Recent works
and the day is not purer than the bottom of our thoughts by spinariosthorn
Fandoms: Бесы - Фёдор Достоевский | Demons - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
02 Dec 2023
there are only wind and moonlight, piercing the shutters, making everything touchingly secretive and heightening the feeling. there is only this melancholic air, gentle, dull and sweet air.
"But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth." Revelation 3:16
похорони мёртвых в своей утробе by spinariosthorn
Fandoms: Rusty Lake | Cube Escape (Video Games)
25 Sep 2023
I've always said to myself that reason was the sail and feelings were the anchor. Well, if feelings really are the anchor, I choose to drown again and again.
I know nothing can be changed, but let me tell you, you were my ideal, my soul, my creator, and everything I needed. I loved you very much. I still love you. But now it definitely doesn't matter.
It was comfortable being with Senku. Safe.
And Gen allowed himself to weaken his protection. Just a little. Just a little bit.
- You know, Senku, I would help you even without the Coke.