Hi! I'm spacebuck on Tumblr and @spacebck on twitter, @ me if you rec me as I'd love to see it!!
This is a blanket statement that for 99% works I am 100% open to art, podfics, translations, etc* -just flick me a message on one of the above channels! The only work I'm not open to (further) art on is Kataigida, as it was an RBB fic and the premise does belong to the original artist. Other derivatives (podfic/translations/etc) for this work are fine to ask about!
*this does not include reposts anywhere, with or without credit, ESPECIALLY not for monetary gain. This also does not include derivative "continuation" fics. However, if you're wanting to borrow major worldbuilding points or set a story in one of my au worlds that isn't based on another piece of media, message me and we can discuss.