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It wasn’t impossible for Chaewon to have good intentions, but it was easier to think she didn’t. And yet it was harder still for Yunjin to think about the reasons for her own actions.
Bookmarked by vistapoint
31 Jul 2023
Bookmarker's Notes
Yunjin had spent all this time trying to decide if it was more meaningful to be respected by Chaewon or loved by her. But then when she was right in front of her, when Chaewon let her in, both of those desires were overwritten with another type of longing. It was hard not to want everything when it was right in front of you. All you had to do was reach out.
Beatrice finds herself musing not over duty and sacrifice and God, but the truth of angels, if they can be created rather than summoned. If they can take the form of women with overeager mouths and careless limbs and eyes with a depth that beckons - a crooked finger, a spiral staircase - if they can be both human and not, both beautiful and terrifying.
Ava asks, What do you want, Beatrice?
(Tell me and I’ll give it to you. Tell me and I’ll build you a home there. Tell me and I’ll rearrange the universe to make it all fit, angels and demons be damned. Tell me it’s me. Me. Me.)
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 18,951
- Chapters:
- 2/2
- Collections:
- 10
- Comments:
- 757
- Kudos:
- 11,237
- Bookmarks:
- 2,193
- Hits:
- 158,448
Bookmarked by vistapoint
14 Jul 2024
Jimin's appearance in Ryujin’s life has made everything Chaeryeong has tried so arduously to ignore impossible to, springing open like one of those joke cans Yuna likes to scare her with. And maybe that’s why she has all of this childish rage in her, all this jealousy growling in her belly like there’s something carnivorous living inside. Something that wants to sink its teeth in Ryujin and declare mine mine mine.
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 13,580
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Collections:
- 1
- Comments:
- 34
- Kudos:
- 148
- Bookmarks:
- 31
- Hits:
- 2,865
Bookmarked by vistapoint
29 Dec 2023
Bookmarker's Notes
For all that Chaeryeong would like to pretend, Ryujin has never been confusing or a mystery to her. She’s so sensitive and always speaks sincerely and acts without ever thinking first. Everything she tries to hide shows on her face without fail, words betraying her without notice. And in spite of that, Chaeryeong chooses to misunderstand her anyway. It’s much easier than the alternative and you can’t unring the bell.
you don’t wanna be at peace with me by pyrophane for manico_del_lume
Fandoms: Aespa (Band)
25 Dec 2023
“I thought you were dead,” Jimin says. Her voice is a punched-out airless scrap of itself. She sways lightly in place. The look on her face could be terror or hope.
Yizhuo meets a girl who is and is not a ghost.
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 12,062
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Collections:
- 1
- Comments:
- 28
- Kudos:
- 90
- Bookmarks:
- 12
- Hits:
- 1,757
Bookmarked by vistapoint
29 Dec 2023
Bookmarker's Notes
And Winter does have a heartbeat, after all. Its metronomic steadiness reverberates through them both, where the shell of Yizhuo’s ear happens to meet Winter’s throat; Yizhuo can almost feel it in the tips of her fingers, that slow second pulse bringing her own to heel. So much aliveness for a girl who should be a ghost.
Minatozaki Sana is the first woman to race in Formula 1 since 1992.
Park Jihyo is the second.
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 10,354
- Chapters:
- 4/4
- Collections:
- 1
- Comments:
- 23
- Kudos:
- 138
- Bookmarks:
- 30
- Hits:
- 1,713
Bookmarked by vistapoint
23 Dec 2023