Gifts for zoenadja
List of Gifts
Not Enough by LadyBeloe for zoenadja
Fandoms: The Halcyon (TV), The Halcyon (ITV series)
04 Apr 2021
Toby meets another young aristocrat with a thing for books. Adil tries to do what's best for Toby. Ultimate happy ending.
AU-ish (d'Abberville is still dead, but Sonny and Betsey live and the lobby is somehow miraculously not destroyed or already repaired).
Tale as Old as Time by SzonKlin for zoenadja
Fandoms: The Halcyon (TV), Beauty and the Beast - All Media Types
21 Jun 2019
Cursed to live as a liquor cabinet, Adil begs Lady Theresa to return Prince Toby's love and thus save him from having to live as a beast.
- Part 12 of Halcyon
Marcus found himself in the cemetery once more.
It was by no means a rare occurrence in the past few weeks, especially on days like this. He blamed Matthew and Miriam for not informing him at first, but his own guilt grew as news of more and more failed sirings reached them. He could have known. If he just paid attention to the world around them, if he talked to his family, if he asked about their research as he did before he got caught up in his work and his friends and most importantly in James, this wouldn’t have happened.