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Experiment 13

Chapter 7


And we're here! Sorry it took so long, I honestly have been staring at this chapter and rewriting it so many times I no longer know if it's good or horrible.....But one must take the plunge eventually. So I hope you guys enjoy it, and thank you for reading this story! I've had a blast reading your comments and writing this. See you all on other fics in the future!

Chapter Text

Cat pulled out her mont blanc pen and prepared to write her next article. This story was far too delicate and personal, to let anyone else write. No, this was personal. So she began to write about the newest Luthor in National City. She had to balance truth with privacy, just enough information to ease the minds of the masses. Branding and selling the modern Luthor as separate from the past.


-The Luthor home has been a thing of rumor and mystery for generations. The last time the world was given a glimpse into that most private and privileged of worlds: Lex Luthor was a precocious and brilliant teen and Lena Luthor was a formal and softly spoken pre-teen. Together the two Luthor children lived with thier scientist mother Lillian Luthor, a from all accounts cold woman, as well as CEO and ruthless businessman Lionel Luthor. Together they lived in the old and resplendent Luthor mansion just outside of Metropolis. Of course times have changed since the world looked in awe at the dark wood, dozens of rooms, crystal chandeliers and priceless artwork of the Luthor Mansion.

The Luthor home of today is completely different. Instead of a traditional mansion, it is a modern apartment in the heart of National City. Lena Luthor welcomed me into her apartment in a casually elegant white sweater, jeans and a soft smile. Though well hidden with foundation, the dark circles so common in new parents were present, marring the presentation of perfection. Surprisingly it’s reassuring to know that the Luthor of today is human. Once inside I found the space to be a reflection of Lena, open, clean and inviting. The space was clearly lived in, the scent of cookies baking wafting through the area.

Once in the kitchen we found Lena’s girlfriend, and Catco reporter, Kara Danvers as well as Conner Luthor watching the cookies baking in the oven. I found myself surprised to witness Lena tease Kara about not touching the cookies. This simple human interaction, although cliche was far more human than any display the Luthor of yesterday would have ever allowed the public to see. The couples teasing was offset by the giggles of the child of the hour, Conner Luthor.

Conner appears to be a happy child who informed me that cookies, ice-cream, and potstickers were the best things in the world besides his mom(Lena) and ieiu(Kara). I asked where the word ‘ieiu’ came from. Kara informed me that it is the word for mother in her first language; her parents were first generation Americans.

Before conversation could continue Conner insisted I meet Martin. As it turned out Martin is his beloved stuffed martian. Lena fondly told me that he sleeps with it every night. Once introduced to the beloved Martin, Conner happily showed me his new room. The room is a warm red, with fairly plain if stylish black and brown furniture. He insisted we turned off the lights so I could see the glowing stars on the ceiling. I was impressed by the extensive collection of Super merchandise in his room.

Lena laughed when I asked about it, in her own words, “Supergirl is his hero. She gave him that baseball hat, now he doesn’t consider an outfit complete without the Super symbol somewhere on his person.”

Considering the well known partnership and working relationship between the Girl of Steel and Lena it shouldn’t be as surprising. Yet the easy connection between the Super and Luthor is still striking in how obvious it is. Before I could comment the young Conner insisted on showing me his childrens science kit. His aunt Alex(Kara’s sister) has apparently been feeding a love of science in the young child. He clearly has inherited the Luthor intelligence. However when remembering my past interactions with Lex Luthor the resemblance stops there. Conner is far more empathetic than Lex ever was.

Before Conner could finish his tour of his bedroom we were summoned by the batch of cookies finishing baking. Lena had to fend off the over eager hands of Kara and Conner from swiping far too hot cookies. The happy warmth of the scene was touching, and surprisingly void of the pretence and facade expected of the Luthor family of old.

I was invited to stay for dinner and joined the small family for a meal of spaghetti and meatballs. Kara shared the secret ingredient was sauted vegetables in the sauce, finely chopped. Apparently young Conner has the weakness so common in children, a hatred for all food healthy. Lena was quick to inform me that Kara is a terrible influence on his junk food intake. Kara pouted from across the table before shrugging and accepting it. I can tell you that Kara eats the most junk food I’ve ever witnessed an adult consume in my life. Lena joked that Conner being in their lives has forced Kara to discover food beyond pizza.

Conner was quick to defend his ieiu saying that she always has the best food. Of this I’m sure, though horrified. Lena reassured me that Kara is only allowed to bring home take-out once a week for movie night. This of course led to Conner regaling me all about how they’d watched Lilo and Stitch the night before. The young boy seems fascinated with all beings exterrestrial but was quick to tell me he thought Martian’s were the ‘raddest’.

Of course a young Luthor being interested in aliens raise red flags, but coming with the exuberance of youth, I saw nothing but childhood curiosity. Still once Kara took Conner for his nightly bath I spoke frankly with Lena about his marked interest in those not of this earth. Our exchange was honest, and illuminating.

LL: Conner is an intelligent child, and I refuse to allow him to grow up ignorant of the world.

CG: Why should people believe your as well as his interest in aliens is benign?

LL: If my actions to save our alien neighbors, arrest Lillian, as well as my charitable actions are not enough, I don’t see what I can say that will convince you I have no ulterior motives.

CG: Do you have contact with aliens?

LL: Besides my known connection with Supergirl I don’t interact with many aliens. For completely understandable reasons I wouldn’t presume that my presence would be appreciated in any alien establishment. Kara though volunteers extensively with the alien community and has several sources there as well. I’ve been happy to allow Conner to interact with aliens through Kara. It’s an opportunity for him to avoid developing prejudices that will affect him for his entire life.

CG: You’ve spoke a great deal about your pro-alien viewpoint. But at the same time you’ve developed anti-alien security. What guarantees do we have that those anti-alien prejudices of your family aren’t shared privately by yourself?

LL: I’m afraid I can’t give you that reassurance. Of course I could always pull the ‘I have an alien friend’ card. But as we both know that is usually followed by a great deal of prejudice. Even if I were to say I’ve never held with my family's beliefs that wouldn’t be entirely true. While I have never agreed with Lillian or Lex on the issue, that doesn’t mean my position hasn’t changed. When I first took charge of L-corp I wanted it to be a force for good. I wanted to turn the company away from the hateful path Lex had set it on. I even thought I was above the prejudice of my family. Of course then I met Kara Danvers. She was a junior reporter interviewing, interviewing me for her first formal interview. I showed her the now scrapped alien detection device.

Here she was a junior reporter I could have essentially ruined and she challenged me. She questioned the device, how it would be used, the morality, and political fall out of such a device. By the end of the interview I was sure I’d be reading a hatchet job in the next issue of your magazine. Imagine my surprise when I found a well reasoned, fair article that discussed the pro’s and con’s of my device. It was the best press L-corp had received since I’d taken over as CEO. Of course I invited her to my office after I read the article. When I tried to thank her for what she’d written she was quick to correct me that she had written a hatchet job on me but her boss had made her rewrite it. Her honesty while crushing was surprising, I haven’t had someone be that honest with me since Lex and I were children. But then she kept talking. She told me about how she was a ‘bleeding heart alien supporter’, but that she was glad her boss had made her rewrite the story. Because she’d stopped and thought of it from my perspective. And she’d found something of value in my idea, and in the product even if she disliked it personally.

CG: Yet the device was scrapped?

LL: Well after thatI had to examine her side fairly as well. I found that even though I hadn’t been aware of it I did have fears and prejudices when it came to aliens I hadn’t even been aware of. What I’ve come to realize is that we all have prejudice. Whether that is because of what people look like, who they love, who they pray to, the size of their bank account, where they live, or even if they’re human, no one can be without prejudice. It’s something inherent to being human. But we can stop and examine ourselves. And when we find things in ourselves that are ugly, and hateful, or even just afraid, we must educate ourselves. So when I looked at what I had developed, and realized it would do more harm than good I had it scrapped. We are currently working on a more secure version of the device for medical facilities. But until I can be sure that it won’t become a tool of hate I will not release it.

So yes I have continued to develop security systems that can protect homes and individuals from those aliens who are a threat. It is a need in our society, if we can feel safe in our homes we will have less reason to fear what we don’t know. But I also am aware that there is a fine line between protection and harm. As you know L-corp has strived under my management to collect data on how our products will affect both humans and aliens.

CG: Do you think that just because you ‘tried’ any harm should be forgiven?

LL: Of course not. As any human I’m far from perfect. This is one of the roles the media is desperately needed for. To keep companies like L-corp accountable for what we make. For reporters like Kara to question whether we’ve thought of the consequences beyond the profits.

CG: Speaking of L-corp, where do you see Conner’s place in the Luthor legacy?

LL: He’s a child first and foremost. So right now he should be free to spend time with other children, play with toys, watch movies, have nerf fights with the alien refugees Kara works with. Essentially be a child. If I could hide him away from the world, and everything that comes with being Luthor I would. But I can’t do that without robbing him of the chance to have a family. That’s something that Kara and I agree is more important than anything else. As you know she lost her entire family before being adopted by her foster family at age thirteen. Then I was the illegitimate daughter adopted into a family that didn’t want me.

CG: Illegitimate?

LL: Yes Lionel Luthor was my biological father. After my biological mother died he adopted me. Though I wasn’t told till after Lillian’s first arrest. I was a stranger, a hated interloper in my own home. I want more than that for Conner. Both Kara and I know what it feels like to be the outsider in one’s own home, though in different ways. So what is most important to both of us is that he knows that he is loved, and wanted.

If Conner decides to become a plumber I won’t be any less proud of him than if he takes my position one day. He could be an astronaut, a veterinarian, an author, an artist, a gardener, any profession under the sun. So long as he is kind, open minded, and happy I will know he has accomplished all I could hope for him. He deserves to have a happy life, regardless of who his biological parents are. He’s my son in every way that matters.

Our interview was forced to a close with the reappearance of Kara and a damp Conner from bathtime. I found myself impressed with the family, their bonds, and clear affection for eachother. So as I left the new Luthor’s home I found that it was an entirely different home than the one we were allowed to see a generation ago.-


Cat placed a carefully wrapped pair of light up Super sneakers under one arm before knocking on the door. She brandished it as the door was swung open with a “Cat!”

“Where’s that grandson of mine then?” She asked while stepping in. She pushed up her sunglasses onto the top of her head.

“GRANDMA KITTY!” Conner cried as he heard her. His feet came pounding towards them before he came dashing into sight.

Cat accept his exuberant hug before pushing the present into his arms, if her eye twitched at the ‘Kitty’ it was just a trick of the light. “Just something I saw that I thought you’d like dear.” She looked over at Kara who was looking at her knowingly. “Don’t you dare say anything Kara Danvers.”

Kara just smiled. “Don’t worry, I won’t say anything.”

“I might though.” Lena said as she strolled over giving her a pointed look as she spotted the gift paper being torn off the box. Smirking she drawled out a single word, “Kitty.”