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It's your final year of college. Again. But at least this time you're doing something you love. It's also killing you slowly and eating all your time. You need to unwind.
Good thing your friends look out for you.
Or, "suck one (1) dick, gain a boyfriend slash roommate that wastes your money on overpriced exotic food ingredients and your bandwidth on Netflix while you're away."
As Second Best Man, Berenger knew he'd be in charge of the Bachelor Party and, of course, the stripper.
He never expected that he'd want to take the stripper home for himself.
Ancel knew the Regent preferred his pets blue-eyed and younger, but he was the best, so he wasn’t too worried that he couldn’t turn the highest head. If nothing else, he knew he’d make a lasting impression and land himself a contract either with someone much more suited to his tastes, or better.
After all, the only person looking out for him was himself, so there wouldn’t be any need to improve his circumstances with his current owner. There was no use in sticking his neck out for those who wouldn’t do the same for him.
[Podfic] cigarettes and chocolate milk by treeprince for writevale
Fandoms: Welcome to Night Vale
17 Nov 2019
Cecil can't remember the first time he opened his Third Eye.
But that's fine, it's really fine.
He also can't remember riding a bike for the first time, even though the 14-speed in his apartment suggests that it must have happened at some point, or the first slice of Government-mandated Big Rico's he ever ate, or the lingering sweetness of his first kiss. Memory is like time. Best not to pay it too much mind.
[Podfic] the only bike in night vale by treeprince for writevale
Fandoms: Welcome to Night Vale
15 Nov 2019
Cecil Palmer owns the only bike in Night Vale. That is very scientifically interesting.
Podfic version.
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It's The Smuppet Show, with our very special guest stars, Mr Dirk Strider and Mr Jake English!
Dirk Strider tends to get carried away with his projects.
(the movie made from Laurasauras's incredible script)
It's The Smuppet Show, with our very special guest stars, Mr Dirk Strider and Mr Jake English!
Dirk Strider tends to get carried away with his projects.
The script behind Naked Bee's incredible movie, found here.
“Are you going to leave me alone with a stranger? She could be dangerous.”
Damen snorted. “Fine, you proved your point.”
“Have I?” Laurent leaned in as if he was imparting a secret. “There are many ways this could go wrong. She could kill us with a concealed weapon, poison our food, or put a curse on us.”
Damen almost laughed at that.
“What?” Laurent asked, feigning offense. “You did say I have the tendency to find trouble.”
“She seems to want nothing more than to dote on you.”
“That’s strange. People tend to have the opposite reaction upon meeting me.”
“Should I be jealous?” Damen asked, teasing.Or, Damen and Laurent run away from their kingly duties, experience proper domesticity while seeking shelter from a storm, and almost get adopted by an elderly innkeeper.
Bookmarked by treeprince
17 Apr 2021
"I think," Damianos said softly, "that you have not been treated the way you deserve."
For the first time in his life, Laurent did not know what to say back.
They still haven't talked about it, any of it, not even to pass the time on the long train ride to Scotland. Instead, Martin fell asleep in the seat next to him, pressed into his side from shoulder to knee, and Jon thought about love confessions and verb tense and how the two fit together when you think you're dying.
or: Good cows, mediocre poetry, and other crucial topics of discussion.