Recent works
Jason decides early on the he likes his father’s new friend. The guy is actually pretty cool.
Vanilla, Cinnamon, Sandalwood and Coconut by rainbow_suspenders
Fandoms: The Book of Mormon - Parker/Stone/Lopez
03 May 2023
A rickety old building stood awkwardly and not quite in the middle of Kitguli. It was made of slowly rotting wood, cracked mud and clay, and a small amount of rusty metal. The straw roofing had nearly all flaked away. Nobody knew what it once was, or maybe they did and they didn’t want to disclose that information to the very curious duo of Arnold and Kevin.
One of the immediately noticeable things about hospital rooms is how barren and lifeless they are.
Marvin makes it his goal to change this fact for Whizzer.
Marvin really hated dancing. He wasn’t good at it. The worst part was that Whizzer loved dancing.
Cordelia loved dancing too.
Marvin learned to love dancing.
The items in your house have seen you grow and change. They know all of your stories.
Trina wasn’t sure when she got the dinner table. It had been in the kitchen as long as she could remember.
Recent series
- Words:
- 9,755
- Works:
- 2
Recent bookmarks
A Portrait of Kevin Price as a Young Mormon by neverbirds
Fandoms: The Book of Mormon - Parker/Stone/Lopez, The Book of Mormon - Ambiguous Fandom
27 Mar 2017
“Get lost,” says Connor, smiling. “We are nineteen years old, we have our whole lives ahead of us. Screw secure futures. It’s about here and now, right?”
Kevin nods. “Latter Day doesn’t mean afterlife, it means tomorrow.”“Right,” Connor says. He hums to himself, a tune that Kevin doesn’t recognise. “Screw the past, too.”
“Aye aye, Captain,” says Kevin. “Screw the past.”
Or; Arnold is the greatest best friend in the world, Connor is a jerk, and Kevin Price is hot and bothered.Series
- Part 1 of A Portrait of Kevin Price
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 45,121
- Chapters:
- 3/3
- Comments:
- 130
- Kudos:
- 1,155
- Bookmarks:
- 174
- Hits:
- 15,119
Bookmarked by rainbow_suspenders
21 Nov 2023
Shepherds of the Damned by angelwithawand
Fandoms: Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett, Good Omens (TV)
08 Aug 2023
After Aziraphale leaves, Crowley carves out a life of his own.
“On Sundays, he goes to pub trivia night. It doesn’t escape him, the irony of a demon having a place that he attends like clockwork on the Lord’s Day of Rest”
- Part 1 of Let There Be Light
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 17,470
- Chapters:
- 15/15
- Comments:
- 484
- Kudos:
- 2,373
- Bookmarks:
- 413
- Hits:
- 23,709
Bookmarked by rainbow_suspenders
04 Aug 2023
Four times Miles worried about Trucy, and one time Trucy worried about him.