19 Bookmarks by villanellessuits
List of Bookmarks
Eve had destroyed her family, her friends, her work, her life. Villanelle had destroyed Eve.
She wondered how pretty their broken pieces would look when they fit together.
Filling in the plot holes of Season 3 and giving Villaneve the season they deserve.
Canon compliant up to a certain point.
Bi-weekly updates
Bookmarked by villanellessuits
26 Aug 2023
This is the last time that Eve takes advice from Hugo.
When Eve drunkenly decides to hire an escort to be her date for her ex-husband’s wedding, she is in no way prepared for Villanelle to be who she is.
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 111,520
- Chapters:
- 28/28
- Comments:
- 1,881
- Kudos:
- 6,974
- Bookmarks:
- 1,037
- Hits:
- 179,319
Bookmarked by villanellessuits
21 Aug 2023
Some people just don’t get along, but some do, and just don’t know it yet.
The tattoo parlour and flower shop AU I haven’t yet seen done in this fandom
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 104,511
- Chapters:
- 25/25
- Comments:
- 1,355
- Kudos:
- 3,520
- Bookmarks:
- 602
- Hits:
- 97,648
Bookmarked by villanellessuits
19 Aug 2023
it only takes one summer to: retire, go on holiday, try fishing, get half-stabbed to death in the aftermath of a fallen global crime conglomerate, fake your death, get nostalgic for an ex, show up unannounced, get answers.
- Part 1 of these mortifying ordeals
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 116,772
- Chapters:
- 13/13
- Comments:
- 557
- Kudos:
- 1,766
- Bookmarks:
- 472
- Hits:
- 71,953
Bookmarked by villanellessuits
19 Aug 2023
Eve wakes up in a back alley vet hospital outside of Rome. The rest is what should have happened in Alaska, except it happens in Italy.
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 30,730
- Chapters:
- 10/10
- Comments:
- 535
- Kudos:
- 2,244
- Bookmarks:
- 378
- Hits:
- 40,164
Bookmarked by villanellessuits
13 Aug 2023
There’s a storm in Villanelle’s eyes, tension that the lipstick cannot conceal as she marches back towards Eve. It’s intimidating, but it’s also something else to Eve now.
Bookmarked by villanellessuits
10 Aug 2023
one-shot // eve p.o.v. // post-series & in the future // Eve finds her footing, but still manages a misstep or two
Bookmarked by villanellessuits
09 Aug 2023
The last thing that Eve thought she would hear come out of Villanelle’s mouth is an incredulous, “Were you just staring at my tits?”
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 1,348
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Collections:
- 3
- Comments:
- 11
- Kudos:
- 321
- Bookmarks:
- 19
- Hits:
- 8,517
Bookmarked by villanellessuits
23 Jun 2023
Eve’s skin is just as soft as Villanelle thought it would be. Her hair feels amazing. She’s breathing shallowly, the way a lot of people do just before Villanelle kills them, or before she fucks them, or when they try to kill Villanelle--
Ah. It’s small, but the tremble in Eve’s arm is there. Such a small thing. Small things are so useful. Small things are what makes Villanelle’s job so fun.
“I’ve never done anything like this before,” Eve says, voice trembling, cheek moving under Villanelle’s thumb. Anna’s voice shook, once, but surely it never felt like this, honey in Villanelle’s veins.
AU of the final scene in the first season finale.
Bookmarked by villanellessuits
21 Jun 2023
Thinking about the woman who is trying to catch you while you touch yourself, is... wild. Completely unpredictable.
Entirely Villanelle's style.
Bookmarked by villanellessuits
21 Jun 2023
Divergence: Bill doesn't follow Villanelle to the club, Eve does.
Bookmarked by villanellessuits
20 Jun 2023
An AU of the school scene in season 2 episode 3.
Bookmarked by villanellessuits
15 Jun 2023
I will finish out this scene ... not making any promises of extending it but we'll see based off the response!
This is basically a rewrite of 2x07's flat scene with Villanelle and Eve and we'll go from there.
Bookmarked by villanellessuits
20 May 2023
Midnight Dance of Nemeses by allyreadstoomuch
Fandoms: Once Upon a Broken Heart Series - Stephanie Garber, Caraval Series - Stephanie Garber
13 May 2022
After the tumultuous ending of Once Upon a Broken Heart, we pick up with Evangeline in her first meeting with Jacks.
**Also I read these characters as at least 21 years old. This isn't canon-compliant, but it is the only acceptable way to interpret the age of these characters when reading this fic.
Bookmarked by villanellessuits
02 Apr 2023
intentional hurts by trickofthelights
Fandoms: WandaVision (TV), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Agatha All Along - Fandom
25 Jan 2023
"But if you want to continue bumbling your way towards the apocalypse, be my guest.”
Wanda, with agonizing slowness, inches toward awareness, absolution, and Agatha.
- Part 1 of a wheel within a wheel
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 97,227
- Chapters:
- 26/26
- Comments:
- 788
- Kudos:
- 1,538
- Bookmarks:
- 283
- Hits:
- 46,222
Bookmarked by villanellessuits
02 Mar 2023
Bookmarked by villanellessuits
17 Sep 2022
It's probably easier for them to not be in the same room, at least for a while.
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 55,701
- Chapters:
- 39/39
- Comments:
- 2,240
- Kudos:
- 7,103
- Bookmarks:
- 1,220
- Hits:
- 192,830
Bookmarked by villanellessuits
26 Jul 2022
"You didn't have to really shoot me."
"You said that five times already!"
Villanelle survives with help from an old friend, Eve has no idea.
Continues right after 4x08, fix-it fic.Bookmarked by villanellessuits
13 Jul 2022
A collection of short stories, filling a series of 101 smut-related prompts for Eve and Villanelle.
My bin of kinky ideas.
Bookmarked by villanellessuits
20 May 2022