
Finding comfort in the horrors™

My pseuds:
rapono, Bad Thyme, Hungry Trashlord, and Jake the Hooker
I joined on:
My user ID is:
I live in:
Hell, Somewhere Over the Rainbow


A reader and writer with a love of fiction, whether it be published or fanfiction. I enjoy a range of stories, from dark and horrific tales, to fluff and redemption. I write because I enjoy crafting and sharing a story (and it's often easier than drawing it). And yeah, I'm a gamer.

You are absolutely allowed to create fanworks (fics, art, etc.) and content based on my works. All I ask is that you send it to me, because I would love to see what my works have inspired you to create.

You however cannot repost my fics onto other sites. I only occasionally crosspost onto my old fanfiction.net account (under the same username). Please ask me for permission before doing translations of my works.

Feel free to bother me at rapono-writes-things on Tumblr. I post updates about progress and related things on there.


Disclaimer: Some of my pseuds are catered to specific themes/topics and sometimes can be unpleasant/uncomfortable to others. Please only look at my main pseud if you would like to avoid this, as that is where I will post most of my works and generally steer away from that type of content.


Currently doing a daily word count challenge to increase my productivity and posting frequency.
(Current daily goal: minimum 50 words a day)


No longer doing this challenge, so updates will be slower.