- Tennis RPF (7)
- Biathlon RPF (6)
- Men's Football RPF (4)
- Ski Jumping RPF (1)
- Cycling RPF (1)
Recent works
"I… Fuck, Misha…” Casper stammers and Misha knows he’s running his hand through his hair, as he always does when he’s nervous. “I used the free pass."
Florent is sent to a cycling camp to accompany his little brother Fabien and his friend Emilien. Contrary to the two 14-year-old teenagers, Florent at 17 years of age doesn't give a shit about riding bikes and hates nothing more than to waste his summer vacation babysitting. This is until he meets a very handsome boy from Norway.
The Belgian Summer Biathlon Championships. Six athletes in a room are in for a promising night of bonding activities. Anything goes.
César wasn't planning on adding to his already long list of hook-ups.
Oscar and Eric are best friends and spend their vacations together. While Oscar gets sick, Eric has to go out on his own and suffers a heatstroke. Three strangers find him and take care of him. After he's returned to Oscar and told him everything about this incident, Eric is determined to meet his mysterious saviour(s) again.
Recent series
- Words:
- 24,000
- Works:
- 4
Recent bookmarks
It was almost midnight, Mathieu was hard. Worked his dick randomly, annoyed at being horny half the time - it was only the third time he jerked off today.
Then something crossed his mind.
Bookmarked by zsab1016
27 Jul 2023
"Pour out the wine, let's toast and pray for December snow
I know there's been pain this year, but it's time to let it go"A collection of one shot made to celebrate the biathlon fandom during the month of Christmas.
Or, I drew couples and classical fanfiction prompt into a hat. The results are my Christmas's gifts to this community.
Bookmarked by zsab1016
25 Dec 2022
Sie sind jung, beliebt, feiern einen Erfolg nach dem anderen und die Skisprungwelt liegt ihnen zu Füßen: Domen, der mit seinen gerade mal 17 Jahren schneller an der Weltspitze angekommen ist, als je jemand gedacht hätte und Daniel, der nach Jahren des harten Trainings endlich auch den Durchbruch dorthin geschafft hat. Nun steht die Vierschanzentournee in den Startlöchern und beide versuchen, mit der für sie neuen Favoritenrolle und dem damit verbundenem Druck umzugehen. Und als wäre das nicht schon schwierig genug, müssen sie sich auch noch mit diesen komischen Gefühlen rumschlagen, die ihr ohnehin schon turbulentes Leben noch ein bisschen mehr ins Chaos stürzen.
Bookmarked by zsab1016
11 Jan 2021
There’d always been a weird thing between them. Sascha was the apple of Mischa’s eye and he was unusually possessive; meanwhile, Mischa was Sascha’s moon-hanger, star-creator, and they treated each other as such. AKA Mischa didn't know what was happening, until one day he did. [Warning: This is INCEST; don't like it, don't read it.]
Bookmarked by zsab1016
18 Sep 2020
When the circus comes into town, Dominic falls in love with Sascha, a boy from the circus. Little does he know, Sascha is promised to someone else, and the circus doesn't intend to let him go...
Bookmarked by zsab1016
04 May 2020