
icon by prettypriestess

My pseuds:
I joined on:
My user ID is:


This is the place where I indulge myself and my ridiculous love of tropes and cliches and romance and all things leading to a happy ever after. If you know anything about me, it ought to be that I am physically, emotionally and psychologically incapable of writing sad endings. Ye be warned.

I get asked this a lot, so let me take this opportunity to say: I hereby grant blanket permission for any of my works to be podficced, remixed, have fanart created for them, and translated into any language under the sun. I'd like it if you let me know you were doing it, but other than that: I'm pretty much delighted they merit this kind of attention, so: please have at it. :)

However, please refrain from adding my works to collections, I will never approve the requests as it sometimes hides the work as unrevealed.