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Het Swap 2017 Exchange

Happy Hallo-Birthday!


April and Andy celebrate the best Halloween-Birthday party that Jack could hope for.


Work Text:

“Happy Halloween!!!”  Adorned the banner hung right above “Happy Birthday!!!” in the living room.  Having Jack’s birthday land on Halloween might have meant a challenge to some people, but to Andy and April it just meant twice the celebrating.  First they would have his friends over for a party and cake, then they would go trick or treating throughout the neighborhood.  And the best part was that once all the kids were hyped up on sugar and enthusiasm she got to send them all home to be dealt with by their own parents, all except Jack.  But Andy would be just as hyped up as any of the kids, and between the two of them they would tire each other out and be in bed by ten.  Halloween really was the best time of year.

Almost everything was in order; her and Andy were just putting the finishing touches on their Haunted House Birthday celebration décor.  There were Jack – O – Lanterns with birthday hats and fake spider webbing with plenty of spiders along with streamers and balloons.  Jack had an obsession with spiders at the moment and she was more than happy to deliver.  Andy had suggested bringing in real black widows, and while she knew Jack would appreciate the idea, she had insisted on sticking to the fake kind.  She sighed heavy heartedly, when had she become such an adult?

She smoothed out her suit jacket while she looked around to make sure everything was in order.  Her and Any had settled on dressing up as the most terrifying thing she could think of – responsible adults.  She had been able to obtained most of what she needed from Leslie and Ben.  When she had asked Leslie to borrow some of her clothes there had been a good deal of hugging, and scrapbooking.  But it had been well worth it.

The door bell rang announcing the arrival of their first guest.  When she opened the door a tiny figure raced past into the house, no doubt bent on either finding Jack or the candy, or possibly both.  April was left facing the woman standing in the door, a precise woman noticeably lacking a costume.  Or perhaps they were both dressed as the same thing, wouldn’t that be embarrassing.  “Hello, I’m Mrs. Harrison, Melissa’s mom.  I’ve heard so much about you and Andy from Melissa.”  Her neutral tone gave no indication as to whether this was positive or not.

“All terrible I’m sure,” April said reaching out to take the woman’s hand.  The other woman laughed politely and came inside. 

“Such an interesting setup.  I see you’ve made the best of the party.  It must been quite the endeavor to have to arrange for Halloween and a child’s birthday on the same day.  We don’t usually celebrate Halloween, but Melissa insisted on coming.  Apparently she’s quite take with your Jack.”

“Yes, we’re quite fond of him as well.  We really must make the best of the time we have with him.  I did promise my first born to Satan, but that was back when I didn’t plan on having children.  You know how it is.”

Mrs. Harrison stared at her with narrowed eyes before deciding to ignore the comment all together and went into the house to check on their kids.  April hung back to greet all the guests until everyone had arrived.

The sound of unbridaled enthusiasm filled the house while Andy gathered everyone together to show them some karate moves.

“Karate is a very serious thing, and should only be used on bad guys.” Andy said to his admiring audience.  At least, April thought, they would be prepared to defend themselves if anything happened while trick or treating.  Any bad guys would be met with a group of hyper karate fighting kids.  “And someone giving you a penny instead of candy doesn’t count as a bad guy.”  April added, just as a precaution.

“Your husband has such an interesting job.”  One of the other parents commented to April.  “I work as a financial advisor, the money is good, but not exactly exciting when it comes to career day at school.  So, April, what exactly is it that you do?”

“I’m a witch.  I charge to put curses on people.  It isn’t always the most lucrative career, but I enjoy it.  But my real passion is carving antique furniture legs into tiny squirrels.  But that’s more of a hobby than a job.”

Before the other woman could respond there was the sound of breaking glass, punctuated by Andy’s voice informing the children that that was why it was always important to be aware of your surroundings before practicing any karate moves.

There wasn’t the sound of anyone crying so everything considered the night was going much better than April had expected.

After Karate and cake, before trick or treating Jack absolutely insisted on opening his present.  It was a box wrapped all in black paper, but the air holes gave a hint to what was inside.  Jack tore through the paper to unveil his new pet, his very own tarantula.  He could barely contain his excitement as he took it out and let it walk up his arm, holding it out so all the other kids could admire it.

“Can I take him trick or treating with us? Pleeease?”  Jack looked up at her and Andy, with big desperate eyes. 

April looked to her husband, already knowing what Andy would say.  “Okay, but you have to promise to be careful and keep him in his cage the whole.”  Jack jumped up and down with excitement while his new pet settled in on his head staring at April and Andy.

Andy put his arm around her and April wondered what she had done to have such a perfect life.  Maybe she really had made a deal with the devil and had just forgotten, that seemed likely.  Whatever the case was, this was turning out the be the best Halloween-Birthday ever.