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[Podfic] Fluff
Podfic of MoreThanSlightly's story.
“Dr. Foster, this is a tower full of highly trained soldiers, spies, and geniuses. If we can’t track down and subdue a frith—um, small Asgardian mammal, then nobody can,” Steve says. He tries to look reassuring. It must not be working. She’s still looking around like it might pop out at any moment.
“Frithrkottr,” she says. She takes a deep breath and tucks some errant strands of hair behind her ear. “It’s furry. Kitten-sized.”
“A real cause for panic,” he says, trying to make her smile.
She doesn’t look calmed.
Me: I want to record something light, cheerful, fluffy...
Brain: *is obvious*
Me: wow, working really hard there, huhThanks to MoreThanSlightly for permission to record!
GroundGoblin, Strawhatessa, dreamers_dh, svairini, Pupcuddlesandtea, Forevertalk, ssssunnn_shinessss, Sunny_Sun_Flower, xmasflower, Soricomorpha, Lydia_Montague, moveablehistory, chemicalburntjack, Ayronblack, TruthfulWolfhunter, hromobiti, Totally_awkward_random_28, Opinionsno1askedfor, Lemon_tree_7, DarkGalaxy, Icefeather, NomadicSecret, SwingsetChain, kahey2804, tinyteacuphelper, greencrayon, B13baby, clodagh, WolfDreaming, therinde, aimmyarrowshigh, missreader, Cue_The_Facepalming, felinefemme, Cinnamonlivedk, TranquilBedlam, Socialistwh0r3, Imawilburd, andrasteemeraldpetal, Delta_Angle, QueenoftheRandomWord42, MoonAndStarsdust, nb_bucky, npetrenko, supersockie, non_sequential, anzu, Lily_Rogers_Winchester, temptress, NymCaro, and 123 more users as well as 47 guests left kudos on this work!