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Silver Side by ClaraxBarton for Kangofu_CB, there_must_be_a_lock, Noxnthea, luvsanime02
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Avengers (Comics), Winter Soldier (Comics), Hawkeye (Comics), Captain America - All Media Types, Batman - All Media Types
07 Aug 2024
Bucky took a sip of water.
He screwed the cap back on the bottle.
He crushed the bottle between his hands.
He forced himself to set it back down on the table.
“Bucky? Are you going to answer the question?”
He looked up, at the lights and the faces. The cameras and the phones.
“Can you repeat it?” he said.
The reporter sighed but repeated their question.
“Can you tell us what kind of impact this will have on your season?”
Bucky took another sip of water.
“No,” he said after swallowing.
“‘No’?” The reporter repeated incredulously.
Bucky shrugged.
- Part 2 of Translated from Hockey
Bookmarked by strange_apathy
16 Dec 2024
wait for me (i will) by matteblack_cowboyhat
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel, Marvel (Comics)
07 Aug 2024
As Clint’s eyes track from the metal hand and up to the similarly metal arm, his heart drops straight out of his ribcage and into the bottom of his stomach. Because of course, the reliable ole’ Barton luck means that after this absolute shitter of a day, Clint now has to deal with the fact that the Actual And Literal Winter Fucking Soldier is in his house with a gun pointed at his head.
“Aww, HYDRA, no.” he groans.
what happens when you let an international fugitive hide out in your farmhouse
Bookmarked by strange_apathy
15 Dec 2024
Break the Ice by ClaraxBarton for Kangofu_CB
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel (Comics), Hawkeye (Comics), Winter Soldier (Comics), Captain America - All Media Types, Avengers (Comics), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Batman - All Media Types, DCU
16 Aug 2024
SR: Seems like your type of boy
There’s a link, as well as the short message. Bucky clicks on it, because, well… perhaps there should be more boundaries between Steve and Bucky, between an ex-lover and… whatever they are now.
But, when Steve’s message is something like that, how is Bucky not supposed to click the link?
Who else knows his preferences better than the man who he spent five years with?
So Bucky clicks the link, and it takes him to a landing page for what is very clearly pornography.
A camboy.
A very attractive camboy, with blond hair and pale skin, freckles and blue eyes and a mouth curved into what can only be described as a bratty little smirk.
Bookmarked by strange_apathy
15 Dec 2024
‘we take the same elevator every day and due to a misunderstanding I assumed you didn’t speak english and I’ve been talking to my friend about how hot you are for three weeks and apparently my friend has known from the start but you agreed not to tell me bc you both think its hilarious what the fuck’ au
based on this postBookmarked by strange_apathy
08 Dec 2024
Wild Child by pherryt
Fandoms: Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types
15 Sep 2019
The man on the helicarrier doesn't even fight back, says he's the asset's friend, tells him the asset is called Bucky and it's, all of it's too much.
So Bucky runs.
He steals a plane and looks for somewhere safe to hide, but nowhere is safe from all the people that's gotta be after him now. Only his plane is blown off course by weather, crashing on a deserted island and leaving him stranded with what Bucky dazedly thinks is a forest spirit.
Who else could it be?
- Part 9 of Bucky Barnes Bingo
- Part 4 of Mandatory Fun Day Prompts (Winterhawk)
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 10,487
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Collections:
- 2
- Comments:
- 55
- Kudos:
- 286
- Bookmarks:
- 25
- Hits:
- 2,204
Bookmarked by strange_apathy
07 Dec 2024