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Port Victory should be singing Jack Dawkins' praises and rightfully so. After all, he just successfully performed one of the most delicate and dangerous operations of his career, a surgery not even the famed Astley Cooper managed to pull off. Instead, they've left him languishing in a prison cell, chained like a common criminal and framed for the murder of Captain Lucien Gaines. Over a week after the surgery and Jack hasn't seen hide nor hair of either Fagin or Belle.
Justice Micawber is calling for blood. It's looking more and more likely it'll be Jack's.
Lady Belle is furious at the injustice of it all. Jack's a bloody hero! He's the best surgeon Port Victory's ever seen and she owes him her life -- quite literally. Belle is determined to put her foot down and restore the doctor's good name. But this time, she's going to need the help of every last sympathetic soul in Port Victory to do it. Jack Dawkins will walk free or Belle Fox will die trying and death is not an option.
Bookmarked by yondole
05 May 2024