reminded her.

"And I haven't forgiven you for the nightmare that was Monaco in 05." Britta countered as the three walked through the lobby towards the hotel exit. Christian watched the three of them walking as he suddenly remembered a conversation from the day before. A look of panic and concern crossed his face as he rushed after the team press officers.

                "Umm, where are you all going?" He asked them worriedly. He knew what the answer probably was, but he wanted to hear it from them. The trio turned round to face their boss after hearing him asking a question.

"To the track as always." Kate replied, feeling a little stupid that they had to say. Christian looked worried, his fears confirmed.

"Britta can I have a quick word please?" He asked her. She looked confused but nodded. Wondering what it was he wanted.

"Two seconds guys." She told her colleagues before going back towards Christian.

"What is it Boss?" She asked as he looked rather awkward.

"I'm not sure if it's the best idea for you to travel into the circuit with Babs or Kate." He admitted to her. Britta frowned when she heard him say that.

"Why? I always travel in with Babs and Kate." She asked, wondering why it was an issue. It hadn't been for all the season, so why now was he acting like it was an issue.

"Not for Brazil. You need to head to track with either Sebastian or Mark." He explained to her. "Our security consultant flagged it yesterday."

"Security consultant? Christian I'm sorry but I always travel in with the other press officers, why is security coming into it?" Britta argued with him. Christian sighed, he hadn't expected Britta to argue about a decision like this.

                "Because our security consultant has flagged his concerns yesterday about your arrangement going into track. Normally every other race you're fine to travel without issues with your little team. But in Brazil we have to factor in the risks associated with you being the girlfriend of a driver. That risk means we need to put procedure in place for your safety and the team. You’re a security threat as Mark's girlfriend. Which means you'll be treated as we would treat any driver's girlfriend or partner. You'll need to travel in with a driver as they will have the correct security measures in place in the form of an armoured vehicle and specialist drivers. Do not leave the track or hotel without adequate security. And do not go off by yourself under any circumstances." He warned her, hoping she would understand the severity of the situation. But rather than agree, Christian noticed she rolled her eyes at his explanation and gave a small huff.

"Christian that’s overkill and you know it. No one outside of the team knows were a couple, other than a handful of drivers. We've not gone public about it. To anyone out there I'm just a normal team member." She shrugged, not seeing any issue with this. The security consultant was blowing this out of proportion. She was not a danger to anyone, least of all herself.

"Britta this isn't up for debate!" Christian snapped. "You’re not travelling in with Babs and Kate. Every year we get stories about team members getting held up at gunpoint by some local crime gang. Putting you in a car with them without additional security puts all three of you at risk of serious harm. And if it comes out you’re the girlfriend of a driver, you just got upgraded from serious harm to kidnapped for ransom. You’re travelling in with a driver." He couldn't believe how Britta was acting about this. She was throwing her safety away for what?

"Christian no one knows about myself and Mark. I'm just a press officer to them." Britta argued. It had been the one thing she didn't want to happen when she became Mark's girlfriend. For the team to treat her differently, she was a press officer. Always had been, always would be. Being Mark's girlfriend shouldn't factor into that.

                "Britta you are a driver's girlfriend!” He argued, making her freeze a little in shock as she came to terms with what he just said. She wasn’t just Mark’s girlfriend; she was a press officer for the team. Was that all Christian saw her as now? Some girlfriend clinging onto the arm of a driver with no actual use in the team? “You will be treated like a driver's girlfriend in Brazil! End of discussion!" Christian argued with her. Britta could see from the look on the Team Principal’s face it wouldn't matter what she said, he was sticking to his guns on the matter. She was going to be catching in a lift with a driver. She sighed and nodded, letting Christian know that the debate was over. A sick feeling settling over her stomach. She didn’t like this. She didn’t like this at all. "Good, I'm glad you agree.” He looked sternly at her.

"I understand." She replied with a very heavy German lilt to her English. Not that Christian picked up on it. He wasn't Mark, he had no idea about the little giveaway that Britta was far more emotional than she was letting on.

"I'm glad you do." Christian replied before going off to get his bag. Britta sighed as she went over to Babs and Kate who looked very confused on what exactly was going on.

"What was that all about?" Babs asked Britta, aware her friend was looking rather upset right now.

"I'm not allowed to travel into the track with you. It's not safe according to the team's security consultant." Britta replied.

"Really? But we've always gone into the track together." Kate said, looking rather confused about things. Wondering what had just happened.

"I know. Look I'm sorry but it's a direct order from Christian. I'll do what I can here remotely. I know it's not ideal but I'll be in with one of the drivers as soon as possible." Britta explained to the two of them. The two women nodded and gathered their backpacks up, risking being late if they didn't pick up the pace.

"Thats fine, do what you can do and we'll regroup at the track when you can join us." Kate agreed before she and Babs left, leaving Britta behind feeling very emotional.

                Mark wasn't expecting the door to his hotel room to open again, especially as Britta had already left with the other PR Ladies five minutes ago. So when it did he jumped a little. Spinning around rather quickly to see Britta there. "Forget something?" He asked her before he really registered the look on her face. She looked upset and emotional as she dumped her team backpack down on the floor by the door before coming fully into the room.

"Nein. I've been temporarily grounded until you or Sebastian decide to head into track." She replied. Mark could instantly hear she sounded emotional about things and sighed a little. Wondering what had happened to get her into this state.

“You have? Is there a reason for that? "He asked her softly, aware whatever had happened she wasn't happy about it. Britta flopped rather dramatically onto the bed as she looked up at the ceiling. Tears pricking at her eyes.

"I was about to leave with Babs and Kate when Christian came over and warned me, I'm not allowed to travel with the comms team. All because our stupid team security consultant has said its' not safe as I'm a driver’s girlfriend." She replied. Mark was a little surprised at first when he heard Britta say that, but the more he thought about it the more he had to agree with the security consultant. Brazil, while a lovely place to visit and race, wasn't safe for them. Every year the security consultant reminded him not to leave the hotel or wander out from the track for his personal safety. He was ferried to and from places in an armoured car with a specialist ex police driver. Simply put, he was a target, and if anyone found out about Britta being his girlfriend, she would instantly become a target too.

"I mean... He has a point Britta, for your personal safety it probably is best for you to travel with me or Seb." He agreed. Britta let out a huge gasp and looked at Mark. Wondering how on earth he was agreeing with Christian and the security consultant an all of this.

"Seriously Mark?! You're taking their side in this?" Britta glared at him, looking absolutely unimpressed with her boyfriend right now.

"This isn't about taking sides Britta, it’s about safety. Why is it such a big deal?" He asked, wondering if there was a reason Britta was getting upset and emotional about this.

                "It's a big deal because this." She indicated between the two of them. "Wasn't supposed to affect my career. I was always supposed to be treated as a press officer regardless of my status as your girlfriend. Right now, I am your girlfriend in their eyes, not a press officer." She explained. Hearing her say that Mark sighed. He always knew at one point this was going to happen, their personal and professional world was going to clash horribly. Honestly, he'd hoped the problem would be his side, not Britta's, but clearly they'd not gotten that lucky.

"Britta they know you're a press officer, this isn't about that. It's about safety and security in a country with a high-risk rate." He tried to assure her. "Look, you being my girlfriend in Brazil, it means certain precautions have to be taken, as they would if it was my dad with me or any other family member. It doesn't mean you're not a press officer. It just means on this occasion you come with… Extra logistics?" He suggested, unsure what to call it as he looked rather awkward. Britta certainly didn't look happy at all right now about the situation.

"I don't want extra logistics! I want to do my job and go to track at the same time as the other comms girls. It shouldn't matter who I'm fucking!" She argued. Mark could hear the usual telltale German lilt to her English that she had when she was emotional had now taken on a very angry undertone to it. He knew he had to tread carefully about this or it was going to end badly. She clearly wasn't happy about the decision at all.

                "Well unfortunately Britta, it does matter who you’re fucking. The last thing the team needs is to be a press officer down because a local criminal gang have kidnapped her for ransom because she's also happens to be a driver's girlfriend." Mark reminded her. "And if I were you, I'd make some peace with the idea because it's going to be the same every time when we go to Brazil." Britta looked at him, looking very angry right now as she glared. She couldn't believe Mark wasn't on her side about this. He didn't get it, right now it wasn't his job being affected by his relationship. She always knew there was a risk maybe things would get a little complicated dating Mark. But she never thought this would happen, she always expected the team to treat her as a press officer first and foremost. How long before they decided because she was Mark's girlfriend there were more things she couldn't do? How long before her role reduced and reduced until she was there really only as Mark's girlfriend. She couldn't let that happen, she loved her job far too much to give it up, even for Mark. Was that the decision she was going to have to make in the end? Her career or her boyfriend? She could picture a life with Mark, but that was always with her working as a press officer. Would she be willing to give up her career for the man she loved? All these thoughts swam around her head as Mark looked at her. She felt so angry and overwhelmed right now. Getting even more frustrated with the situation.

                "I don't have to accept anything that's going to fuck with my career!" Britta argued as she stormed off towards the door of the room, grabbing her team backpack as she did. She needed some time alone right now to process all the thoughts in her head, and Mark wasn't going to help with that. When he saw her reach for her team bag Mark felt the panic rise in his chest. She wasn't about to leave!

"Wait Britta where are you going? "Mark asked, worried she was about to try and get to track dangerously.

"To catch a lift in with Seb and Tommi when they finally go to track." She replied before leaving the room. Slamming the door behind her rather hard. Mark sighed as she left, this really hadn't gone well at all.

                "So that’s why I had to come in separately from you today. Because I'm no longer a press officer who happens to be in a relationship with a driver. I'm a driver’s girlfriend who happens to be a press officer." Britta said rather bitterly as she had a sip of her coffee. Talking to Babs about this morning and what had happened. The room was quiet for a moment before Babs spoke.

"Well from an utterly selfish point of view I have to say thank you for not travelling with me. Because being kidnapped is definitely not top of my experiences list." She replied rather sarcastically. Britta gave her friend a withering look; though the look didn't work on Babs.

"Don't you start giving me that look. I'm sorry but the team security consultant was right. You absolutely shouldn't be coming in with me and Kate." Babs reminded her as Britta groaned in frustration.

"Seriously why does everyone keep taking his side?! First Christian, then Mark, now you." Britta replied angrily. She really couldn't believe another person was okay with this.

"Oh come on Britta, this isn't school, I'm not picking sides. If this was me in your situation you’d be in agreement with me travelling in safely. You've got to admit the guy has a point?" Babs sighed a little as she looked at her friend.

"No he doesn't! He's just messing with my ability to do my job. He's stopping me from being a press officer right now." She said, totally unimpressed. Babs looked at Britta and shook her head a little.

                "Is that what's bothering you? You couldn't be here track side first thing in the morning because of a legitimate safety concern so you're going to get angry?” She looked at her. When Britta just scowled Babs decided to change tactic, something was clearly bothering her friend right now. And she knew she needed to get to the bottom of it. "Come on, what's going on is your head Britta? You know you can tell me anything right?" She tried to assure her. Britta looked at the blonde sat in her chair absentmindedly swinging the swivel chair one side to another, watching her and waiting for a response. She sighed, feeling some of the anger of this morning leave her.

"I'm just worried. Yes for now it’s a safety concern for the team stopping me coming to the track. But what will it be next time? What if this is just the start of things and slowly the team marginalise me? How long before I'm no longer a press officer and I'm just here as Mark's WAG?" She admitted nervously to Babs. The thought not leaving her mind since it popped into her head during her talk with Christian this morning. "Babs I love Mark, but I love my job as well. I'm scared it's going to get to a point where I'm going to have to pick. My job or Mark, and that is a choice I really don't want to make." She shook her head.

                "You're an idiot." Babs replied bluntly.

"Babs!" Britta gasped a little and looked at her friend who just rolled her eyes.

"What? You are. I'm sorry there's absolutely no way the team will get rid of you like that. You're too good and too experienced at what you do. Plus, Kate would never let them, or me. We'd riot." She reminded her. Babs could see maybe why her friend was thinking like that, but she also knew it was madness. The team absolutely couldn't cope without Britta. There was no way the team would cut her out and make her a driver's girlfriend.

"No one’s indispensable." She sighed to Babs.

"True but not everyone is you Britta. Seriously please stop freaking out. I know it's easier said than done. But what your thinking is just categorically not true. the team still need you. They can't afford to lose you.” she tried to assure her, though it didn't seem to help. Britta still had an extremely worried look on her face. Babs sensed that Britta was going to live in her head about this. The German woman nodded, not saying anything though. Babs sighed. "I know you're not going to believe me about this, but I will say this. Don't do anything stupid, do you hear me. No getting in a car with me and Kate anyway. No panicking and quitting your job at Red Bull to go and work for another team. And absolutely under no circumstances don’t you dare break up with Mark." She warned her, not knowing exactly what Britta was thinking but wanting to cover her bases for potential overreactions from her. Britta looked at Babs, her head still drowning in thoughts and worry.

"Nothing stupid, I promise." She mumbled.

                Like much of the team it seemed Britta was as shocked as they all were when Mark crossed the line in first place on Sunday. Being welcome across the line by Felipe Massa waving the chequered flag for him. The team had been quietly confident of a good result, but hadn't expected Mark to go and win the race. Britta did feel a little for Sebastian, knowing he'd be upset that Jenson had just pipped him at the dying moment to the championship this season. But equally she was excited for Mark and to celebrate his win. After some of the feelings she'd had around this weekend and the decision the team had made about her, she'd been very down and melancholy. Celebrating a win would definitely fix all of that. Britta made her way out of the garage and towards the podium. Passing by the Brawn team all celebrating the Constructors and Drivers’ Championship. Part the way to the podium she was joined by a jubilant Babs.

"Winner winner champagne dinner. And maybe a private victory celebration for you." She winked suggestively at her friend. Britta snorted at her suggestion, shaking her head a little.

"Hardly. We're on the first plane back to Heathrow tonight." She chuckled at the suggestion.

"Sounds to me like the perfect time to join the mile high club then." She smirked back. Britta raised an eyebrow up at her.

"And what makes you think we're not already members Babs?" she gave her a wicked grin as Babs' mouth fell open in shock. The Austrian was dumbfounded and took a few moments to recover. She was about to say something when they were disturbed by none other than David. The ex-Scottish driver was in a great mood after watching his friends win the race and championship respectively today.

                "Oh look who I've found a press officer and a girlfriend. You know I'm definitely going to have to have a cheeky drink or two tonight to celebrate a great day for my friends." He grinned as he came up behind the pair of them. Britta looked at him when she heard what he said and frowned unhappily.

"I think you'll find you've found two press officers DC." She reminded him as he clamped a hand on her and Babs' shoulder, walking with them to the podium.

"Well you’re not Mark's press officer now. And Seb's not going on the podium today. So, I figured you’re going down there is a girlfriend capacity, not a work capacity." He replied as he gave her a look. Britta's frown deepened as Babs sighed. David just had to go and make this worse didn't he?

"What is it with everyone this weekend treating me like some girlfriend of a driver and forgetting that I actually am here because I have a job to do!" She argued as she shrugged off David's hand from her shoulder. David looked a little taken aback by Britta's comment, not sure how to respond to her after that. Eventually he spoke up.

"… But you are a driver’s girlfriend?" He replied stupidly. Britta fixed him with a glare before she halted and stormed off far away from David, who just looked confused. "Was it something I said?" He asked Babs who rolled her eyes.

"You and every other person in the Paddock this weekend it seems." She sighed.

                "Britta! Oh thank God I've found you. Please I need your help with something." Adrian was frantic as he rushed towards Britta. Following Mark's win the team had returned to the hotel to wait for their flight home later that evening. Britta had packed her things before working with Kate and Babs on some of the post-race press releases. As well as consoling Sebastian. It had been an outside chance that he would win the drivers’ championship this year, but as Britta had come to learn with Seb, an outside chance still meant there was a chance. With Jenson securing the championship today it meant Seb had lost. Britta and Tommi had both tried to assure him next year would be his year, but he was still pretty gutted. She and Tommi had just left his room when Adrian had found them in a panic.

"What’s wrong?" Britta asked with a concerned frown. Adrian was usually so calm and collected, if he was worried about something it clearly wasn't good.

"See for yourself." He motioned for her to follow as he rushed off down the hotel corridor again. Britta and Tommi followed him, wondering what was going on. They got their answer when they arrived at Adrian's hotel room. Christian was there, looking bemused as he stood there looking at what could only be described as chaos. Inside the room was Mark, the race engineers, and a few at the aero guys, all rather tipsy right now. However it was the unmistakeable frame of David slumped in a chair, absolutely drunk as a skunk cheering that drew every one’s eyes. Britta took in the scene and groaned a little internally while Tommi snorted in laughter next to her. Typical DC.

"Christian I found one." Adrian said to him as the Team Principal looked hopelessly at his former driver before turning to see Adrian there with Britta.

"Britta. Perfect we need a press officers help right now." He said as he looked rather disapprovingly at the scene in front of him. When David saw Britta there he gave a very happy drunken cheer.

"Look everyone the future Mrs Webber is here!" David slurred. Tommi couldn't help but laugh again at David's comment as Britta shook her head a little at the situation.

"Had a nice evening with my future husband then DC? "She asked him as the man nodded happily at her. She looked to Christian who sighed.

                "He's on the same flight back to Heathrow as us. At this rate though he's going to be banned from flying for being too drunk. I know he's not a driver anymore for Red Bull but we can't leave him behind. It'll be a disaster if we do. I don't know what to do, I thought as a press officer who's delt with drunk DC before you'd know how to handle this." Christian admitted to Britta, feeling rather out of his depth right now. Hearing Christian say that Britta nodded and snapped immediately into press officer mode, looking very serious as she started to organise the situation.

"Right David go to the bathroom now and make yourself sick please. We can't risk your body soaking up anymore alcohol or there's absolutely no chance of you making this flight." She warned him. David pouted when she said that.

"Aww Britta, that's cheating." He slurred.

"It's that or we leave you behind DC." She said sternly, giving him an ultimatum. David pouted but eventually agreed as he stood up. Swaying dramatically as he staggered a little towards the bathroom. Seeing him in that state Britta turned to Tommi. "Help him please Tommi so he doesn't end up tripping and giving himself a concussion." Tommi nodded before he went off to help. Britta turned to the team in the room. "Okay this is the plan. We're getting in the car together as a group. When we get to the airport we're checking in as a group. Adrian, you and Mark make sure DC doesn't speak to the check in clerk. Christian, you help me get the bags through. We get through security and then we head for the plane. As soon as those doors are shut we're all okay.” She explained as she texted Babs to bring two bottles of water and some crisps immediately to Adrian's room to help sober up David. Everyone in the room nodded, knowing there was no arguing with a press officer. Christian looked a little relieved now there was someone here taking charge of the situation, he really hadn't known what to do. Soon enough Babs had arrived to share the water and crisps with DC. The aero boys left to grab their suitcases as Britta made sure to stay in charge of the situation, forgetting all of the angst she'd had about this weekend. She had a job to do right now and she needed to do it. Mark watched her from his chair in Adrian's room, a stupid smile forming on his face. Yes, he'd had a few drinks and was still drunk from the euphoria of his win today. But seeing Britta doing her job and doing it well made him very happy. She really was amazing. Britta looked up from her phone where she was composing a message to Kate to see Mark grinning at her. She gave him a look and chuckled a little, a small smile forming on her face.

                "What are you smirking at?” She asked her boyfriend.

"Just the best Press Officer that Red Bull have." Mark grinned as Britta blushed at the praise from him. Babs looked at Mark from where she was sat on the sofa with a slightly sobering David. Raising an eyebrow up at the comment.

“I mean I'm literally in the room Mark." Babs rolled her eyes at his comment as David just patted her on the back.

"Ignore him he's impossibly loved up." He told her quietly as he ate some crisps. Britta ignored the two of them as she looked at Mark as the blush on her cheeks got deeper.

"The best Press Officer Red Bull have?" She replied as Mark beamed at her.

"Yes, which is why your mad for thinking that Christian would get rid of you." Mark nodded at her as Christians had a confused look cross his face. David gasped dramatically, a handful of crisps partially to his mouth.

"Wait you're getting rid of Britta?! Are you an idiot Christian?" David asked bluntly.

"No! No we're certainly not. Why would you even think something like that?" He asked Britta. Britta looked at Christian, a sad and rather awkward look on her face. She sighed before finding her words.

"The decision you made about me not travelling in with the other comms team members. It kind of made me panic a little. I've always been a press officer in the team's eyes. But this weekend I've felt more like a driver’s girlfriend who happens to be a press officer. And it got me thinking what if this keeps happening? How long before my role gets reduced to the point I'm only coming to races as a girlfriend of Mark." She admitted. Speaking about her fears Britta could feel a crushing weight come off of her chest. For the first time that weekend she felt light and free from burden. Christian looked at her and looked rather shocked.

                "Oh Britta." Christian sighed. He really had no idea that the decision he'd made about her security had caused her to spiral like this. That his words could cause her to panic. Maybe he shouldn’t have yelled at her she was a driver’s girlfriend. "I'm sorry you felt like that but I can categorically confirm for you there is absolutely no chance of Red Bull reducing your role. You are way to valuable as a press officer to do that" He assured her. "Honestly we did what we did in the name of safety. We wanted to air on the side of caution when it came to you. We were worried if it became public knowledge, you were dating a driver that you'd become a target. We wanted to keep you safe. There was absolutely no way we wanted you put in danger or at risk of anything." He explained to her.

"Told you." Mark smirked happily as he watched the two, finishing his drink as he did. Britta let out a huge sigh of relief when she heard Christian say that. Yes, people like Mark and Babs and even Seb had been telling her all weekend she was mad. That Red Bull had no intention of getting rid of her or reducing her role. But actually, hearing it from Christian himself added a layer of calm and confidence that everyone was right, she was safe.

"Good, I'm glad to hear it." She admitted, calming down a lot from the panic she had been in.

"Please if you're ever worried about anything like that again speak to me. I'm always here for a chat and some reassurance." Christian assured her. Britta nodded, knowing the stress wasn't worth it if she could get it cleared up with Christian. Soon after gathering up their bags, Babs, Christian, and a slightly more sober David began to make their way out of the room and down to the hotel lobby. Mark made his way over to Britta's side, a smirk on his face.

                "See what did I tell you? Nothing to worry about." He grinned at her, still buzzing from the alcohol and the victory today. Britta looked at her grinning boyfriend and couldn't help but smile too, it was infectious.

"Apparently not." She replied, smiling back which just made Mark grin even more, it was the happiest he’d seen her all weekend. "I suppose I should look on the bright side of this."

"oh?" Mark raised an eyebrow up at her, wondering what she would say.

"Well anytime I come to Brazil now, I'll be chauffeured around at least. I don't have to worry about Kate's terrible driving or Babs' terrible music choices over the stereo." She laughed. Mark snorted when he heard her say that.

"Well there you go then. Already finding the bright side in all of this." He grinned as he stole a kiss from her. "Now come on, before our seats in the car are next to a drunk DC. You know he’s going to start drinking the second after take off right? He’s got a plan to try and get Christian to actually have a drink with us. You know what a lightweight the boss is" He chuckled happily, looking forward to this.

"Why do I get the feeling this flight home is going to be nothing short of chaos?” Britta gave Mark a wary look as he just grinned back. The flight home was going to be carnage. He was sure of it.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Fun fact, Mark actually discussed this flight on the way home from Brazil in a podcast two years ago. I won't spoil it for you, only to say it ended with him and DC getting everyone thrown out of First Class, and Mark serving breakfast to people on the flight in business class. If you want to listen to the full story it's here:


Thank you for reading the chapter. I hope you enjoy it. Reviews and kudos are much appreciated and make my day. Thanks again guys! Hopefully I'll see you next chapter.