Gifts for xx_Rainey_dayz_xx
List of Gifts
they’re right outside the door (and they don’t know) by ireallyliketalldarksultrymen for xx_Rainey_dayz_xx
Fandoms: Doctor Who (2005)
26 Aug 2024
For one second she’s gazing around, looking at the moss and logs shadowed by a canopy.
The next, her eyes are locked with stone-cold ones.
“Breathe, Rose.”
She wasn’t aware she was holding in her breath in the first place.
OR, rose meets weeping angels for the first time!!
- Part 3 of Requested Fics
I was killin' before killin' was cool by p0is0n_is_th3_cur3 for ireallyliketalldarksultrymen, RayisMentallyill, swoquix, The_Sarsar, scribblezest, xx_Rainey_dayz_xx
Fandoms: Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys - My Chemical Romance (Album), Original Work
16 Jan 2024
“Thanks.” it smiled at them through his tears and started to relax a bit looking around the station from his spot on the table, taking in his new home. That was until Rose ran into the room holding a radio in his hands looking panicked. The room fell silent and stared at them in anticipation, collectively holding their breaths.
“It’s Kitten.”
a fanfic written about my friends :3