Chapter Text
You set up a reminder to call the suicide hotline when Eridan wakes up.
And now, you’re just bored.
You organize a few items that you were too lazy to pick up earlier. There are a few bees flying to the mind honey, so you clap and lead them away. Eridan groans a bit, sluggishly and unconsciously rolls to the other side, a small look of peacefulness on his face.
That’s kinda sad, actually.
TC: :o)
TA: gz, thank god.
TA: there'2 a change iin plan2, go two your hiive.
TC: WhAt's tHe sPeCiAl oCcAsIoN, mY BrO?
TA: the kiiller ii2 2tiill out there, are you fuckiing nut2?
TA: kk would be worriied out of hii2 crabby mcdetectiive pantaloon2.
TC: I GuEsS I WoUlD Be wOrRiEd ToO
TC: If i hAdN'T DoNe a sMaRt tHiNg :oD
TA: when the fuck diid you do anythiing 2mart, you couldn't get u2 2ome fuckiing faygo.
TC: OuCh
TC: I WaS GoNnA GeT SoMe MoThErFuCkInG bOtTlEs oF MiRaClEs bUt sHiT ToLd mE To gO ThE OtHeR WaY
TA: what.
TC: MoThErFuCkInG FlYiNg wOrMs aRe mOtHeRfUcKiNg eVeRyWhErE
TC: MoThErFuCkEr cAn pAiNt sOmE CoOl sHiT ItS FuCkInG AmAzInG
TA: get two the fuckiing poiint.
TC: ErIbRo gOt sOmE JaRs oF WiCkEd pOtIoNs
TA: huh.
TA: diidn’t really thiink he wa2 iintwo that kiind of 2tuff.
TC: WaIt
TC: oh shit
TA: what happened?
terminallyCapricious [TC] has logged off!
There are some squished bees. That really upsets you.
Where’s Eridan?
The blanket was there in the honey, but no one was there.
He must’ve run off or something.
You panic a little bit, but then again he isn’t a little wriggler. He can take care of himself.
Daytime is about to peek up, so you might as well get ready to sleep.
You think, just standing there. There’s stomping to be heard and something wraps around your neck.
You’re being choked to death, and you can’t even scream. Whoever’s choking you was tall, like E-
“Good day, bitch,” Eridan growled before you blacked out.