Chapter Text
I asked readers to vote on a scene they wished to see depicted in a drawing. When all the votes were tallied, the winner was the Reunion Scene from Good Again, Chapter 42: And So I Stand, Part 2. The Proposal Scene (Chapter 23) came in a very close second place. All credit to loving-mellark (, who was gracious enough to produce this wonderful piece.
Please be sure to tell her how wonderful this and all her work is!
PenumbraMarred, 1mara, Ultimatescientist, Buddie_is_bae, PEI_0609_Pushpin, everchuu, FGHermione, s4ndwhichl3ver, mclectora04, philsburychocolatechipcookies, soobsflwr, maplerue, sweettwpie, Meems04, MissStrawberry2, Zenkor, AnorakTheAdept, Imadethisaccounttoreadmoredramione, oddsaka, cosmosjjane, zabchan, squidy, p1nK_souL_BlacK_hEart27, nocipoc, Wonderous_Nerd, Dalveyna, lytwixy, Heroes_Halo, s4mickeyshair, kitashinsukeplshavemyheart, s_unflower, Nelli03, Woodlandspirit, Masked_Renegade_87, hephestian, Ellie1412, fan_warrior, Amy_afire, Moon_kosmo, Catherin, GassyNightshade, Yikesikes, Bajegal, Fantasy_nerd, Kgtgirl, Hdishebrna, bluesummerhwa, lechugana, TheFriendlyhermit, GryffindorGirl99, and 1187 more users as well as 1803 guests left kudos on this work!