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Cards and comfort by HartOfLoneliness
Fandoms: Women's Association Football | Women's Soccer RPF
15 Oct 2023
When Manchester City plays Chelsea, things do not exactly go as planned.
Bookmarked by thorinasw1ft1e
02 Dec 2023
i’m always just about to go and spoil the surprise by orphan_account
Fandoms: Women's Association Football | Women's Soccer RPF
29 Aug 2023
After Lucy leaves City for Barca, she misses Keira. There’s only one way for Keira to fix that.
Bookmarked by thorinasw1ft1e
28 Aug 2023
Being Riley's Friend (capital letters) becomes the main occupation of Ellie's early teenagerhood, and it's way fucking better as a hobby than whatever the other kids have going on. Fucking baseball or whatever, no thank you to the extra running.
Instead, she'll take the moment Riley's eyes crinkle and her head tips back and her smile breaks across her face like the fucking sunrise. Every time.
Bookmarked by thorinasw1ft1e
10 Apr 2023
Little story about Ellie and Riley’s trip to 7-Eleven and how Ellie got her eyebrow scar
Bookmarked by thorinasw1ft1e
30 Mar 2023
James Potter has something Regulus Black wants.
Regulus just doesn't know when it stopped being a Deathly Hallow and it started being James' love.
Bookmarked by thorinasw1ft1e
05 Oct 2022